Broncos - 2015 Discussion



International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Look this whole kahu debate is a bit silly really. Both the 'I saw kahu at keebra park or the u20s so I know he is going to be great' and the 'I'll wait and see with kahu because I have been burnt before' camps have just as much chance of being right.

Kahu was a talent in the u20s no doubt and full of potential, and there is every chance he will see that potential through if he gets a run of luck.

But let's face it, years and years with very little game time and more leg injuries than most have their whole career, gives people every right to be cautious in their optimism


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Look this whole kahu debate is a bit silly really. Both the 'I saw kahu at keebra park or the u20s so I know he is going to be great' and the 'I'll wait and see with kahu because I have been burnt before' camps have just as much chance of being right.

Kahu was a talent in the u20s no doubt and full of potential, and there is every chance he will see that potential through if he gets a run of luck.

But let's face it, years and years with very little game time and more leg injuries than most have their whole career, gives people every right to be cautious in their optimism

Don't take it the the wrong way Broncos4life, I understand the concerns from the perspective of injuries, I myself have my own concerns in that regard, I don't agree however comparing him to Beale is a fair assessment. Regardless there's no certainties anyway, but I regard Kahu our best option at present.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
If memory serves, there was a lot of media hype surrounding Beale in 2008. He was training with the top squad and was in the mix for the vacant wing spot that ultimately went to Reece Robinson. The hype was further amplified when he was our best player in the Broncos first ever NYC game that also happened to be televised so he was receiving a bit of acclaim around the web. Members weren't signing up with his last name just because they happened to like it, the kid had wraps.

Then the fans turned on him in 2010 after he had a few stinkers in first grade.

In 2009, reports emerged that Kahu was looking to turn his back on the Tigers and sign with Brisbane. All that was really known was that he played for Keebra Park State High School and won the Peter Sterling medal so there was some hype about him but not much. He was expected to play fullback in our NYC side, but generally played centre behind Dane Gagai and Todd Murphy who were our fullbacks. I don't think he really blew anyone away really, it was just like this kid had something special about him and he scored this really dramatic last ditch try against the Raiders in R26 which was a cool way to end that year.

2011 barely happens. He got torn a new one but Mosese Pangai at Suncorp and then did his ACL against the Raiders in Round 2.

2012 he didn't even make it past the trials.

Skipping ahead and I think he copped some backlash because people were trying to use his injury to defend Hook and how unlucky he was. Fans were just arguing that even if Kahu came through, we'd still be struggling since Kahu hadn't shown anything to suggest he'd be the five eighth we needed to win those tight games. If I remember correctly, the same principal applied to the fullback position.

I just hope he turns out to be as handy as Beale was at fullback.
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International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Having had a family relative on my brother in law's side playing in the same side Kahu and seeing him in action in a regular basis he was regarded at Keebra Park by his peers, commentators(do a quick scan on youtube for highlights of Keebra Park games that were televised from 2009 and you will hear the commentators often comment on Kahu as being a real talent and on his way to the NRL) and club scouts as being the most likely to be playing in the NRL within a two year period and the best prospect in his age group both at the club and one of the best in the competition.

Skipping ahead and I think he copped some backlash because people were trying to use his injury to defend Hook and how unlucky he was. Fans were just arguing that even if Kahu came through, we'd still be struggling since Kahu hadn't shown anything to suggest he'd be the five eighth we needed to win those tight games. If I remember correctly, the same principal applied to the fullback position.

There were fans who also dismissed Hunt's as a future playmaker at club because with the limited time frame in the halves he received he didn't set the world on fire and when he did it was infrequently and not back to back. Kahu was first choice for 5/8th last season and there's a good reason, he was a far better playmaker option then Hoffman was and the only thing that hampered his opportunities have been injuries, it's unrealistic to expect him to come out all guns blazing immediately returning from them when you have had 3 season's of them and disrupted preseasons. I doubt very much the side of 2014 would have lost anything by having Kahu there, infact I would say we would have fared better then having Hoffman there and probably won some of the tighter ones given Hunt carried both Barba and Hoffman for most of the season.

As I said I rate him and think his at present our best choice for fullback, but it's going to be the injury factor that determines how far his capable of going and even then, there is no certainty he will reach his potential, with any player there never is. How about this, lets just keep our expectations grounded for the moment and give him the opportunity.
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International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Don't take it the the wrong way Broncos4life, I understand the concerns from the perspective of injuries, I myself have my own concerns in that regard, I don't agree however comparing him to Beale is a fair assessment. Regardless there's no certainties anyway, but I regard Kahu our best option at present.

I regard him as our best option at present too and I never mentioned Beale... Morkel and I are not the same person...

I was simply saying I can't understand the outrage from either opinion as both are a distinct possibility


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
When Bennett bulked up Soward it didn't affect him, infact, it probably made him more explosive in his acceleration because it was done properly.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I regard him as our best option at present too and I never mentioned Beale... Morkel and I are not the same person...

I was simply saying I can't understand the outrage from either opinion as both are a distinct possibility

No problem mate, sorry if you thought I was implying that you and Morkel share the same thoughts in this instance.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Parcell seems like a much better option for the 9 than McC. He almost plays like Segeyaro. Also Eden has really put his hand up for fullback I think


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
McCullough is still the leading 9 in our side by a long shot. Parcell looks good on nine a side but lets see him go in the real NRL when its 13 v 13
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
McCullough is still the leading 9 in our side by a long shot. Parcell looks good on nine a side but lets see him go in the real NRL when its 13 v 13

Yes, lets. I hope Bennett gives him game time in the trials


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
Yes, lets. I hope Bennett gives him game time in the trials

he will no doubt get a run in the trials but McCullough is well ahead of him in the pecking order. Parcell should focus on nailing down a bench spot first against waddell


NYC Player
Aug 27, 2013
I think K Nikorima played better then Milford. He at least tried to make a impact on the game Milford did f### all. Eden looked okay same to Parcell. I know everyone is sayin Kahu for fullback but I want Kodi to get a shot and Eden outside Hodges.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
I think K Nikorima played better then Milford. He at least tried to make a impact on the game Milford did f### all. Eden looked okay same to Parcell. I know everyone is sayin Kahu for fullback but I want Kodi to get a shot and Eden outside Hodges.

Nikorima ruined any chances of scoring all day.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
Kahu should be fullback IMO. And even if you were to shaft him in favour of someone from our shitty 9's side, Eden looked far better than Kodi. The younger brothers are always more the more talented. Ergo, Harlem Nikorima should be the next Lockyer!


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
He was the only one having a go in attack rah options not always the best but he tried !

He stepped inside and ran himself every time! That's not how you win games.

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