NEWS Betting adds more entertainment to rugby league’: Inside V’landys’ Vegas plan



NRL Player
Sep 16, 2020
No doubt. Wasn't an issue when I signed up to Ladbrokes though, they sent me a follow up email about a week after I registered telling me I still needed to verify my account.
Well I imagine Ladbrokes is slightly better run than the other one that you mentioned which is likely out of business.
Are you serious? We have already discussed alcohol ads. What are you on?
I don't recall any major comments in this thread condemning alcohol ads etc.

I'm still waiting to see a valid point against gambling on sport. Who is the NRL to say how an adult spends their money.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Well I imagine Ladbrokes is slightly better run than the other one that you mentioned which is likely out of business.

I don't recall any major comments in this thread condemning alcohol ads etc.

I'm still waiting to see a valid point against gambling on sport. Who is the NRL to say how an adult spends their money.

Your take and argument on this is weird man. Are you actually reading the replies, or are you just blinded by your rage for anything attacking gambling?

We have also covered this point about what the NRL can do, and why they can do it. We aren't going to sit here and re-answer questions already answered to you because you didn't like the original comments, or can't read them.


NRL Player
Sep 16, 2020
Your take and argument on this is weird man. Are you actually reading the replies, or are you just blinded by your rage for anything attacking gambling?

We have also covered this point about what the NRL can do, and why they can do it. We aren't going to sit here and re-answer questions already answered to you because you didn't like the original comments, or can't read them.
I've read the replies, they are mostly replying to things I' haven't said.


NRL Player
Sep 16, 2020
Doesn't BooKhaki work for a bookmaker (or did)?
I worked in the gambling industry several years ago and didn't like it, mostly because of the company I worked for. But again, I'm not defending bookies with anything I've said, if you want to discuss issues with bookies my stance could be different. My argument solely comes from PVL saying a truthful statement, and I'm agreeing with him, which has extended to asking where personal responsibility has gone for adults?

Unless PVL has come out and said he needs to align the NRL to bookmakers, and needs their input on how the game moves forward etc, I'd have a big issue with that. But my understanding is he simply said betting makes shit more fun, and I'd wager most people agree with that.


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
I actually tend to agree with you, but then I've been investing in sports for many years now, so maybe my view is influenced by that.

I can see why people who don't gamble would disagree though. If you don't find it enjoyable, I doubt it's going to make "shit more fun". But then if you don't like gambling, don't gamble. If the game can increase it's market with those that do enjoy gambling, then I don't see that as a bad thing.

And yes, I completely agree about personal responsibility. Society seems to be heading the way of pandering to the minority.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
I actually tend to agree with you, but then I've been investing in sports for many years now, so maybe my view is influenced by that.

I can see why people who don't gamble would disagree though. If you don't find it enjoyable, I doubt it's going to make "shit more fun". But then if you don't like gambling, don't gamble. If the game can increase it's market with those that do enjoy gambling, then I don't see that as a bad thing.

And yes, I completely agree about personal responsibility. Society seems to be heading the way of pandering to the minority.
I love gambling. Or should I say, I love winning money. And that is the problem. It's a freaking awesome dopamine rush.


NRL Player
Oct 1, 2008
I love gambling. Or should I say, I love winning money. And that is the problem. It's a freaking awesome dopamine rush.
This is the issue I do have with it all though.

People can't gamble on a bookmaker and win money on sport, well not long term anyway. Bookmakers will just restrict sports betting for that person if they are seen as a long term profitable gambler (or even will be, even if losing in the short term).

If people are willing to accept that they will most likely lose some money long term, but happy to do so for the "enjoyment" of punting and having some wins every now and again, then so be it. I don't see an issue with that.

The industry is certainly very one sided though. It's all geared towards people losing money.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
I guess if you have kids and want to take personal responsibility you better be out there blocking the TV for every single gambling ad at a moments notice you wreckless fuckers.

It's the same thing as Smoking ads back in the day.

Alcohol should be under the same umbrella and there is already restrictions on that regarding Alcohol sponsorship in video games etc something not even gambling has.

Kids are seeing all this shit and it's impossible to hide it without laws on it, even Youtube ads are full of it something I bet many would have their kids watching without their eye on them.

Certain industries can create huge problems for society as a whole unless there is some restrictions, imagine the gambling problems that would arise if full blown Casinos were allowed everywhere, even I would have problems with trying to stay away from that.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
He straight up looks like like something AI would output if you entered "a shifty greasy ****".

Checks out.



State of Origin Rep
Sep 8, 2009
Just sat down to watch some footy build-up, Fox Sports 2 have just wound up a ten minute mini-show which was basically a Sportsbet ad. Nothing but Joel Caine and some other nuffie talking odds and “special” bets.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
So does alcohol. So do many things. It's not the NRL's responsibility to make you not gamble your entire pay. That's what the government is trying to do with all the new responsible gambling requirements on betting companies.

If you think for even half a second these companies give a shit about your livelihood, I suggest you think again.

They only say that shit because they are required to.

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