Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2022

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It's you're not your. Like, aren't you trying to say "if YOU ARE going to be narcissistic etc" ?
I mean, are you just a slow learner? You now know the correct word/spelling but are still getting it wrong!!
Oh, nothing hypocritical about it at all, I make mistakes on a regular basis. It says so much about a person when you observe the rage that comes with being corrected and equally the inevitable attack posture assumed. You just can't handle ANY criticism can you? You could avoid it though. That would entail passing year 3 English though.

Remember, when you fire your next salvo it's you're ( you are )
Firstly, that was so obviously intentional as to show I don’t give the slightest **** whether you care about which your/you’re I use.

By the fact you keep using the same year 3 line and that I can’t handle criticism line over and over again just shows how ridiculous and stubborn you truely are. Like seriously I don’t come on here to be pestered about my grammatical error(/s) in a couple hundred word post I spent plenty of time on.

The fact that you feel the need to do so suggests you should probably be looking at something to fill in your (is that Huge approved) time throughout the day. In the future I might privately converse with you and get you to proof-read my work. Why don’t the forum staff create a little feature to go at the bottom along with the like button where you can go through and ‘huge approve it’.

My alternative is to go to the optometrist and tell them “my eye sight is not ‘huge approved’ because well silly me I got caught up in what I was typing and didn’t see my error later.” While I am at it I might refer you to him cause either your optometrist isn’t working or you don’t yet have one otherwise you wouldn’t be so fraudulently referring to yourself as ‘Huge’. Either that or your to scared to take a look down stairs at your seemingly apparent old age. But you don’t seem like the fraudulent type which suggests your (approval ?) eyesight must be troubling you like me these days.

Footnote: Looking forward to seeing what grammatical error you come up with next. Chances are you will find one but don’t think for the slightest second I give a ****.
Firstly, that was so obviously intentional as to show I don’t give the slightest **** whether you care about which your/you’re I use.

By the fact you keep using the same year 3 line and that I can’t handle criticism line over and over again just shows how ridiculous and stubborn you truely are. Like seriously I don’t come on here to be pestered about my grammatical error(/s) in a couple hundred word post I spent plenty of time on.

The fact that you feel the need to do so suggests you should probably be looking at something to fill in your (is that Huge approved) time throughout the day. In the future I might privately converse with you and get you to proof-read my work. Why don’t the forum staff create a little feature to go at the bottom along with the like button where you can go through and ‘huge approve it’.

My alternative is to go to the optometrist and tell them “my eye sight is not ‘huge approved’ because well silly me I got caught up in what I was typing and didn’t see my error later.” While I am at it I might refer you to him cause either your optometrist isn’t working or you don’t yet have one otherwise you wouldn’t be so fraudulently referring to yourself as ‘Huge’. Either that or your to scared to take a look down stairs at your seemingly apparent old age. But you don’t seem like the fraudulent type which suggests your (approval ?) eyesight must be troubling you like me these days.

Footnote: Looking forward to seeing what grammatical error you come up with next. Chances are you will find one but don’t think for the slightest second I give a ****.
That is a lot of words for someone who professes not to care…

This has been such a long, tedious and boring off-season.
If the NRL had any sense at all they'd make a transfer window during the off-season where teams can all make their free agent signings, trades and moves for the upcoming year so that the NRL retains some relevancy and excitement over the summer.

Instead, we have this long, drawn-out process where an enormous number of players are going to run out next year to play for a team that they'll be leaving in under 12 months. I don't care what anyone says, there is no chance that a player is going to give 100% and push themselves and leave everything on the field for a club they're leaving and when they already have an eye on their next destination, a good chunk of them will be treading water waiting to move, and another good chunk of them will end up conveniently finding a way to get out of their contract and join their new club early. You can't even blame the players, its the awful, broken system at fault.

I'm not even going to touch on the desperate need for a draft system to help equalise the competition and provide pathways for young talent - another event which could provide some spectacle over the off-season.

This sport really is run by amateurs.
started at 5pm yesterday was 32c i think as soon as the ovens go on there is no hope of getting it cool.
been a few times ive wanted to power kick someone across the shop because of the heat.
Cold beer 🍺 might help 😅
This has been such a long, tedious and boring off-season.
If the NRL had any sense at all they'd make a transfer window during the off-season where teams can all make their free agent signings, trades and moves for the upcoming year so that the NRL retains some relevancy and excitement over the summer.

Instead, we have this long, drawn-out process where an enormous number of players are going to run out next year to play for a team that they'll be leaving in under 12 months. I don't care what anyone says, there is no chance that a player is going to give 100% and push themselves and leave everything on the field for a club they're leaving and when they already have an eye on their next destination, a good chunk of them will be treading water waiting to move, and another good chunk of them will end up conveniently finding a way to get out of their contract and join their new club early. You can't even blame the players, its the awful, broken system at fault.

I'm not even going to touch on the desperate need for a draft system to help equalise the competition and provide pathways for young talent - another event which could provide some spectacle over the off-season.

This sport really is run by amateurs.
No idea why they don’t run the women’s comp over this period
Came on guyz, gives it a rust ok, dis is ways of topic and no won carez. Serial, dis is nuffin boat playaz roomas, so yous need to stop.

now my head hurts
Watch out motherfuckers!
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