Best Queensland Performance

Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Last night's win was absolutely historic and while we're all prone to get caught up in the emotion, was last night's performance the best Maroons performance of all-time?
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Re: Best Queensland Performances

It's the most dominant Queensland performance hands down I've ever seen, the only one I can recall that was close, was us winning the dead rubber in 2003, which was my first live origin experience. 36-6 from memory, Matt Sing hat trick.
Re: Best Queensland Performances

I'd say so. The scoreline confirms it.
Re: Best Queensland Performances

That was a great evening. Game II had been so demoralising that to get the last laugh in such a fashion was a nice way to sign that series off and gave the Maroons a couple of what-ifs about that first game which remains one of my favourite Origins in history.

Last night's was something special but in terms of stakes and having to perform under pressure, I can think of more significant performances that were arguably better, considering.

For instance, both Queensland wins in 2001 were extremely important. While there was never any serious talks, there was a bit of apathy creeping into the concept after the Blues won 56-16. With so many players coming and going, if Queensland weren't careful and found themselves on the other end of a big scoreline I could definitely see some changes coming to the concept.

In response, Bennett took the helm, made a host of changes not only to the side but the system and Queensland pulled off two of it's most memorable wins. You had a host of no-names star, ala the 1995 series before Langer came back and got a proper farewell after the way he left in 1999.

Then you've got Game II 1989 where the Maroons had to do it without Alfie & Mal for the most part and by the end of the night were down to 12 men. That was a different type of win, but it was something the Queensland public could point to so they could rally behind their players and be proud of them. After a win like that, they deserved it and it became a little more than just a game of football.

I could keep going, I just hope others can touch on some of the other performances I have in mind.
Re: Best Queensland Performances

Easily the best the maroons have ever played imo. Scoreline proves it, but the best thing for me was just how hungry we were ALL game. Our defence was rushing them every single set. Driving them back, forcing errors and silly passes. It was amazing.

Not just the best qld performance of all time, but the best rugby league performance i have ever seen

Agree with pete in that there have been better performances when you take into consideration the context of the series etc, but as a stand alone performance, none come close
Re: Best Queensland Performances

Taking the score aside.

Game 3 1987- for defence. Defended 10-8 for the whole second half. Staring down the gun at three series losses in a row.

Game 2 1989- Very gutsy, down a man. Injuries galore. Wally was awesome in the second half. McIndoe and Wally not talking, Langer a broken leg, Vautin his elbow, Hancock his shoulder, Lindner his leg and Mal his cheek. Just found a way to win.
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Re: Best Queensland Performances

You were asking for best performance, and this was the best performance. There were more important ones, but nothing as thoroughly dominant.
Re: Best Queensland Performances

No need to get hot over it, I was just throwing up some other nominees.

I haven't watched through the game again to make my mind up but one argument that can be made is that the Maroons played against better opposition and had other factors against them.
That was the best most complete ever.

The only other that comes to mind was Game III 2011, Locky's last game.

The first half was near perfect (22-0 but for a couple of late NSW tries).
As far as individual games go, it's without doubt the best I've seen.
Game 2 in 2010 could've gone this way as well, but what made the difference last night, which resulted in this drubbing, was that we kept going at them until the 80th minute, and the fact Cam and Thursto were still debating what to do with the penalty they got after the siren, shows exactly that!

Personally, I wish they had tried to break the point scoring record...
I would put last night on par with Game 2 of 2006 and Game 2 of 2008. QLD ran harder and tackled harder and there was no real weak link in the team. On all those occassions as well we were coming off a tough loss from the previous game, copped a lot of flak in the press and had to deal with the Blues talking themsleves up beforehand.

We seem to make a habit of shutting them up in the best way possible.
In terms of importance, I'd rank Game 3 of 2006 as probably the best. Firstly, no team has won 4 series in a row at that stage. NSW were at 3 coming into 2006. Secondly, due to injuries, we had to use some players we really didn't want to use, like friggin Hannay and Wesser, and even Schifcofske. Finally, there were some incredibly shitty ref decisions that were almost gifting NSW the game. And then there are some of the most memorable moments of all time, like the QLD driving tackle late in the game, the Thurston break/Tate try and finally the Lockyer intercept. And it kickstarted the QLD domination, the greatest period in Origin history.

It was far from a dominant performance, but I'd say it was the most important.
As mentioned, if we are talking most complete, last night is it. At no stage did they take the foot off the accelerator. We had NO bad player. Some amazing tries based on skill and they had one based purely on luck. NSW were rattled and shocked and just we're not allowed in the game. Pure class.
Absolutely. There have been games that were more important, and ones where we were more up against it. But last night NSW were irrelevant. It makes their knee-jerk "wholesale changes" reaction hilarious, because they could have had Captain America in their team and we still would have won.
Re: Best Queensland Performances

Taking the score aside.

Game 3 1987- for defence. Defended 10-8 for the whole second half. Staring down the gun at three series losses in a row.

Game 2 1989- Very gutsy, down a man. Injuries galore. Wally was awesome in the second half. McIndoe and Wally not talking, Langer a broken leg, Vautin his elbow, Hancock his shoulder, Lindner his leg and Mal his cheek. Just found a way to win.

I hadn't heard that before. What's the story behind that?
Easily the best performance ever.

Think about everything leading into this game... we were absolutely dominated in Game 2, those 'too old' comments suddenly had everyone thinking that maybe we were too old, they had the momentum and hungry to go back to back.

For us to win this emphatically in a decider is unparalleled. The 2000 loss was Queensland's lowest point - we lost 3-0 and game three rubbed salt into the wound. We put 50 on a team that had everything going for them in a deciding match. It was clinical.

If we are being perfectly honest, the next 3 guys given immortal status should be Lockyer, Smith and JT.
Easily the most dominant performance by the Maroons but best?

Depending on how you define best, i think we can find performances against superior NSW sides that could defined as better. IMO this is a top three performance but I would have to wait till the immediate high of the win has passed until i call it the best.

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