Broncoman's State of Origin thread of hope and despair

Like when Thiaday runs in as a 3rd man swinging in from behind or when Justin Hodges picks fights with other players and gets away with it, or when JT and Sam complain to referees in almost every club game and they get away with it with no uproar in QLD.
You're really comparing any of that to what Gallen did? Thaiday has never thrown a punch when hes been 3rd man in to a fight, Hodges has never thrown any dog shots like what Gallen did on Wednesday night and idk what you're even on about with JT and Sam complaining to the refs.
Not comparing It just saying i've seen some QLD players do some dodgy things.
BM, stop trying to defend what has no defence.
You can be proud of your state, but you'll have to live with the fact that your captain is scum and a grubby cat.
Like when Thiaday runs in as a 3rd man swinging in from behind or when Justin Hodges picks fights with other players and gets away with it, or when JT and Sam complain to referees in almost every club game and they get away with it with no uproar in QLD.

and you call yourself a Bronco fan ..:001_rolleyes: (actually... you call yourself Broncoman, but you know what I mean)

The first thing you do when trying to defend or justify your scummy states team, is start dragging Brisbane players down!

WTF Bman .....??

How dare you try and compare the dirtiest player of the last decade to one of Brisbane's finest!

If I was an admin here .....I'd suspend your posting rights for a month.

All in favour of this amendment say Queenslander. :001_tt2:

The Thaiday running third man in is such a myth these days. There was a time where Sam would unnecessarily barrel into fights and escalate them for no reason but those days died around 2010. Since then he's more or less a peace maker...or somebody who laughs at halfbacks for throwing a few.

How about Gallen trying to take on Tate in Game 3 last year? Fell right on his arse he did!
If the QLD team are half as riled up about Gallen as BroncosHQ is, we are in for a hell of a show in game 2.
Will be interesting but the players from both sides don't seem to care about it that much it's really been the QLD fans and media. QLD will play a lot stronger in game 2 and NSW have room for improvement should be a fantastic game.
The Thaiday running third man in is such a myth these days. There was a time where Sam would unnecessarily barrel into fights and escalate them for no reason but those days died around 2010. Since then he's more or less a peace maker...or somebody who laughs at halfbacks for throwing a few.
Honestly, Pearce is worse than Thaiday now. He's always running into fights late and pushing people and throwing punches.
Pretty sure Pearce threw some punches and stopped when he realised Myles had a hold of him
Will be interesting but the players from both sides don't seem to care about it that much it's really been the QLD fans and media.

The QLD players aren't going to come out & say their true feelings to the media etc.

The NSW players think there was nothing in the tackle.
Pfft let em believe their own hype and wait for the bubble to burst
Quote from Gorden Tallis in the build-up to the 3rd game of the 2000 series.

" We don't need to play game three because they've already won the series, why do we play it"
My point is that a proud and passionate Queensland player wanted to call a game off and no Blues player has ever said that. Gordie said it because he was frusrated that he was behind 2-0. If found the quote out of the "Hereos of Origin" magazine from last year, it's a great read.
Tallis is a very passionate QLDer, but he's really kinda dumb. Like NSW level dumb.
I think I might be in NSW for the 3rd game, won't be in Sydney though I'll be in Armidale.