Are you sure about that?
Milford was recruited after Prince was told he would play the next season in QLD Cup if he chose to stay and after Wallace was told he would no longer be required beyond 2013.
There was a plan of moving Milford to halfback, but putting him in the halves with Hunt was in the picture.
Yes, I am absolutely sure about that.
And of course Hunt was in the picture, like anyone else remotely suited for the halves.
But I'm not butthurt or filthy, and I have no reason to be. Bennett and Boyd coming here have most certainly been a success. We haven't won a premiership but we were fucking close, and none of what's happened since has been the fault of Bennett or his decision-making. Like I said to
@Nashy, shit happens.
The bolded bit is what's laughable. What you're saying though is "well well well". You're saying that the Broncos should have kept Hoffman because with Boyd doing an achilles, he could actually be really useful. What I mean by that is you're taking two unrelated scenarios and twisting them together to make yourself look like some kind of visionary. But in reality, those two scenarios are unrelated. Choosing Hunt over Taylor is completely unrelated to Hunt leaving. Claiming to have foreseen Hunt's "shortcomings" and advocating for keeping Taylor is missing the point completely. In reality, Hunt could have been Thurston and the situation would play out exactly the same. We could have chosen Thurston over Taylor, and it would have been the right choice at the time. Just because "Thurston" chose to leave for a payday doesn't change that fact. It doesn't prove that keeping Taylor was the smart choice, unless of course you're claiming your "vision" was based on the fact you foresaw Hunt leaving for better money.
Seriously? You're totally twisting what I've said about the topic, blatantly lying, and then trying to turn it on me. Have you been possessed, because I swear I've seen that before, although not from you.
Keep up the good work mate, if that's what you're aspiring to be. I'm almost taking you seriously... except I'm really not, because I actually believed you to be truthful, and this is bitterly disappointing, albeit less and less surprising. Bennett is just like religion to you, so you'll go to the same extremes to push your agenda.
I've NEVER criticised Bennett for allowing Taylor to look elsewhere
in 2016 given the circumstances. I am talking about our discussions
in 2014 and what Boyd's recruitment would mean for all the youngsters we had coming through at the time.
Two spine positions would be taken, one of which by a player we definitely did not need (unless it was someone of Thurston or Smith's calibre), leaving 4 very talented players to fight it out for the remaining spot.
This would naturally drive a few of them away, and would hurt the Broncos future, especially if that was
the only true halfback we had in Taylor, as all the others were Fullbacks or Five-Eights.
I didn't want Hunt to leave at all, or for Taylor to be chosen ahead of him. I advocated for both in the halves with Milford as the custodian, as I believed it would serve the Broncos much better than bringing Bennett's illegitimate son back.
Guess what... it actually happened exactly as I predicted, but hey, we came really close in 2015, so that gives you the perfect excuse to deny the obvious. Besides, Bennett and Boyd have been really successful (cough...), so there's no way things could've been better.
In fact, I'm sure we would not be better off (especially towards the future) with this spine, right?
1- Milford
6- Kodi (assuming Hunt would have still left for the millions)
7- Taylor
9- Macca