Bruno Cullen - lash out

It will be the come home factor that gets players to Brisbane from now on IMO. Until Lockyer comes back to coach IMO. I really really think the Broncos need to be coached by a former Bronco.... Someone from the first ever Broncos team would be perfect.
OK - let me clear this up. I have very good sources in Melbourne and Bellamy DID NOT WANT to come back to coach the Broncos post-Bennett. Bruno did not "ruin Bellamy for us". A very informal enquiry was made of Bellamy and he point blank said he would not consider it - that was the end of things there.
There you go, why do people say and believe this crap withotu having any real evidence. Mind you your evidence is just heresay as well Flutterby. But I still believe you :)
FB very rarely post news of any sort without some knowledge so i take her word above most.
And in further defence of Cullen. For mine the biggest non-re-signing mistake the club has made was letting Priddis go to Penrith in 2001. This was BEFORE Cullen's time - he took over as CEO in 2003.

So seriously he is not the cause of all our ills.
Flutterby said:
And in further defence of Cullen. For mine the biggest non-re-signing mistake the club has made was letting Priddis go to Penrith in 2001. This was BEFORE Cullen's time - he took over as CEO in 2003.

So seriously he is not the cause of all our ills.

But, he was around somewhere, so it's his fault. [icon_razz1
Yeah I think he was CEO of Qld Country Credit Union at the time, so of course ..................
Guys, this is a shocking secret that I've kept from everyone since 2001.

The courier that was taking the Bronco's latest offer to Luke Priddis's house had his foot run over by one B. Cullen. Since he didn't get the offer, he took the Panthers offer instead. I saw this happen with my own eyes.

Also, back in 2003 he was in a backhoe that cut the phone line to Scotty Prince's house so Ben Ikin couldn't call him to let him know he was going to retire. Again, eyewitness here.

Also, I'm pretty sure Brunco Cullen was at Cheviot Beach on 17 December 1967 with a Red Chinese sub.

Some people may call me a stalker but I prefer the term unwanted friend.
Fozz said:
Also, I'm pretty sure Brunco Cullen was at Cheviot Beach on 17 December 1967 with a Red Chinese sub.

[icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
draggx said:
... "Playing Next to lockyer" ...

There will be another.

There's no point hating Cullen unless you are going to start a blockade out the front of the leagues club demanding his departure. Which I doubt most will do [icon_shru
Bruno Cullen is responsible as the buck stops with is part of the deal when being CEO....for the toolheads around it is the same concomitant relationship you all imagine exists when one becomes a minor functionary in an organization like the Broncos..say for example you become an assistant coach/waterboy you're required to live up to standards no other person is expected to attain so if you're CEO in this company then YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for every failing.

on that basis sack CULLEN AND HENJAK and beg Wayne Bennet to come home and rescue us...give me back my faith as I knew it was over when Wayne left