That's pretty general, and could be said of any captain particularly in a 20/20 game. He hasn't been given much by a lot of team mates.
He's carried his team mates for three years now, I think some guys need to pull more weight. Hopes shouldn't be leading wicket taker every year. He's the all rounder not the strike bowler.
The mountain of bowling he's been called on to do so far this year is out of control- he's bowled 173.4[ overs in the Shield in five games- No one else is even close to that, Feldman is next worked Bull on 89 overs.. Botha for SA is 170.2 and he's a spinner not running in as far.
Fekete is 155.5 for Tasmania but that's 20 less overs.
Hopes is doing his best impersonation of mid 80's Border and doing everything.