[Confirmed] Russell Packer -->Not the Broncos

re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

The Downing Centre Local Court was today told that Packer had been kicked out of the Chambers Hotel at 1.30am on November 23 last year because he was too drunk.

He moved about 20 metres from the Martin Place pub then got into a disagreement with another man.

The argument is said to have started when Packer was accused of stealing two cigarettes from a woman sitting nearby.

Magistrate Greg Grogan told the court that Packer punched the man in the face, causing him to fall and hit his head on the ground.

Packer punched the man several times as he lay on the ground and then stamped on his head, the court was told, leaving the victim with two fractured facial bones.
This is what happened according to Court reporters. Stay Classy.
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re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

So he king hits a bloke and stomps on his head just because he accused him of stealing smokes?

Let's sign this fucker now.

He is exactly what we need at the club.
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re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Well, Bird and Inglis and Lui and even Carney could have killed people with the illegal things they did.
Carney yes, but at least not as an intentional act, unlike this grub who pretty much just tried to finish the guy off permanently.

I'm not trying to excuse the others, and I am loathe of any man who is cowardly enough to attack a female, but it's still not close to what constitutes an attempt to murder someone.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I have done a lot of things I regret on alcohol and I bet Packer is the same now.
This might surprise a lot of you but I respect the fact he pleaded guilty, a lot of footballers have hid behind the closed doors of their club. Some of these May well have been players you looked up to at the Broncos.
If you can't control your acts under the influence, and especially if you have a tendency to become violent, don't fucking drink!

Fucking hate the lame alcohol excuse!
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I have done a lot of things I regret on alcohol and I bet Packer is the same now.
This might surprise a lot of you but I respect the fact he pleaded guilty, a lot of footballers have hid behind the closed doors of their club. Some of these May well have been players you looked up to at the Broncos.

I wonder why he did...

In passing sentence, Mr Grogan said that with a 25 per cent discount for entering a guilty plea early, Packer was jailed for a fixed two-year term.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Carney yes, but at least not as an intentional act, unlike this grub who pretty much just tried to finish the guy off permanently.

I'm not trying to excuse the others, and I am loathe of any man who is cowardly enough to attack a female, but it's still not close to what constitutes an attempt to murder someone.

I'd like to see a video before I insinuate that he attempted to murder someone. The stomp could have been a push with the bottom of his shoe. I'm not trying to say he's a good bloke or that I even want him at the club. In my opinion one punch should be counted as attempted murder.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

I didn't see where it said he king hit him. We all know his anger management was impaired by the fact he carried on when he should have walked away.
Very few people get whacked for absolutely nothing but I don't condone his second action
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Carney yes, but at least not as an intentional act, unlike this grub who pretty much just tried to finish the guy off permanently.

I'm not trying to excuse the others, and I am loathe of any man who is cowardly enough to attack a female, but it's still not close to what constitutes an attempt to murder someone.

Lui went pretty close on two counts (allegedly?)

just the fact I know he is desperately what we need

It's not a fact and his intimidation aka illegal grubbery doesn't make up for his ordinary stats
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

If you can't control your acts under the influence, and especially if you have a tendency to become violent, don't fucking drink!

Fucking hate the lame alcohol excuse!
You might not but it is not that easy for some people. Remember this is a kid brought up on violence and drinking more alcohol than most adults in his pre teen years.
His parents have a lot to answer for
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Lui went pretty close on two counts (allegedly?)

It's not a fact and his intimidation aka illegal grubbery doesn't make up for his ordinary stats
I mean he as in intimidation. It is what our forward pack lacks.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Anyway guys take a deep breath he most likely will never come here
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

The facts are this though. If you've done your time it's time to move on,for everyone. Sure,don't forget what a persons capable of but equally, if he no longer drinks and behaves as decent humans do then his past should be his past. I would hope he is a reformed man and remorseful. When I was a young man I had fights, down and dirty and in today's world not an unusual event but make me no mistake, I was trying to hurt the other individual . I wasn't however trying to kill them but that could have happened and for that matter, they me. Although alcohol does not excuse( Porthoz ) it does explain. It is certainly a reason why someone did something, in fact many on this forum owe their very existence to alcohol ! Although I'm not comparing the two acts, having a fight or having sex while drunk and consequently without inhibition can lead to totally unintended results.

Packer may not have intended to do as he did. Serious abuse of alcohol can cause alcoholic blackouts where nothing is remembered and you can blame the person for getting drunk but how could you say a person intended to cause harm when their first intention was merely to become inebriated ? It is things like this that courts consider when deciding sentences as well as other things like a persons life leading up to the point of the crime. I'm not making excuses for Packer, I'm just pointing out some facts for consideration.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

It's a very interesting moral question.

In my view, as a fan, I honestly do care about the conduct of the player's and their capacity to behave off the field. It's a professional sport and if they have the type of blemish Packer has, I'm sorry to all the resident Packer fans, but I don't want him here.

I don't begrudge another NRL club signing him, that's their perogative and there has been stories in the past (particularly on Suaia Matagi) about players being able to turn their lives around after serving a sentence and that's nice but that's up to another club.

It isn't just the fact that he engaged in unlawful conduct, but rather the nature of his violent act. I can't respect a person who attacks somebody when their down, ever.

But that's just my view.

Looking beyond that, would I want Packer at the club?

Honestly, no.

I don't think he'd be a terrible signing, mind you, but I just believe we have enough prop forwards as is and signing Packer would just hurt our ability to address other positions that need refining.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Ignore the criminal activity if you can, I don't want to sign him for pissing on Suncorp. It's supposed to be our home turf, someone who pisses on it shouldn't get to play on it every second Friday.

Also, how much can you really trust WB's opinion of Packer? How long a period did Packer spend under WB? Can't have been any more than 2 months surely. Never even played a game under him.
Re: Broncos Player Movements and Rumours 2014

I initially misread your post, hence my comparison doesn't make much sense (or any sense at all). My bad.

I generally don't care about ex-cons, unless they've done something extreme, like hmmm, I don't know... trying to kill someone. I don't know why you're bringing American teams into this - this is about the Broncos, no other club.

Anyway, apologies for putting my ethics ahead of a sporting team. How silly of me.


You're a good egg, Unbreakable, and I enjoy reading your posts, so I'm just gonna agree to disagree rather than have this continue on in circles. :handshake:

The old get the last word in and then call a truce.. I like it..

For reference, I brought up the American teams because all of their sporting codes are filled with people who have done things just as bad as Packer, even worse in some cases, and have come back to the sport and thrived. It's the world we live in, alcohol related violence is in society whether you're a Rugby League player or some average joe, I'm sure Packer knows he fucked up.

I for one won't spit my chips if he ends up here, as long as he comes with the correct attitude, work ethic and alcohol restrictions, but as you said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's certainly reasonable that some people will be angry if we sign him due to his past indiscretions.

Oh, and also, he was found guilty of "assault occasioning actual bodily harm", not attempted murder, so according to the law, he hasn't tried to kill anyone.
re: [Confirmed] Russell Packer --> Panthers

Forgetting the whole signing a criminal thing, I don't want him because I don't think he's valuable. I don't rate him highly enough to want him, even if he was squeaky clean.

Now as far as signing him because of his criminal history, it would be stupid for the club to do it if only because he's not a good enough player to justify it.

Personally? I honestly don't care if we did, if he's did his time he's deserving of a fair go, whether that be on or off the NRL field. But I don't know about signing him while he's on good behaviour, for me he should at least serve the full term so he can prove he's a reformed man outside of prison.
Re: Wayne Bennett related player movement discussion

Taking away what he did, packer is exactly the type of prop we need, in fact he probably is the type of prop that is the missing piece to the 2015 and onwards puzzle.

At the end of the day he will be signed by a club and I would rather he solve our puzzle than watch him do it for some other team.

That is ridiculous.

We aren't talking about a Shane Webcke here. Nor a Petero Civoniceva. Definately not a Glenn Lazurus. We are talking about Russell Packer. He is never going to be a player that we will regret passing up. He hasn't had one season where he averaged over 100 metres per game. (And cheers to Big Pete for the stats by the way).

You could use that argument for someone like Ben Barba because of what he is capable of. If he signed with the Titans for example, and then recaptured his 2012 form there, we'd be pissed off about letting him go. But the reality with Russell Packer is that he is never going to be in the game's top 5 front rowers, probably not even top 10.

I am not saying ability should dictate whether or not we sign convicted criminals, just highlighting the major flaw in that argument.

For the record, I am with Beads 100%. The line was drawn in the sand with Dugan. We cannot possibly cross that line and sign Russell Packer.