Broncos pair cautioned by police

I don't think the club's been bought into disrepute. Seriously, the toilet-gate thing did, this is a media beat up that hasn't done anything.

It's all you freakin super-high and mighty's that are more upset about it than anyone else.
I think you should do some research on when and where the term 'High and Mighty' should be used. This isn't it.

However, I'll string along with the term. If I'm high and mighty for not wanting the players of the club I support going out and doing dumb things, then yes I am.

While pissing on a wall, and slapping a car is hardly worth a look. It was still dumb given their jobs, and the media looking for them.

I can forgive Kenny, that's fine. But Michaels who is said to have been blind I cannot. He has just proven that the players have no regard for the image of the club or the game.

Every week there are players in the papers for having a bender. They need to learn to stop it. Michaels is clearly as dumb as it gets.

What if instead of slapping a car, he'd kicked it, and caused damage. Does it then become a problem? Or does it take him bashing the shit out of some fella, or being accused of sexual assult before the supporters who don't give two shits about their team's image, to look up and say "Shit, this is a big deal".
Or the other scenario someone else has already pointed out - what if he stuck his foot out and got it run over...well, some would go "woohoo, he's out for the season", but we'd be bagging the guy and the club for letting them go out and get shit faced.
Nashy said:
I think you should do some research on when and where the term 'High and Mighty' should be used. This isn't it.

However, I'll string along with the term. If I'm high and mighty for not wanting the players of the club I support going out and doing dumb things, then yes I am.

While pissing on a wall, and slapping a car is hardly worth a look. It was still dumb given their jobs, and the media looking for them.

I can forgive Kenny, that's fine. But Michaels who is said to have been blind I cannot. He has just proven that the players have no regard for the image of the club or the game.

Every week there are players in the papers for having a bender. They need to learn to stop it. Michaels is clearly as dumb as it gets.

What if instead of slapping a car, he'd kicked it, and caused damage. Does it then become a problem? Or does it take him bashing the shit out of some fella, or being accused of sexual assult before the supporters who don't give two shits about their team's image, to look up and say "Shit, this is a big deal".

:shock: Are you serious? That's like saying, So what if when a bloke walks down the road and looks at a chick he might think "she looks hot" and then he might decide to kiss her, and then he might decide to rape her... so now we need to have law that makes it wrong to walk down the road, just in case he got into serious trouble?

Look at the facts: They were given the weekend off. They were in a small country town that isn't Brisbane and not even in Queensland - presumably away from the prying eyes of the media. They had a few drinks/got blind. Slapped a car that may have been in the way. Took a leak against a wall. Silly? Yes - damaging the club and their reputations? No.

They Did Not bring the club into disrepute. This. is. a. media. beat. up. When it is a big deal (like the toilet incident/like the greg bird incident/ like the stewart incident) then it should be discussed and talked about by the powers that be and appropriate action taken.
Small country town? They were in Byron Bay! Why wouldn't their be media there, it's one of the most popular destinations in Australia!

It doesn't matter that nothing further happened. They were drunk in public. They are Brisbane Broncos NRL players.

This alone is enough to get them in the papers. EVERYONE knows this. So why would they do it?
Nashy said:
It doesn't matter that nothing further happened. They were drunk in public. They are Brisbane Broncos NRL players.

Bingo. Just like Brett Seymour, drunk in public and some goose took some video of him. Made him and his club look bad, and he copped a 2 week suspension.

Ok, boo hoo, they can't get drunk in public anymore, but seriously, it's not that big a deal, surely? Just booze up at home FFS.
Also it doesn't matter if the media are blowing a minor incident out of proportion - the players know they are going to do it given even 1/1000th of chance to; so why give them any fodder at all?

I am not defending the media and agree it has been a bit of a beat up, but seriously the best way to stop media blowing thing out of proportion is not to give them even the slightest hint of potential ammunition.

And FTR - it has damaged the club's reputation again. I have had a number of people saying again this week "bloody broncos - wankers the lot of them" when they saw/heard about the incident, so again the whole club goes down another notch in the eyes of sections of the community.

Anyway, I am getting sick of repeating myself, so it's my last comment in this thread.
Flutterby said:
Anyway, I am getting sick of repeating myself, so it's my last comment in this thread.

Yeah, sure broncospwn......
Nashy said:
I would assume based on previous interviews and problems the club and the NRL have had, that bringing the club into disrepute, which has been done, is in there.

So you really have no idea? You're just speculating. Just like everyone else on here?
bob the Smasher said:
If the players were better drilled this sort of stuff wouldn't happen.

By better drilled, you mean could handle their piss don't you?
Nah, I think he means better nailed...then they won't be tempted by skanks who drag them into toilets.
mrs long is correct..high and mightys expecting standards of players they themselves could never attain....makes me sick the judgmental twits that infest this forum. I'll type it one more time...the ability to play football does not have the concomitant effect of perfection in behavior.

The Broncos brand is untarnished and many incidents have come and gone....fewer than most other clubs but we've had some yet our club is one we fans are proud of. Most grownups ( and they're few around this forum) know that these petty events have no real lasting other words we adults tend to forgive the indiscretions of youth...we usually consider the unusual circumstances in which these lads find themselves in and move on...we don't ( because we have the wisdom and maturity greater age usually bestows) judge them by ridiculously high standards.

We adults tend to judge them as we would our own children...somewhat indulgently but ultimately by the standards we ourselves would like to be judged by when we were as young as them.
Go on..attack me ...just like every dissenting voice on this forum is attacked. Just remember this though...they don't put empty headed, poorly educated inexperienced kids on judging panels...they employ people of my vintage...because we're smarter and wiser...lolololol
Huge mate, just about everyone here would agree that they were just about nothing incidents. But once again, for the 110th time in this thread, that's not the point.

There's nothing "high and mighty" about it, at least that's how I see it.

I couldn't be bothered getting too involved in this debate any more, but Nashy summed it up in a sentence:

"While pissing on a wall, and slapping a car is hardly worth a look. It was still dumb given their jobs, and the media looking for them".
while i stil stand by what i said earlier, the point that nashy and coxy are making is valid... was a nothing incident, that makes an easy media beat up
YES...young blokes will get on the piss and do stupid shit or just act like a normal 22 or 26 year old!
But every rugby league player knows before they have a drink that everything they do out in public will be scruitinised....and if it has any negative connotations at all it will be put under a microscope and be blown way out of proportion by the media.... which will reflect badly on the nrl and their club
Exactomundo. I don't "judge" these guys (not Kenny and Michaels for this in particular), but I do seriously question whether they even have a brain stem to risk going out getting drunk in this current climate.