A typical conversation at Fourex's workplace:
- Person 1: Hey Fourex, good morning. How ya doing mate?
- Fourex: It's fucking cold out there, and it's not gonna get better with Wallace in the halves I tell ya!
- Person 1: ...:huh:
- Person 2: Gee Fourex, the Aussies seem to to be allergic to gold at the Olympics.
- Fourex: With fucking Wallace at half-back, what did you expect?
- Person 2: ...:glare:
- Person 3: Mate, Campbell Newman isn't kidding with his budget cuts, even breast cancer prevention is gonna suffer with it...
- Fourex: Wallace is like a fucking tumor, I wish he'd cut him out!
- Person 3: ...:scared:
- Person 4: The Broncos have gone down the crapper since Origin. You reckon they can recover from the rut?
- Fourex: Not with fucking Wallace in the team! He's a worthless piece of crap, not even worth of playing in the NSW Cup! :ranting:
- Person 4: I asked for it... :blushing: