Renegade said:
Is it wrong to be so dismayed about what's happening with Brisbane atm that I don't even really care that much about the result?
I just wanna see people giving a shit...
It's not wrong at all, I completely agree with you. The last 7-8 weeks has made me question whether I should bother being someone who says, or even thinks, that I support the Broncos. I mean, doesn't the whole point of supporting a team involve cheering for a bunch of blokes that you know want to win, in large part because they've got lots of people who identify with them as a team and want them to have success? I guess I resolve the conflict by saying I support the Broncos jersey, emblem, whatever (then again even they are not what they were in the good times), or rather what all those things have come to mean to so many people either living in Brisbane or who used to and still identify with the team. That's different to saying I support anyone who wants to crap all over that jersey as a lot are doing right now, or that I support useless dimwits who currently run the place, which I don't.