Buying the Broncos

I don't want to know your name just the name of 1 company which you have bought and sold in the last five years. You obviously won't be buying and selling companies in your own name so that's not a problem.
i think if any one of "us" (ie your dedicated bronco fan) walked in and bought the broncos then started to make football decisions would cause more harm then good. it would not stand well with those who've been in football for many years.
Dexter you seem to be a smart guy and I know if I tell you a company that we did an LBO on you will obviously google it and see the name of my firm. I have already said that I own my company so once going on the site you will see my name. I don't have to prove anything to you Dexter and as I said if you don't believe me then I don't care, just remove yourself from this conversation.
Yes I agree, it's not like I'm going to be at training everyday running plays. I don't have time for that and as you said, it is not my role. I am just saying that I would like an active role in recruiting and if we were on a loosing streak like last year, I would sit down with the coach and discuss what the hell was going on and give my opinion. It would be more me speaking with the coach and expressing my opinion. Such as I think you need to drop norman,
if not get the coach to explain to me why not.

Do you agree?
Yes very funny simmo, I don't think he would be able to afford a broncos membership.
It doesn't really matter who Bronco bob is or if he can actually buy the broncos. He does raise an interesting scenario and I would be interested to see some people's views.

My opinion is that I don't think it's a good idea for a fan to be involved in the running of the club as an owner. We'd be too close and too emotional to be really objective like you have to be zone times.

I do agree that the club needs a shake up though so that would be a positive if it came about.
Yes I agree, it's not like I'm going to be at training everyday running plays. I don't have time for that and as you said, it is not my role. I am just saying that I would like an active role in recruiting and if we were on a loosing streak like last year, I would sit down with the coach and discuss what the hell was going on and give my opinion. It would be more me speaking with the coach and expressing my opinion. Such as I think you need to drop norman,
if not get the coach to explain to me why not.

Do you agree?

I'd take your money then tell you to stay the **** out of it.

The coach has to have total control and not be harassed by the whims of some bored cash cow.
I understand were you are coming from but I disagree. It's not like hook has the best credentials, he never played first grade football. I played league up until the age of 16. I represented Queensland schoolboys 4 years in a row so I do have some experience. I'm not saying that I am qualified to be the coach and I would never do that. What I am saying is that it's not like it is easy to go from nothing to a multi millionaire, it takes a lot of hard work and smarts. I believe my opinion would be a valid one.

You can't tell me that none of you would keep your mouth shut if the team you owned were going shit and you felt you knew why.
Well Bronco Bob, obviously in business your head over rules your heart. Just make sure it is not the other way around with the Broncos.
i think most of us would love to have access to the planning behind the scenes at the Broncos and maybe we would not be so critical if we could see a reason for the things they do. It definitely doesn't help when we cannot see the logic of some of their decisions
I don't post a lot on this site but I do login in regularly as I enjoy reading all your views and arguments!
This is a valid topic.....what if someone did walk in and buy the Broncos?

Would it be for personal gain or ego?
Would it be for the greater good of the Broncos?

The biggest goal for a potential buyer would be to improve the business side of the Broncos. Establishing strong business partnerships to enable the club to have solid links with potential 3rd party deals for players over the next 10 years while the salary cap continues to grow. This way more "club" money can be spent on facilities, equipment, dare I say it sports scientists and other staff to help support the players.

A "owner" can not be involved in recruitment or the running of the football team, only the business aspect of the club.
Sure, the fans can have a say but only on things like Jersey colours/designs, player expectations away from the field, club promotionsetc. The coach has to be the place where the buck stops. Everything is in control by him and his team.
Don't forget the coach has a partner in crime in the football manager when it comes to recruitment and retention
I understand were you are coming from but I disagree. It's not like hook has the best credentials, he never played first grade football. I played league up until the age of 16. I represented Queensland schoolboys 4 years in a row so I do have some experience. I'm not saying that I am qualified to be the coach and I would never do that. What I am saying is that it's not like it is easy to go from nothing to a multi millionaire, it takes a lot of hard work and smarts. I believe my opinion would be a valid one.

You can't tell me that none of you would keep your mouth shut if the team you owned were going shit and you felt you knew why.

Plenty of millionares who are absolute dickheads and treat their "acquisitions" like personal play things as well.......

What magical plans are you going to come up with that hasn't already been bandied around by every Tom, Dick and Harry from the offices around Red Hill to the public shitters in Roma St?

What happens when your ideas don't work and you get bored and move onto the next "toy" that strikes your fancy?

If you want to do some good with your money and help the Broncos, hire a hitman and have him whack Peter Wallace.
Whether Bronco Bob is legit or not (dare I dream that he is and he'll give us all jobs at the Broncos when he buys them?), this is an extremely interesting topic, as Fozz said.

I think it's easy for us to sit here and say we definitely wouldn't get involved in the on-field stuff if we were the owners of the club, but if we somehow found ourselves in that position, I'd wager that at least 80% of us would definitely chime in with our own ideas - especially in our current situation where our future doesn't look as rosy as it once did in terms of on-field success.

Let's say Bronco Bob does buy the Broncos, I think the best thing a new owner could do (rather than just go in guns blazing and telling everyone who to sign, what plays to run, etc) is to do a bit of research on how all areas of the club are run, both on and off the field. You'd want them to evaluate everyone's roles and see who is and isn't performing their tasks to the best of their abilities, what areas of the club need more attention/improvement... all sorts of stuff really. From there you have some foundations to build on.

In terms of signing players (seeing as that was Bob's main point in his original post), rather than being hands on and picking who to sign yourself, your best bet as a new owner would be to ensure you've got the best talent scouts, recruitment officers, etc around, so that you don't miss out on any young hotshots, or guys coming off contract, etc. You have to trust you've got the right people working for you, who understand and share ideology regarding the Broncos.
Being the owner of the broncos means my ideas would get acted on not just suggested. I hope I am wrong but to me there looks to be problems at the club. We aren't attracting big name players to the club. We aren't reciting the right juniors, we have let the top players in the game slip through our fingers. We are all not happy with the way the team is being coached and the players playing. I would implement these changes. I could sit here all night and explain the things that need changes and I think all of you would too.

Obviously my biggest contribution to the club and my focus is the business side. The amount of money I could personally add to the the organization and bring in third party sponsors (friends) will be the envy of every club.

To answer your question Mr fourex if I got board. Would you ever get board of the broncos? I don't know about you but I definitely wouldn't and if my plans didn't work I would totally step away and only work on the running of the club.
Yes i agree Ning with everything you said. I think everyone has misconstrued what I want to do. Once on the inside of the organization, I would do a complete analysis. Talk to players, coaching staff, CEO and get their options. Once I complete this I would make the changes I think needed to be made.

If we were in a bad on field state like now, I would get the best recruiting staff, coaching staff and just have a quiet word to them and discuss what their plan was and I would add my option. I would not demand they take it up but just let it be known. My role would be to get the off field the best it can be, this will only help the on field issues.

Anyone that says that they wouldn't let their option be know to the coach or recruiting staff is lying to themselves. You wouldn't have a word to Gee and say go get Thurston?
I'd think a Multi-Millionaire would know how to spell being 'bored' of the Broncos correctly.

Board is used for things like cutting boards or surf boards.