BHQ Countdown: Most Loved/Least Liked Players Reveal thread



State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
BHQ Loved

38. Kotoni Staggs


Position: Centre
Games: 74
Tries: 31
Highest Vote: 5 (Ozzball)

BHQ Loathed

38. Aaron Whitchurch


Position: Centre
Games: 5
Tries: 1
Highest Vote: 4 (Sproj)
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Ugh, Whitchurch. Never seen a player so hyped up crash so hard in one trial game. It was like watching a special kid trying to nail a bunt.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Yep Whitchurch was so hyped and delivered absolutely nothing. A poor man’s Opacic


International Captain
Senior Staff
Mar 4, 2008
I'll tell you who the **** is.....

He beat me into the u/11 north Brisbane rep side back in 1978.......

It was typical of the anti Redcliffe type bias that was often seen back in those days. All reports from the more objective viewers over the entire 3 games, thought I played rings around him throughout the series.....

From there....he made the u/12 QLD school boys side........the rest as they say,
is history.

**** him...and the horse he rode in on.

Laurence Fishburne Pop GIF by ABC Network


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
I'll tell you who the **** is.....

He beat me into the u/11 north Brisbane rep side back in 1978.......

It was typical of the anti Redcliffe type bias that was often seen back in those days. All reports from the more objective viewers over the entire 3 games, thought I played rings around him throughout the series.....

From there....he made the u/12 QLD school boys side........the rest as they say,
is history.

**** him...and the horse he rode in on.
You should have allocated all your hate points to him for this alone
Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
I'll tell you who the **** is.....

He beat me into the u/11 north Brisbane rep side back in 1978.......

It was typical of the anti Redcliffe type bias that was often seen back in those days. All reports from the more objective viewers over the entire 3 games, thought I played rings around him throughout the series.....

From there....he made the u/12 QLD school boys side........the rest as they say,
is history.

**** him...and the horse he rode in on.
Half expected him to be a ginger after reading this. Would explain a few things.


QCup Player
Mar 10, 2008
I'll tell you who the **** is.....

He beat me into the u/11 north Brisbane rep side back in 1978.......

It was typical of the anti Redcliffe type bias that was often seen back in those days. All reports from the more objective viewers over the entire 3 games, thought I played rings around him throughout the series.....

From there....he made the u/12 QLD school boys side........the rest as they say,
is history.

**** him...and the horse he rode in on.

Bloody hell. And he was 4th on your list? Can't wait to hear what your top 3 did 🙃


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Whitchurch was a backrower, not a winger or center even though he did spend some time there. He's such a good bloke as well, i think the pressure just got to him when he started breaking through. He had a lot of expectation from certain areas outside of the Broncos that he just didnt handle.

My biggest memory of him though was actually from a training session. He hits like a truck when he tackles and i remember him hitting Staggs with one of the biggest shots i've ever seem. Absolutely destroyed him.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Whitchurch looked like he had a long career ahead of him in 2012, only to suffer a debilitating back injury that plagued him for the rest of his career. I'm not sure if he suffered it before or during that awful grand final performance either, but I remember that along with Caleb Timu and Corey Oates that the decision to let Te'o walk to Souths made sense.

Like Copley, I believe he made some divisive comments on social media that put fans off-side. Apologies if I have the wrong guy but I believe they were tied to some religious view.

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