Broncos Vrs Eels match thread.



Mar 4, 2008
And the winner of this week's BHQ Unfair Critics Award - Peter Wallace!!!! Peter takes over from Mitchell Dodds this week and this despite him having a solid game organising the troops from halfback in a game where halves were struggling to dominate.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
And the Award for Crap Performance Apologist of the Week award, for the 15th straight week, is Jeba! Congratulations! :P


Mar 16, 2008
audragon said:
I've been meaning to post something, but this thriller in Townsville was keeping me on the edge of my seat... :oops:

I'm really happy with the win, because although we were dominated in ball possession, field position and abominable ref calls, we hung in there, defended superbly and scored surgically.
After the Panthers game where we came close, it was good to get this gritty win against a desperate Eels team.
It’s important to get these wins when we’re not on song!

We definitely lacked forward meters, and Sims was probably the most enterprising, while very unlucky with 2 atrocious referee calls. Hopefully Anderson will be back next week, because Kenny isn’t doing much either in attack or defense, while Dodds puts in a solid defense at least.

Individually, Lockyer, Hoffman, Te’o, Folau, Wallace and Gillett where good, and Winterstein was again ordinary. Maybe it is time for him to go to QCup and give Kempy a go.

Edit: posted accidentaly too early

Yeah I agree and second this post mainly. Thanks for saving me bad typing fingersss.... The eels were quite physical tonight and tho we held on, didn't really have a punchy forward to make a difference. Winterwho, shit catching mate, but overall a tough grind, and the defence was quite good......I'll take it.... Dodds, izzy, Teo were my picks...The kicking duties were shared around well in the first half I thought, and tho the kicks weren't always spot on, at least we had 3 to share it and avoid locky, wallace being targetted all the time. Mccollough at least offers this and solid defence(enough dummy half runs tho!). Ben Hunt offers good spark off the bench, I'd keep it like that...

Oh and best eels player....the stinking refereels (and touchies)..........


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
lol anyone read the article with Anderson saying Hayne was shit? MUHAHAHAHA :D


QCup Player
Aug 3, 2009
Fairly ordinary game but the big plus for me is that earlier in the season we were losing these games even at home so to come away with the 2 points on a cold saturday night at parra is awesome.
Oh and just wanted to say that some of our under 20's look so promising. Gagai is brilliant, Tariq Sims is a monster who plays with a lot of heart and Norman looks a step above.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Wallace can be exceptional. He showed good glimpses of that against Souths. I just can't figure out why his form, particularly in attack is so patchy. Against Penrith, he looked both lost and bored. If he fired as he did v Souths, we would have flogged the Panthers (and the Eels).

Wallace needs, ah, some encouragement to stay at the top of his game or the team just won't beat the top sides. Lockyer can't do it on his own.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
I'm afraid you're completely off in your assessment of Wallace ,Coxy. You're just plain wrong. Wallace is a fine first-grader and is a benefit to the team. Very solid tackler, good organiser and works well with Lockyer.Played okay last night too.

With regard to the refs..............very very poor with the linespeople even worse. It looked deliberate to turn a blind eye to several forward passes and to see forward passes where none existed. The call of obstruction was so bad that such a call has not been made since the days of Australia playing a local match in France during a tour.

I'm in Henscack needs to get down to to NRL headquarters armed with the refs poor calls against us and start asking some hard questions.....I can see it killing us at the end of the season...


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
The best part is that we still won the game last night, despite the latest trend in refs calls against us.

And it's only our poor form last week that prevents me from categorically saying that the Yow Yeh no try made the difference between a loss and a win.
Having said that, when you look at the current Panthers form and ours, and the fact that we have another gear for sure come finals time, we are in with a good chance!

I agree that Henjak should have a firm chat with Finch, just to make sure the refs don't get too comfy in their rulings against us.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
audragon said:
I agree that Henjak should have a firm chat with Finch, just to make sure the refs don't get too comfy in their rulings against us.

Did anything even happen with that terrible no try ruling? I've seen refs dropped for a week for far less.

That being said, I'm impressed with the way the Broncos have handled it (and other bad calls). No whinging, no "poor us", just heads down bums up and get to work. It's similar to the way that Qld dealt with Hayne getting off suspension. I have, in general, been very happy with Henjak's post-loss attitude.


NRL Player
May 14, 2009
Considering Ricky's sook fest after the Cowboy's game, I think the Broncs have shown great character copping consistent and seriously bad decisions against them two weeks running


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Did Ricky go off even though they won ??? I was working my way through my second bottle of port when the game finished.


Mar 4, 2008
Haven't watched the game on TV yet but this is what I gathered from watching it at the ground.

Tough game but our defence was obviously what stood out. Both teams didn't create too much with ball in hand but they had most of the territory for most of the game and they could only get in via a scrappy try from a bomb. If we defend like that, points will come. They have to with the players we have in our side.

Thaiday continues to be epic.

I was very impressed with Mitchell Dodds's tackling. He put in some really good hits. Has a great technique.

Matt Gillett was great once again. He is very hard to tackle, the first bloke that goes to tackle him usually falls off. Another great effort.

All in all it wasn't pretty by any means but the job was done and very confident.


NRL Player
May 14, 2009
Huge. said:
Did Ricky go off even though they won ??? I was working my way through my second bottle of port when the game finished.

Big sook session from Ricky

For Sharks coach Ricky Stuart, it was a case of another 50/50 call against his club and he believed Thurston should never have had the opportunity to steal the win.

"I've got to say something. If these poor buggers in there had of lost the game because of that decision ... it's two referees arguing over whether it's a strip or not,'' he said.

"We never get those 50/50 decisions. It really annoys me.

"These poor buggers, it's happening all the time. That wasn't a strip."


Mar 4, 2008
The Rock said:
Bit harsh on Wallace. He had a few silly things go his way but I thought he was very solid. Kicking game was good and the set up that try for Folau and he even scored his own.

Agreed. But Rocky on BHQ we get 1 player every week who is crap and whose place in the team needs to be seriously looked at. Wallace this week. Who will it be next week? Find out on Friday night at approximately 9:30pm!!!


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Jeba said:
The Rock said:
Bit harsh on Wallace. He had a few silly things go his way but I thought he was very solid. Kicking game was good and the set up that try for Folau and he even scored his own.

Agreed. But Rocky on BHQ we get 1 player every week who is crap and whose place in the team needs to be seriously looked at. Wallace this week. Who will it be next week? Find out on Friday night at approximately 9:30pm!!!

I've had my doubts about Wallace for a month or two now, not because of how he played against the Eels.


Mar 4, 2008
The Rock said:
Coxy said:
What would you or I know, ning?

Pffft. At least Ning doesn't have an agenda. You seem to have an agenda for most of the non-QLD Broncos players or Broncos players that were recruited from other clubs.

Yes, I mean, Peter Wallace = Shane Perry? PUH-LEEEEAAAAASE!!!

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