Broncos sign Matt Lodge on one-year deal

Meh, I've always been on the leigh matthews side of things, I'd sign a serial killer if it meant we'd win a premiership.

I realize a lot of people take the view their clubs are an extension of their own beliefs, or at least they'd like them to be, but sport is pure entertainment for me - it would be nice if Brisbane took the moral high ground on everything but chances are doing so would leave us struggling to field a competitive team. I'd rather win.
For me the team has to be kind of likeable. But Lodge has done his time and deserves this chance.

If he carves up for us and continues to do all the right things off-field - not getting into trouble, talking to and mentoring kids, regional community visits, study to better himself and all that stuff and we are killing it on the pitch, watch how much more likeable he becomes...
If he carves up for us and continues to do all the right things off-field - not getting into trouble, talking to and mentoring kids, regional community visits, study to better himself and all that stuff and we are killing it on the pitch, watch how much more likeable he becomes...
I agree. I think Bennet offers a player he meets the chance to start anew, provided he commits to a lifestyle that doesn't allow remission. They get one chance to prove their commitment. Roberts was luckier than most but has made every step a winner since.
I hope lodge understands this and am confident it has been drilled in. I think its a fair way to approach these players.
Lodge is a great pick up for us. **** the media and any cry babies. He has done his time and will be paying for his crimes for few years to come. As far as i am concerned he didn't do the the unforgivable such as murder or sexual crimes. He should be allowed to redeem himself without being harassment.
Doesn't mean he doesn't spend any time in jail.. what you think after those charges they let him walk the streets free..
He did spend time in jail but it was a few days not months.

At the end of the day he wasn't sentenced to a custodial sentence. It doesn't lessen his actions but if Packer and Danny Wicks can play for NRL clubs after serving time then Lodge's crime shouldn't be held against him either.
He did spend time in jail but it was a few days not months.

At the end of the day he wasn't sentenced to a custodial sentence. It doesn't lessen his actions but if Packer and Danny Wicks can play for NRL clubs after serving time then Lodge's crime shouldn't be held against him either.
I would love to know Matts side of the story, because it seems like the victim and lawyer used the sport star thing to get that 1million dollars off him. There's always two side to the story.
So he spent a few days in prison while he was being prosecuted.. Pretty standard for that to happen when the person being prosecuted is from another country. They are considered a flight risk.

Big whoop. I ask again, how has he served his time?