I think Oates is a great winger!.... BUT, outside of his put downs which are largely attributable to his height and practise, he isn't a great winger because of his wing skills. He is a great winger because of his forward skills ( eg ability to hit the line hard and his leg speed in the tackle). He can catch a high ball now but he can go through periods of being bad with this, he has trouble with low balls, he is quick but not off the mark for a winger, has poor positioning at times (I won't bring up the gf I swear) and has trouble turning for a ball put behind him (which was manipulated by the blues in game one-although he still played better then Holmes in either of his games!)
People forget how good he was from 2nd row: he is a MAGNIFICENT line runner, is hard to stop close to the line, hits hard in defence, and is a different/awkward shaped body... his best assets on the wing (metre making out of the danger zone) can still be utilised if needed (eg 3rd tackle). His high ball catching can also be better used in attack from 2nd row believe it or not (a.k.a luke Lewis-who he remind me of in playing style massively)
So to repeat, he is a great winger, but all the skills he has at wing can be used in the 2nd row and then some!
So while he is our best winger, I believe it will be better for the team to put in a serviceable winger for now whilst putting the best option there is in each position that gets the most action in dangerous positions