Broncos - 2015 Discussion



NRL Player
Jan 23, 2014
Do we have to play a utility? I would much prefer playing Oates instead of someone like Waddel or Parcell ect.
Painin the Haas

Painin the Haas

NRL Player
Nov 10, 2013
According to the Boyd article talking about Kahu, Kahu himself has been doing a lot of the sweeping plays, which would imply that there won't be any swapping around positions.

Ofcourse they'd train like that, hodges has every chance to go down injured plus Kahu might be brilliant in attack but if he is average and we are under the pump they'll swap and it ain't a bad swap
Painin the Haas

Painin the Haas

NRL Player
Nov 10, 2013
Do we have to play a utility? I would much prefer playing Oates instead of someone like Waddel or Parcell ect.

Agreed, all for Oates been on the bench and Glenn going to hooker in the worse case scenario that Macca goes down injured


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Kahu's skill is very underrated. Having played too little NRL due to his injuries doesn't help of course...
This, he was regarded by many to be the best fullback in his age group and injuries have really hindered his progress, if Kahu can get through the trial period unscathed he will gain confidence and given time I think will prove to be the right choice in Boyd's absence.


QCup Player
Aug 24, 2012
Kahu's skill is very underrated. Having played too little NRL due to his injuries doesn't help of course...

Underrated by who? He gets plenty of praise on here and the media have always mentioned his talent.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Underrated by who? He gets plenty of praise on here and the media have always mentioned his talent.
Other than myself, Splinter and GCBronco, I don't see that many people praising him here. Of course, mostly because most haven't seen enough of him, which in itself is fair enough.

If Kahu performs to his potential, Boyd might find himself on the wing when he returns.


NYC Player
Apr 3, 2013
I'm one of the people still unsure about Kahu, he plays a few mediocre games, then just as he starts to impress..injured. Would love to be a Kahu fan and hopefully he stays healthy enough for it to happen this year.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Hey [MENTION=2221]Porthoz[/MENTION] I too am a big Kahu fan!

If anyone deserves success in the NRL, it's this young kid. You hear about all these dickheads throwing away their opportunity at success, or getting chance after chance after chance - this fella has to fight tooth and nail just to get a start. He's had some utterly horrible luck.

Although I haven't seen a lot of him at the top level (due to his injuries), he's always looked to me like he has 'something'. Really hope this year is the one for him.
Danoz Direct

Danoz Direct

NRL Captain
Oct 12, 2013
[h=1]Auckalnd Nines 2015: New Bronco Anthony Milford ready for take off[/h]

  • JANUARY 30, 2015 11:00PM


[h=3]The NRL 9's is a risk worth taking[/h]



Anthony Milford of the Brisbane Broncos during a fan day in Auckland.

IT HAS been 20 months, dozens of meetings, hours of negotiations and too much controversy for his liking, but Anthony Milford finally plays for the Broncos on Saturday.
Better yet, Broncos fans will witness Milford version 2.0 in Saturday’s Auckland Nines as the noticeably stronger star revealed he had stacked on muscle under Wayne Bennett.“Home is home,’’ Milford said in Auckland.“It will mean a lot to me and my family to finally get to wear the jersey of the team I grew up supporting.’’Growing up in Inala, bamboozling rival kids in games of street touch, Milford was Broncos-mad.While he did no't have posters on his wall, he had something better.HOW YOUR TEAM CAN WIN THE NINESDRAW FOR THE AUCKLAND NINES

Anthony Milford at Brisbane Broncos training. Pic Darren England.

“When I went to the Ekka, the one thing I wanted every year was a Broncos showbag and thankfully, my mum would get it for me,’’ he said.Apart from Shaun Johnson, Milford was the most popular player in Auckland during yesterday’s Nines fan day.As he was followed by a forest of selfie sticks, it was easy to forget the supreme athlete has only played 42 NRL games.He is the Broncos first true star since Darren Lockyer retired and will be wearing his No.6 jersey.His path to Brisbane has been tumultuous.

[h=3]NRL stars pumped ahead of Auckland Nines[/h]


Aged 12, Milford wanted to be a Bronco but they signed his new teammate Kodi Nikorima instead.Canberra development officer Brian Edwards, now with the Broncos, then signed Milford to the Raiders, who knew they had a star on their hands but were not aware how badly he wanted to stay in Brisbane.In 2012, his first full year at the club, Milford considered packing his bags and returning to Brisbane regardless of what his contract said. He was talked out of it but the homesickness lingered.The following year he privately hoped to be released to return home to his family and the Broncos were so confident of signing him for the 2014 season they did not recruit a true five-eighth and were eventually caught short.

Kevin Walters and Anthony Milford at Brisbane Broncos training. Pic Darren England.

Now aged 20, Milford is finally wearing the maroon and gold he dreamed of as a kid rummaging through a Broncos showbag.“I am loving it at the Broncos,’’ he said.“The support I am getting from the club, the fans and my family has meant a lot.“My family are everything. When I came back it felt like home straight away.’’Milford played five-eighth throughout the second half of last season and will partner Ben Hunt this season, playing on the left while Hunt attacks the right.

[h=3]NRL Supercoach 2015[/h]


Now in his third pre-season, Milford's body has matured from a slender 80kg three years ago to 92kg.“I am trying to be a better defender. I am playing five-eighth and I am doing what I can to get in better shape,’’ he said.“I am in the front line of defence now and I know the opposition is going to send a lot of traffic at me.“I have put on a few kilos (of muscle) so far. The strength and conditioners at the Broncos are second to none.’’


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
I'm just staying cautious with Kahu, only because I've been burnt by players like Beale. IIRC he was in a similar group to Kahu, maybe a year ahead, and had been talked up as the next big thing, in the Broncos system since he was 14 or so, guaranteed future rep star and all the talent scouts say so. Blah blah blah. In fact, Beale was talked up far more than Kahu I think.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Sounds more like a gradual increase rather then just one over the preseason combined with some gradual increase of weight over a 3 year period, I don't think it's the weight gain 4000 deal Barba deal.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
I'm just staying cautious with Kahu, only because I've been burnt by players like Beale. IIRC he was in a similar group to Kahu, maybe a year ahead, and had been talked up as the next big thing, in the Broncos system since he was 14 or so, guaranteed future rep star and all the talent scouts say so. Blah blah blah. In fact, Beale was talked up far more than Kahu I think.
I saw Kahu play, and my assessment is based on that, not on what "people say" or whom they talk up. Beale was a good player as a youngster, but imo, not even close to Kahu by any perspective.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I saw Kahu play, and my assessment is based on that, not on what "people say" or whom they talk up. Beale was a good player as a youngster, but imo, not even close to Kahu by any perspective.

Yeah I never really remember Beale being talked up as the next anything, a good player coming through the ranks but nothing special, in otherwords a solid first grader. I watched Kahu play for Keebra Park when he captained their side to their win of the 2009 Arrive Alive Cup and it was pretty clear he was not just your typical player, injuries have been his biggest hurdle and that will largely determine how far he can go this season.
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International Rep
May 21, 2013
So according to that article, Milford is now 3kg's heavier than Barba..


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