Broncos withdraw their two year offer to Greg Inglis

I get a little sick of hearing about looking after number 1 and there family.. What kind of world are we living in if 500k a year isn't enough for you to look after you and your family. Sick of superstar sportsmen whinging about wanting more money seriously.
Bucking Beads said:
I get a little sick of hearing about looking after number 1 and there family.. What kind of world are we living in if 500k a year isn't enough for you to look after you and your family. Sick of superstar sportsmen whinging about wanting more money seriously.

But why shouldn't he? He has no particular allegiance to the broncos.

There is nothing at all wrong with him choosing the bunnies over us, just the pathetic way he went about it.
Exactly - I don't think anyone is pissed off totally because he won't be playing for the Broncos, but rather that he had agreed to play for us and then just out of the blue signed for the bunnies. If he'd said along the lines of "yeah I might play for you guys, but I am still exploring other options to find the best deal" or "I'd like to play for you but I am popping down to Sydney to meet with the Bunnies so I'll let you know for sure after that". Then I think people would be a whole lot less angry at GI
Ffs... said:
In the long run he'd have made more money keeping his reputation intact and coming here. He is no where near as sellable as he was 2 months ago imo.

That is really good.
What we have witnessed over the past couple of weeks should inspire every young person in our sunburnt country and land of sweeping plains ( thanks Dot!) to value their education and to find a significantly worthwhile other to turn to for advice.

Inglis, unfortunately, is evolution's equivalent of a small single celled thing that somehow emerged from the ocean.

In layman's terms, the poor bugger doesn't stand a chance.

Maybe his next move could be in the furniture removal game.
Does Benny Ikin's old man still have his truck?
Flutterby said:
Exactly - I don't think anyone is pissed off totally because he won't be playing for the Broncos, but rather that he had agreed to play for us and then just out of the blue signed for the bunnies. If he'd said along the lines of "yeah I might play for you guys, but I am still exploring other options to find the best deal" or "I'd like to play for you but I am popping down to Sydney to meet with the Bunnies so I'll let you know for sure after that". Then I think people would be a whole lot less angry at GI

Butterfly, I disagree, because I think we are all severely %@##ed off that Greg dudded us.
Let's go into the room of mirrors and reflect...

Coxy will disgree and paint an eloquent word picture of why he isn't, but we know deep down that he is too.
He just has some nice words to throw us off.
Not ol' RBY though!

Once we have Coxy confirmed as a %@##ed of devotee, we can all relax.
Now we should be able to move on.
Raw Boned Youngster said:
Butterfly, I disagree, because I think we are all severely %@##ed off that Greg dudded us.


Yep - basically what I said. We are pissed of because he dudded us - not simply because he's not playing for us - but the way he went about it. If he had been talking to us and being honest that he was also talking with others and ended up elsewhere, most of us wouldn't be AS pissed off as we are.
Been away with work so I haven't been able to jump on and comment (bloody QR blocking this site now).

I never used to believe in Karma, but in the last 2-3 years I have experienced some stuff which changed my beliefs. GI is going to find out what Karma means - maybe not now, but one day...
Ffs... said:
[quote="Bucking Beads":1b0zopjq]I get a little sick of hearing about looking after number 1 and there family.. What kind of world are we living in if 500k a year isn't enough for you to look after you and your family. Sick of superstar sportsmen whinging about wanting more money seriously.

But why shouldn't he? He has no particular allegiance to the broncos.

There is nothing at all wrong with him choosing the bunnies over us, just the pathetic way he went about it.[/quote:1b0zopjq]

I am talking about all players not GI.
Ghibli said:
Been away with work so I haven't been able to jump on and comment (bloody QR blocking this site now).

I never used to believe in Karma, but in the last 2-3 years I have experienced some stuff which changed my beliefs. GI is going to find out what Karma means - maybe not now, but one day...

Does work?
How do you post a photo on here? Sorry it's off topic.... But the photo is on topic...[icon_shru
I haven't really commented on the whole GI thing, because I have been waiting till the contract stuff was all finalised. I have never cheered or big noted that we have signed him. Because we haven't and might never get him and I have big concerns his contract will be knocked back by the NRL.

But frankly I just can't understand, why are you guys all so bitter over this? This has happened to other teams before. It happened to Souths with Shane Elford and Luke Lewis, Titans with Steve Turner and probably more we never hear about (or ones I can't recall off the top of my head). Now these guys are no way in the same class of talent as GI, when he is fully fit.

So, is it the calibre of player that GI is? Is it because rarely anyone turns down the Broncos? Or because Souths were the team who did it?

Please don't give me it is the way he did it. As this is not the first handshake agreement with a CEO to be reneged on and they have never had this much media beat up before. If it was say Aiden Tolman, it wouldn't have been a drop in the media ocean.
So, is it the calibre of player that GI is?

It plays apart in it yes. I believe being a major part in Queensland's success over the past 5 years put people under the illusion that he was somebody he wasn't.

It also leaves a gaping hole for 2011, a season we were all considering to be a very succesful one until Inglis hopped up and left. Now we have 400K sitting around doing nothing.

Is it because rarely anyone turns down the Broncos?

No, people haven't had that attitude for years.
Or because Souths were the team who did it?

No one really cares about Souths, at least not in Brisbane.

I'd say the real reasons we dislike the whole situation is Mundine's involvement, Inglis lying to the club and we're all just disappointed to see another talented player get so out of shape.
Also because his "signing" (ie handshake deal) was trumpted all over the media with the man himself publicly appearing in the media talking about that he was going to be playing for Brisbane. I don't recall any of those other players having that kind of publicity over their initial agreement to sign. Which I guess is all tied in to the standing within the game.

And FWIW, I also lost respect for the other players when they did it, for me it's not just that it's GI or the Broncos, but the principle of the way they've conducted themselves.
GI could have actually earned more by playing for the Broncos than he could playing for Souths. because the Broncos base offer is reportedly more than Souths. unless the 3rd party agreements that he has at Souths require him to play for the Rabbitohs, thus they would have to be included under the cap.
Sign of things to come???
Twiztid said:
This has happened to other teams before. It happened to Souths with Shane Elford and Luke Lewis, Titans with Steve Turner and probably more we never hear about (or ones I can't recall off the top of my head). Now these guys are no way in the same class of talent as GI, when he is fully fit.
Mention Turners name to Titans fans and see the reaction you get.

But really, how do you reply (when directly asked if you are going to sign) that you are committed to a team and will put pen to paper the next day when you know that you will be talking to another team that next day? And you know what really bugs me? The bloke hasn't even got the nads to say to anyone connected to the Broncs, "Listen, this is what I did, why I did it and why I lied". Fair dinkum, as somebody said earlier, I'm a great believer in karma and I believe that Inglis will get a big bite on the arse, probably sooner rather than later.
The Rock said:
Hey Twizted. It's raining, the planes aren't flying.

I mean seriously dude, this guy is a grade A Dog.

Yeah, but now he's a Grade A Bunny, so he can do no wrong. :roll:


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