OFFICIAL Broncos sign Brenko Lee

In a like for like replacement for Xavier Coates, the Broncos have signed Storm and Maroons winger Brenko Lee on a 2 year deal starting in 2022. Lee, who can play wing or centre, has already advised his Storm team mates of his decision. He has not played a game yet this season due to injury.


Coming to the Storm has been a life-changing experience mentally and physically. I nearly gave it away after the Titans told me it was best for us to part ways and go in a different direction. I hold no grudges against anyone. They finished last and some guys had to go.”

“If you told me I would have been in a grand final, I would have asked what you are smoking because I didn’t think it was possible. was close to pulling the pin completely. I nearly gave it away after the Titans told me it was best for us to part ways and go in a different direction. I hold no grudges against anyone. They finished last and some guys had to go.

"Brenko" Lee: now that he has joined the Broncos its more like...Brisbane Lee.
Why are all of you getting picky... we signed one good player and you reckon we are entitled to the best player in every position... Brenko is a cheap option in which he gets the job done... you realise that you have to have those players in your side and quite seriously that’s the difference between us being shithouse and good... we either have a stand out talented gun player or there shithouse... This is a good signing and the quicker you guys realise this the better... like if this is about you all thinking Gagai would sign you really need to re-think where the broncos are currently sitting on the ladder and realise that a centre that’s coming out of the storm and maroons in-form who hasn’t costed us more than 300k is a good signing
Yeah... I agree but you want cheap reliable players not cheap good at something and quite flawed in many other ways players.
Is it really a like for like signing? I don’t really see him as a winger.
You'll be doing well to convince me that any signing we make from another club is for depth
The Storm have just reported DD to the ASX for insider trading.
DD's inside knowledge of Brenko's contract value would've helped with the decision.
Good **** Brenco we don't need him Full stop.
This signing of Lee has got Bennett’s hands all over it. Tough dependable guys who get the job done. The next signing will be bringing son Billy back in the fold. Will he play 14 or will he be allowed the luxury of the coveted number 6. Or are we still in the market for Johnson or DCE?
Did they win a comp and play origin?
Also, Broncos isn't in a key position with a mountain of pressure.
Anderson was part of their title cheating side. People are stretching things a bit with Lee playing Origin. He even got hauled off in that game. And I'm not sure how Origin is relevant to me bringing up storm players because you said he would bring knowledge of their system. Origin isn't the Storm.
Why are all of you getting picky... we signed one good player and you reckon we are entitled to the best player in every position... Brenko is a cheap option in which he gets the job done... you realise that you have to have those players in your side and quite seriously that’s the difference between us being shithouse and good... we either have a stand out talented gun player or there shithouse... This is a good signing and the quicker you guys realise this the better... like if this is about you all thinking Gagai would sign you really need to re-think where the broncos are currently sitting on the ladder and realise that a centre that’s coming out of the storm and maroons in-form who hasn’t costed us more than 300k is a good signing
Totally agree with what you are saying, I just don't think Brenko is the man. I'm all for us signing more solid NRL players though tbh.
This will be his 5th club in 8 years, and you pick out the 1 year in the best defensive system in the whole comp?

What did you think of his defence at the Raiders, Dogs and Titans? You realise tackle efficiency doesn't count the times they are out of position and don't touch them?

I said in my post that he is fine as a squad player, which I hope is what Kevvie thinks also.
Err, I pointed to what is, the now, the current reality. I never mentioned his form in the under 13s either because it's not relevant.
You realise Craig Bellamy counts the times his players are out of position? Once he's tallied up those times he decides whether he wants them in the team or not. He either is a terrible judge or you are.

Here's a quirky statistic. In last years grandfinal Brenko made as many tackles as his fellow centre, and both wingers combined! He made as many tackles as Vunivalu, Olam and Ado Carr combined. Even stranger, he was more effective than those three AND Papenhuyzen. I guess he got lucky, you know, in position to make all those tackles. I know, it could be that Penrith thought his defence in 2015 mattered and figured they'd run at him all the time?
If he’s on 200k, which is a real possibility knowing his story, it’d be an awesome signing. He’d have signed with the storm on rock bottom value. Anything is up from there, plus coming home to qld... There’s plenty of value in that alone.
Wonder why they aren't trying to keep him in Melbourne. He was pretty decent for them last year.
Wonder why they aren't trying to keep him in Melbourne. He was pretty decent for them last year.
Cause they aren’t short in centre’s and cause morally who would stop a player from going to live with his family... you are all aware that his wife and kids reside in Brisbane whilst he is in Melbourne... that’s something to consider
This signing of Lee has got Bennett’s hands all over it. Tough dependable guys who get the job done. The next signing will be bringing son Billy back in the fold. Will he play 14 or will he be allowed the luxury of the coveted number 6. Or are we still in the market for Johnson or DCE?
WB has a son called Billy? Was it the result of one of those 'flings' WB had? Intrigued!! I googled it but couldn't find a photo of young Billy Bennett.
Cause they aren’t short in centre’s and cause morally who would stop a player from going to live with his family... you are all aware that his wife and kids reside in Brisbane whilst he is in Melbourne... that’s something to consider

I just find it odd they released him so easily after he was good for them. I haven't seen anything from him to say he needed to be back in Brisbane for family reasons. Just comes with the Territory of being a footy player. I know plenty of players who didn't want to move but they are away from their kids for example because of where they could get a contract.
Why was he the origin centre? Be honest. I mean NSW are playing two fullbacks at centre.
Cause he had a good season and he was one of the 2 best centres in QLD... no other reason just cause he wouldn’t have made the NSW side doesn’t mean he is shit... in the end he played very well in a winning side did he not


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