Mmmm, it's a poor look? Truly, isn't that in the eye of the beholder?
In my opinion, it's nobodies business what they might be doing, what they're thinking of doing, what options they're exploring, what offers they're considering in 2023. Why the **** does anyone think they are entitled to have an opinion on it, it's got nothing to do with them.
It doesn't matter that they're under contract for the next 18 months and how does future planning impact on their professional commitment? What you are essentially implying is that considering offers for a period in the future, (a future period you're not paying for incidentally) somehow means they won't fulfill their current contracts in a professional manner.
This is not about Isaako or TPJ, it's any athlete or worker for that matter. I think, mind you're own damn business and when I'm good and ready I'll tell you my plans. That's how I'd do it and what I'd expect from anyone.