Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2023



Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Seriously, I genuinely worry about him with CTE. He has never really been all that articulate but now he is getting worse.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Everyone loves Oatesy but for all the loyal servant of the club talk, let’s not forget that he openly admits that stopped fully applying himself for a while which lead to him being dropped from first grade and in shit form for a few years. Yeah he’s been great again the last 2 seasons but given he is probably lucky to have not been marched off with the likes of Macca, Milf, TPJ and Lodge a few seasons back and his now good form has been continually hampered by injury, he probably isn’t in a position to pull the loyalty card


QCup Player
Aug 8, 2021
Everyone loves Oatesy but for all the loyal servant of the club talk, let’s not forget that he openly admits that stopped fully applying himself for a while which lead to him being dropped from first grade and in shit form for a few years. Yeah he’s been great again the last 2 seasons but given he is probably lucky to have not been marched off with the likes of Macca, Milf, TPJ and Lodge a few seasons back and his now good form has been continually hampered by injury, he probably isn’t in a position to pull the loyalty card
Couldn't agree more and his body just isn't taking it atm, he isn't keeping up with the modern days game. I love Oates will always be a favourite of mine but it's money better spent in my opinion.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Everyone loves Oatesy but for all the loyal servant of the club talk, let’s not forget that he openly admits that stopped fully applying himself for a while which lead to him being dropped from first grade and in shit form for a few years. Yeah he’s been great again the last 2 seasons but given he is probably lucky to have not been marched off with the likes of Macca, Milf, TPJ and Lodge a few seasons back and his now good form has been continually hampered by injury, he probably isn’t in a position to pull the loyalty card

He never actually said that he wasnt applying himself. He had to have a few operations on injuries, he got that pretty bad staph infection and he said he wasnt looking after himself mentally and physically and it just took its toll on him.

His main injury really this year was that broken jaw, which wasnt something he had much control over. If he keeps getting a lot of niggles next year, it could be a different story, but i dont think its an issue yet. He's played over 40 games in the last 2 years previously so i dont think he is injury prone just yet.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
He never actually said that he wasnt applying himself. He had to have a few operations on injuries, he got that pretty bad staph infection and he said he wasnt looking after himself mentally and physically and it just took its toll on him.

His main injury really this year was that broken jaw, which wasnt something he had much control over. If he keeps getting a lot of niggles next year, it could be a different story, but i dont think it’s an issue yet.
For the record I’m team Oatesy but I’m just playing devils advocate


BRL Player
Aug 1, 2021
How about the paperback option, a permanent loan Kia or a boat like Inglis


QCup Player
Dec 1, 2019
Seriously, I genuinely worry about him with CTE. He has never really been all that articulate but now he is getting worse.
I think that is more to do with his voice being f**ked, he seems to have good and bad days and it definitely affects how articulate he is.


State of Origin Rep
Sep 19, 2012
Newcastle is a top notch city. The club and its tan base would absolutely embrace Oates and he would be well loved. Lach Fitz currently has a gig on local Triple M. He’s heading to England next year and I could easily see Oates taking that role and added $. Something he can also do in Brisbane.
Hopefully we get the deal done. He should be a one club player and see out his career with a premiership.
Unfortunately or fortunately the talent we having coming through is so good and we need to keep the core of them here.
We can’t keep them all and I also fully expect the dogs to go hard at getting at least one of our forwards; Riki, Piakura, Willison or Capes.
Gus loves an ex panther or bronco.
I suppose they are probably out in the sun a lot. Unless it's fake tan, then it might leave a stain on Oatesy.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
You literally talk about him like he is over the hill and on his last legs. He was playing Origin last year, he should have played all 3 games. He was arguably our best player last year, he's nowhere near over the hill. If he didnt get his jaw broken recklessly by Drinkwater he would have been in the team. I wouldnt be writing him off just because he's picked up a couple of injuries. If all our wingers are fit, he's still the best and most reliable winger at the club.

Looked pretty old and slow when he hit the clear in a game early this season .
Said it before , I think Arthars scores more tries given the same opportunities .

And metres blah , blah . Kick the ball another 5 metres on the 5th .


NRL Player
Sep 16, 2020
Looked pretty old and slow when he hit the clear in a game early this season .
Said it before , I think Arthars scores more tries given the same opportunities .

And metres blah , blah . Kick the ball another 5 metres on the 5th .
This surely has to be a joke post, right? Right?


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
This surely has to be a joke post, right? Right?
Why does another person’s opinion bother you so much, it is really weird if I being completely honest.

A few of us think there are now better wingers at the club than Oatesy, it’s not an attack on him it is just our opinion. Given Oates is straight back in it would seem that the club agree with your opinion but why get so fired up over someone not agreeing with you? Bizarre.


NRL Player
Sep 16, 2020
Why does another person’s opinion bother you so much, it is really weird if I being completely honest.

A few of us think there are now better wingers at the club than Oatesy, it’s not an attack on him it is just our opinion. Given Oates is straight back in it would seem that the club agree with your opinion but why get so fired up over someone not agreeing with you? Bizarre.
Because I reply to something, it means it bothers me? Do you understand what posting on the internet is about? How am I fired up in any way?

Suggesting a solution for difference in wingers, is kicking the ball further, is moronic, so I was asking if it was a joke. I guess the funny part is, it wasn't.


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