Broncos withdraw their two year offer to Greg Inglis

Souths contract to be submitted in the next 24hrs. Wait till then, then we can see the whole story. Go tongue bunnies website it's on there front page so I have been told.
Coxy said:
Meh. I have had reservations about Inglis for 12 months. The way he went about dogging the Broncos, his fatness indicating his lack of care, his complete non contest in the race.... He's s jerk. I hope Qld never pick him again. Moot point with his condition and injuries. Think his career is on a steep decline.

Agreed, frankly the Souths incident was the final straw in a long questionable saga of events that only confirmed my growing concerns during the timeframe, it started with his attitude towards supposedly joining us prior to the whole legal fees had me concerned about his true intentions, his attitude was basically I'm here for only 2 seasons then I'm heading back to Melbourne, then he drags us through some bullshit legal fee saga where we should have no responsibility to even have to pay it but he wanted us involved and then has the hide to come up with some bullshit excuse to Gee to get out of agreement he made with him.

If I'm bitter then so be it, better then bending over, pretending he didn't do a dog act and previous efforts in SOO makes anything excusible and continue being his bitch you want me, other Bronco and League fans and the Broncos club to be.
Yeah, not to mention his wife beating incident. Don't really care that there was no conviction - if there was nothing in it he wouldn't have been ordered to anger management classes or whatever counselling the magistrate ordered for him.

Then there's the fact he sounds like a retard and is mates with Mundine.
If I was bitter, I would want him to get a golden staph infection after his hip operation. [icon_razz1


OK, I am bitter. [icon_evillaugh
dandan said:
If it was any of you guys who had been offered more money, you all would of jumped ship,

Please don't make assumptions about me and the type of person I am. About 18 mths ago I was in pretty much the same situation. Looking for a job, I had a number of interviews in the same week. I verbally accepted a position one day (but hadn't yet signed any contracts so was not yet 100% committed) - the next I got offered 2 other positions with different companies - both of which were more money (in one case quite significantly more) than the job I had already verbally agreed to. However I chose to honor my verbal commitment and work for the company I had orignally agreed to work for.

A lot of people might consider me stupid or not looking out for myself properly. But then I consider a number of things more important than money in my life - maybe that's just me. [icon_shru

However in regards to Inglis, I have not changed my mind on his quality and value as a player - I still think he has been a truly awesome player and would add value to the team on field. But after the way he has acted, yes I am pissed off at him as a person and would no longer want someone like that at my club as I feel his on-field value would be out-weighed by the off-field negatives.
mrslong said:
Whilst Greg Inglis is undoubtedly a tool of the highest order & he's brought all this on hisself yadayadayada.....

I hate the idea that we're probz gonna lose one of the greatest talents in the game...again.

PS. I forgot to say.


dandan wrote:
Then he turned his back on us and now his a dog, his a scum, his shit, his fat etc etc

That's probably one of the stupidest things I have ever read in my life. Why would we think he's a dog or scum before he committed a dog act? Mate I reckon Hitler was once a likable bloke as well, but people's actions change the way the public choose to describe them.

Thats what i ment champ..

its not so much that he took more money to play at Souths its the way he reneged on us that upsets me. He looked Gee in the eye, shook his hand while confirming his desire to play for us in 2011 and later that day was in Sydney courting Souths

I was offered a job bout a year ago now, and i accepted the job with a hand shake and 24 hrs later with a conversation that i was going to accept the job, then when i went to resign my boss offered me a 20k pay rise, so accepted and stayed & said a stupid excuse why i wasnt joining them.

Rule number 1 in life, always look after number 1 and ur family, if its a extra $1000 or 1 million it all counts.
There's more to life than money. When you grow up you will realise that, dan dan.
dandan said:
PS. I forgot to say.


[quote:1d74xmk3]dandan wrote:
Then he turned his back on us and now his a dog, his a scum, his shit, his fat etc etc

That's probably one of the stupidest things I have ever read in my life. Why would we think he's a dog or scum before he committed a dog act? Mate I reckon Hitler was once a likable bloke as well, but people's actions change the way the public choose to describe them.

Thats what i ment champ..

its not so much that he took more money to play at Souths its the way he reneged on us that upsets me. He looked Gee in the eye, shook his hand while confirming his desire to play for us in 2011 and later that day was in Sydney courting Souths

I was offered a job bout a year ago now, and i accepted the job with a hand shake and 24 hrs later with a conversation that i was going to accept the job, then when i went to resign my boss offered me a 20k pay rise, so accepted and stayed & said a stupid excuse why i wasnt joining them.

Rule number 1 in life, always look after number 1 and ur family, if its a extra $1000 or 1 million it all counts.[/quote:1d74xmk3]

Sorry dude but I don't remember reading about you accepting that job and then turning your back on them. Was it in the mainstream media? Did you shake hands with your prospective new employer giving your word to join knowing full well that you weren't going to do so?
The difference is your change of jobs has not been played out in the media with thousands of your "fans" being in a dither over where and when you'll sign your contract.
From an employers perspective I have been in the same position in that I had someone verbally agree to join us and we had a start date for him. During that time someone else who was better qualified became available but we couldn't offer them the job as it was taken. The day my 'Inglis' was to start I received a call to say he wasn't coming as his current employer had offered him more money to stay. So we lost out on him and the other guy who we would've preferred was no longer available. Sooooo pissed :evil:
Rule number 1 in life, always look after number 1 and ur family, if its a extra $1000 or 1 million it all counts.

Not really, the rule number 1 in life is to treat others as you would have them treat you, I'd rather have integrity and honesty then be a person who suggests that commiting a dog act(thinks what Inglis did was fine then turns around and bags Karmichael Hunt) to others just to get a few extra coins justifies the means to achieve the end and if I truely wanted out of a deal I would be honest about it, I wouldn't compromise what I believe in nor would I lead others along to just get what I want. Money is a material thing and can be replaced, but what makes a person is their character and what they aren't willing to compromise on just for self gain I would rather have that.
Rule number 1 in life, always look after number 1 and ur family, if its a extra $1000 or 1 million it all counts.

Not really, the rule number 1 in life is to treat others as you would have them treat you, I'd rather have integrity and honesty then be a person who suggests that commiting a dog act(thinks what Inglis did was fine then turns around and bags Karmichael Hunt) to others just to get a few extra coins justifies the means to achieve the end and if I truely wanted out of a deal I would be honest about it, I wouldn't compromise what I believe in nor would I lead others along to just get what I want. Money is a material thing and can be replaced, but what makes a person is their character and what they aren't willing to compromise on just for self gain I would rather have that.

Well said GC.
Coxy said:
Rule number 1 in life, always look after number 1 and ur family, if its a extra $1000 or 1 million it all counts.

Not really, the rule number 1 in life is to treat others as you would have them treat you, I'd rather have integrity and honesty then be a person who suggests that commiting a dog act(thinks what Inglis did was fine then turns around and bags Karmichael Hunt) to others just to get a few extra coins justifies the means to achieve the end and if I truely wanted out of a deal I would be honest about it, I wouldn't compromise what I believe in nor would I lead others along to just get what I want. Money is a material thing and can be replaced, but what makes a person is their character and what they aren't willing to compromise on just for self gain I would rather have that.

Well said GC.

Agreeing with treat others how you like to be treated, ie love one and other sounds a bit I dunno.. religious for you Coxy? [icon_lol1.

I don't care how much GI is getting.

I care about how he goes about his business to get that extra money.

From the start you could tell it was the highest bidder wins. Titans were mentioned & he went rushing to find out how much they were offering.

It says alot about his character, when he won't even pay his own legal fees. (So far it's the Storms bill, then I will let the Broncos pay for it)
This was posted on another forum.

The Inglis contract & what he is getting. Money is broken down

$190K cash
$100K Bus Hire in case of rain to/from away games [icon_evillaugh
$200K Tab at McDonald's, Burger King... etc
$110K Clothing items such as.....

OK, I am easliy amused.
In the long run he'd have made more money keeping his reputation intact and coming here. He is no where near as sellable as he was 2 months ago imo.
And in Inglis' case how does it help his family when they were settled in Brisbane?
The Rock said:
dandan said:
Rule number 1 in life, always look after number 1 and ur family, if its a extra $1000 or 1 million it all counts.

But looking after your family doesn't necessarily mean that you have to jump at the highest paying job. If the money you're earning is satisfactory enough for your family to live a happy and healthy life, then what's the point in gunning for the extra cash if it means you have to dog someone or go back on your word? Sometimes every little cent DOESN'T count if you've already got everything you need.

100% right. Higher money most times will also lead to more stress on the job and as those of us with families will know, stress isn't a good thing to bring home.


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