Bruno Cullen - lash out

If you want anything you say to be taken serious Huge you really need to leave the insults alone.

I dont agree that Bruno deserves so much crap however im happy for everyone here to have their say. Im not gonna call someone a "toolhead" (yr3 says hi) just because i dont agree.
Caniffe said:
draggx said:
... "Playing Next to lockyer" ...

There will be another.

The best a man can get? [icon_razz1

Seriously however yeah im sure there will be sad thing is before Langer left we knew we had Locky.
KHunt wasn't even close to the brilliance of Lockyer and Langer. I don't think we'll have another player with the natural abilities of those 2 for a long while yet.
Scotty said:
KHunt wasn't even close to the brilliance of Lockyer and Langer. I don't think we'll have another player with the natural abilities of those 2 for a long while yet.

Yeah he was nowhere near Lockyer and Langer but he was the closest we had IMO. Yeah unless Hunt turn out to be orgasmic it could be tough for a while.
Huge. said:
Bruno Cullen is responsible as the buck stops with is part of the deal when being CEO....for the toolheads around it is the same concomitant relationship you all imagine exists when one becomes a minor functionary in an organization like the Broncos..say for example you become an assistant coach/waterboy you're required to live up to standards no other person is expected to attain so if you're CEO in this company then YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for every failing.

on that basis sack CULLEN AND HENJAK and beg Wayne Bennet to come home and rescue us...give me back my faith as I knew it was over when Wayne left
Fear does not course through my veins, I wonder who the toolhead really is. Do you really have to throw insults around in every post? You were the one speaking about maturity I think it's time you looked in the mirror.
broncospwn said:
Huge. said:
Bruno Cullen is responsible as the buck stops with is part of the deal when being CEO....for the toolheads around it is the same concomitant relationship you all imagine exists when one becomes a minor functionary in an organization like the Broncos..say for example you become an assistant coach/waterboy you're required to live up to standards no other person is expected to attain so if you're CEO in this company then YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for every failing.

on that basis sack CULLEN AND HENJAK and beg Wayne Bennet to come home and rescue us...give me back my faith as I knew it was over when Wayne left
Fear does not course through my veins, I wonder who the toolhead really is. Do you really have to throw insults around in every post? You were the one speaking about maturity I think it's time you looked in the mirror.

Really??? [icon_evillaugh
Bucking Beads said:
Scotty said:
KHunt wasn't even close to the brilliance of Lockyer and Langer. I don't think we'll have another player with the natural abilities of those 2 for a long while yet.

Yeah he was nowhere near Lockyer and Langer but he was the closest we had IMO. Yeah unless Hunt turn out to be orgasmic it could be tough for a while.

100% agree with you Scotty (that he's nowhere near Locky/Langer) but the Broncs have always had a pearler of a player in the team and once Locky retired he would have been at almost peak age for RL... admittedly his 09 wasn't great but I'm a big fan - I like the way he plays footy... it was different for a modern day footballer.
At some stage every club goes through a tough period were they lose players, have to bring alot of juniors through. Unfortunately most of the time the club will miss the finals due to this. It has taken 19 years for the broncos to get to this point and i am sure with the young blokes they have coming through they may only miss 1 year of finals. Being a cowboys fan it hurts alot when you dont make finals and you see your team getting beaten each week. But it makes you appreciate supporting victories alot more than you did before.
See, that is why some of you are unable to reason. You miss the central theme altogether, you go to the trouble to post but not one bit of your post has anything to do with the subject !! You really are that easy to lead around and confuse, like a bull with a ring through the nose (undoubtedly some of you have both a literal and figurative ring). You jump up and down about an anonymous insult ( directed at know-one in particular ) and take it on as your own !! Paranoia poster

Try reading the post and responding to what is the most important part, not some derision implicit in the comment. Naturally you won't , you'll respond predictably. You'll go off on your self-indulging childlike fantasy that your opinion actually has substance. Unable ,as most of you are, to succinctly express your thoughts in a carefully constructed whole you will go to the familiar. That response which is so you. You will attack me again but I will make points and observations based on and inferred from the heart of each matter while you screech and bemoan from the sidelines.

Later on any person re-reading your offerings will realize that you spent your time squawking while missing your chance to truly have your say.
It quite a funny situation that we (as collective Broncos fans face) in a sadistic weird way, due to the inevitable fact we would be here...I have actually looked forward to this day. Having been a Broncos fan since day one, the fact is glaringly obvious that "our team" has been insanely successful. Never before have we as fans been really asked the big questions, never before has it been made difficult to be a Broncos fan, never before have we had to face the ridicule that comes with being non-competitive. We currently sit dead last in a 16 team field, and honestly we deserve to be there. Being there opens the gate to every other supporter to kick us while we are down.

Now why did I in a sadistic weird way look forward to this day? Firstly because I knew this day would come, and I wanted to see how broncos fans react. Secondly because my undying loyalty and tragic support of "The Mighty Brisbane Broncos" will then be validated. In all things sporting there is such a thing as bandwagoning...for some of these bandwagoner's they got on many years ago and thru the continued success of the broncos have never been pushed off. We now face the very real possibility that to be a broncos fan we will face ridicule, that we will face more losses than wins, that we will seriously have to work hard to be a fan. How long we have to face these hard days, who knows? But at the end of the day those fans left standing behind their team when there is no foreseeable hope are the true supporters, those are the ones that bleed maroon, white and gold. Are you guys gonna sit here and throw crap at everyone else as your lame attempt to slid off this wagon or are you gonna stand up and be counted in a way you've never been asked too before?

Who's fault is it?...Salary Cap...Wayne Bennett...Bruno Cullen...Ivan Henjak...Bad Recruiting...Global warming. I really don't think it matters, What we have now is the question being asked of each and every "Broncos Fan" Are you gonna stand up and be counted while others don't??? Right now is our chance to prove that we stand by our team thru thick and thin.

Now before I get shot down, I believe we as supporters of our team have the right to disagree with decisions that are made on behalf of our team, we are allowed to be dirty that some of our favourite players are now in other colours, but at the end of the day we don't just support the 17 blokes in our jersey each weekend, we support the Brisbane Broncos a sporting icon which includes coaches and admin staff, which includes Bruno Cullen and Ivan Henjak. Yes I agree that they have not made perfect decisions every time, but even the legends like Langer and Lockyer couldn't do that. Financially we are very strong...blame that on Bruno. Young guys are getting game time and first grade experience...blame that on Ivan. At the end of the day I support the Broncos and therefore Bruno and Henjak have my support too. Their task's are bigger than we can imagine and they are in positions that many have failed at before. Like us as fans we are being asked some serious questions, well the guys who do make the decisions are now facing plenty of their own, how to best rebuild the broncos...I excitedly wait to see how they approach the rebuilding phase and as we can see with the Tronc negotiations they aren't just sitting on their hands.

In these tough times I have faith in Bruno and Ivan to steer the ship in the right direction.
That is quite possibly the best post I have ever seen on here. [ [ [
Huge. said:
See, that is why some of you are unable to reason. You miss the central theme altogether, you go to the trouble to post but not one bit of your post has anything to do with the subject !! You really are that easy to lead around and confuse, like a bull with a ring through the nose (undoubtedly some of you have both a literal and figurative ring). You jump up and down about an anonymous insult ( directed at know-one in particular ) and take it on as your own !! Paranoia poster

Try reading the post and responding to what is the most important part, not some derision implicit in the comment. Naturally you won't , you'll respond predictably. You'll go off on your self-indulging childlike fantasy that your opinion actually has substance. Unable ,as most of you are, to succinctly express your thoughts in a carefully constructed whole you will go to the familiar. That response which is so you. You will attack me again but I will make points and observations based on and inferred from the heart of each matter while you screech and bemoan from the sidelines.

Later on any person re-reading your offerings will realize that you spent your time squawking while missing your chance to truly have your say.

Ok Huge, your account has to be a bait...

Coxy is this you having some fun?
Good post SSS...I have always told supporters from other clubs that being a bronco supporter was very easy. Not only have we become accustomed to winning but our club has always conducted itself in both a sportsman like way and with integrity in its dealings with all concerned groups. I have never felt shame not even when the recent scandals broke. I also have thought that the real test of loyalty will commence when the Broncos begin to fail. Something is rotten in Denmark. We have problems and not all our issues have seen the days cold light.
At what point do the board look at Bruno's postion and wonder if he is doing a good job??? He is not the only one to blame for the mess but the rot starts at the top IMO. Do they have board meetings every month or something?? There was a rumour going around last year that he would retire this year!
Bucking Beads said:
At what point do the board look at Bruno's postion and wonder if he is doing a good job??? He is not the only one to blame for the mess but the rot starts at the top IMO. Do they have board meetings every month or something?? There was a rumour going around last year that he would retire this year!
The club is in a great financial position, crowds and memberships have grown every year and we have won a premiership while he has been CEO, hes done a great job and we are lucky to have him... Some of you cant seem to get it into your heads that Bruno doesn't recruit players, he signs them, Henjak, Nolan and Bunn are responsible for recruitment and retainment of the roster, Bruno only does the deals...