Broncos Vrs Eels match thread.

Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008

Folau scored in the dying seconds. :P


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Coxy said:
Yes, when we decided to play 7 forwards and a single player at half/five-eighth. That was a good move ;-)

PS: It was 40-6...or something. LOLZ.
You'll use any excuse to bag Wallace! [icon_lol1.

FTR, the only difference between the team that convincingly sent the Dragqueens to an early mad monday and the one that got badly beaten in Melbourne was Wallace.
I have to admit that Tony Carroll at 5/8 wasn't the greatest move by Henjak though... [icon_non

P.S. You are right Big_Pete, Folau scored in the last minute of that game.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Crikey, you guys do realise I said Wallace was brilliant at the end of last season right? And if you take a key player out of the team in the penultimate game, well, you can't expect miracles.

Ask the Storm how they found the 2008 Grand Final without Cam Smith?

My point has been that Wallace's quality contribution to the team has amounted to about 20% of his games for the Broncos. 50% have been average and 30% have been below average or poor.

But as I said to Ghibli at oztag last night, nobody here wants to hear anything critical of any players in the team, whether it be Wallace or McCullough or Hodges or whoever. Everyone's happy to accept their shortcomings until such time as they leave the club...then watch the criticism.


NRL Player
Mar 16, 2008
I don't think it's that people don't want to hear anything critical. It's more so that many realise not every player can play like Hayne did at the back end of last year. Each player has their own shortcomings and I'm more than happy to take the bad with the good. There is nothing wrong with just being a solid first grader.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Coxy said:
But as I said to Ghibli at oztag last night, nobody here wants to hear anything critical of any players in the team, whether it be Wallace or McCullough or Hodges or whoever. Everyone's happy to accept their shortcomings until such time as they leave the club...then watch the criticism.

Thats exactly right. Look at players like stu kelly and myers. Back when they were regular first graders, you couldnt criticise them at all without people jumping down your throat. As soon as they left, it was a jolly good time to bag them out. Just because they wear your team's jumper, doesnt automatically make them awesome or immune to criticism


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Yep. And what I want to see is acknowledgement by way of improvement in the areas of the games of Wallace and McCullough in particular that are glaringly obvious to anyone with an ounce of understanding of football. I can readily accept shortcomings if it's clear the player is working on improving them.

At this point Macca's service from dummyhalf is still too slow (pick it up, have a look where to pass and then give it...too much time for defence to rush up).

Wallace is still too often hesitant who to pass to when he gets the ball - as halfback it's his job (and Macca's to a lesser extent) to make sure players are in the positions they want them to be and running the lines they want. That's not happening consistently enough.

It's nothing that can't be fixed, but unless they actually acknowledge there's a problem they won't be fixing it...and that's what frustrates me sometimes.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Coxy said:
Yep. And what I want to see is acknowledgement by way of improvement in the areas of the games of Wallace and McCullough in particular that are glaringly obvious to anyone with an ounce of understanding of football. I can readily accept shortcomings if it's clear the player is working on improving them.

At this point Macca's service from dummyhalf is still too slow (pick it up, have a look where to pass and then give it...too much time for defence to rush up).

Wallace is still too often hesitant who to pass to when he gets the ball - as halfback it's his job (and Macca's to a lesser extent) to make sure players are in the positions they want them to be and running the lines they want. That's not happening consistently enough.

It's nothing that can't be fixed, but unless they actually acknowledge there's a problem they won't be fixing it...and that's what frustrates me sometimes.

I actually agree with everything you said here Coxy, which is quite different from this:
Coxy said:
Donny said:
Honeslty when has Wallace ever let the Broncos down?? I must of been watching a different Wallace play to some of the people in this forum!!!!!!

Are you serious? I reckon his first season he played well for the first 3 weeks and was shit from then on.

Last season he was shit all year until our run to the finals.

This year he's either been injured or shit, other than the game against Souths where he showed what he's capable of.

He has not delivered on the promise he has.

Note that I don't have any problem with criticism of our players just because they wear a Broncos jersey.
The only time I would bag a player, would be if he isn’t giving everything he can, and I doubt anyone could say that about Wallace.

There are definitely things to improve in his game, but the point I’m trying to make is that while he’s not a Thurston, he’s been a very capable half back for the Broncos.
The fact that we are one of the top scoring teams in the comp despite our youth, is not all because of Locky!

The same applies to Macca, who has the added excuse that’s he’s still establishing himself in a very difficult position.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Coxy...are you saying that it's Wallaces job( and maccas to a lesser extent) to have players running the lines they should be ??.....I reckon that's a bit much to expect...most of the good players are picking their own lines and getting the pass to suit....our problems are not around Wallace and's more a case(especially in the last game) of the forwards not having won the middle ground first, before any fancy spreading of the ball. Many think Wayne Bennetts philosophy is anachronistic yet his team are favourites for the title and are playing with an old style bronco-like methodology.

First win in the forwards then win it with your backs. We did'nt do that last time and during our leanest period this year ,we were not doing it then either. I'd agree however that smart dummy half service is essential but forwards, as we all know but sometimes forget ,win us matches.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Huge. said:
that it's Wallaces job( and maccas to a lesser extent) to have players running the lines they should be ??.....

I'd say it is. The organisers are supposed to tell them what to do, if they do their own thing then no one in the team would know what is happening.


Mar 4, 2008
Alec said:
Huge. said:
that it's Wallaces job( and maccas to a lesser extent) to have players running the lines they should be ??.....

I'd say it is. The organisers are supposed to tell them what to do, if they do their own thing then no one in the team would know what is happening.

Yes. A big part of the halfback's job is to organise his troops. Wallace does it very well, and did it very well on Saturday night, scored a try, and set up the other. Tackled well above his weight.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Well, I disagree . Blokes at dummy half, spinning the ball out to the forwards should'nt have to worry about where the forwards are standing, afterall it's the forwards job to do !!! A halfback standing behind the line might be in a position to tell the gorillas where to go and Wallace and Lockyer do that job admirably. However that is not the problem, it's finding a forward willing to bend the defensive line on a consistent basis.

Wallaces performances have been consistently good all year aside from the natural time it takes to get back to full fitness and timing that can only be obtained from lengthy game time. Wallace was injured late last year and needed time, just like anyone except Superman, to get back into the swing of things. When we lose people should look elsewhere for someone to blame although some posters on here just don't understand sport. It is possible for everyone in your team to have a blinder, including the coach and all his staff and STILL LOSE !!!!


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Huge. said:
Well, I disagree . Blokes at dummy half, spinning the ball out to the forwards should'nt have to worry about where the forwards are standing, afterall it's the forwards job to do !!!

So you don't think the forwards are drilled in a number of variations at the ruck? And thus might need to be told which play is on?


Banned User
Mar 10, 2010
How can you tell what is a set play and what isn't on the field. Maybe Wallace has told them what play is up, but the forwards get carried away. I mean come on, it's hard to distinguish. Anyways, he has some improving to do, I don't think anyone here can say he doesn't. But he has still been good and is not the reason why we are underperforming.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Ahh drilled :)
The well drilled argument returns LOLZ.

I think it's a bit of both, Wallace does have his off games but so does Lockyer and so does everyone else in the team yet he seems to cop it a lot more.


Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
broncospwn said:
I think it's a bit of both, Wallace does have his off games but so does Lockyer and so does everyone else in the team yet he seems to cop it a lot more.

Because he plays a lot more 'off' games than the others.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
ningnangnong said:
broncospwn said:
I think it's a bit of both, Wallace does have his off games but so does Lockyer and so does everyone else in the team yet he seems to cop it a lot more.

Because he plays a lot more 'off' games than the others.

But, but, but...he scored a try and set up the other! He must be orsm!


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Well just in case you missed it we only scored two tries, one which Wallace set up and one which he scored himself yet amazingly he's the one copping it this week even after a win!

What about our outside backs who made Parra's outside backs look like world beaters making 20 and 30m runs at ease, or Yow Yeh and Winter's pathetic dummy half running which most times yielded about a 2 metre gain at most?

Surely we can relax for one week on the Wal, he's a good guy and I'm happy to have him as our halfback, much better than the halfbacks we've had for a fair while now.

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