"Bennett ball"... are people serious? We don't have the team of the 90's anymore, but what we do have is a team that is allowed to play exciting football once it earns the right too if we are stuck at our end of the field or making errors the term reverts back to basic and boring footy which is what should happen and all good coaches advocate-you guys have let the Sydney media get in your head, let me show you something.....
Bennett-less years: 8th, 12th, 8th, 10th, 6th, 3rd for an average of 7.83, missing the finals twice...
Last 6 years of Bennett-his least successful btw: 2nd, 1st, 8th, 5th, 5th, looks like 5th this year but we will say 6th for the Bennett haters... for an average of 4.5... not missing the finals at all
I can't fathom other fans questioning bennetts record (their best coach normally?-Bellamy has more potential future immortals in his team yet has won 1 legitimate premiership in 20 years and failed misserably at rep level and lost a gf 40-0 without the REAL coach playing-whereas Bennett has succeeded at origin and international level and won in different eras at different clubs, and got a team (the knights) their best result in 10 years when the players weren't getting bloody paid ffs!) but people from OUR club?! Seriously... this isn't the 90's anymore people, we aren't going to win the premiership 6 times in 10 years EVER again, BUT other fans hate us again because?????? We are a chance EVERY year with Bennett back...
He's won 7 bloody premierships in 4-5 different eras and got Canberra, Brisbane and the dragons to gf's. He won the kiwis the World Cup and gets the underfeatable Aussies! He pulled the maroons out of the ashes on multiple occaisions INCLUDING setting up the dynasty with the emerging origin players camp....
STOP listening to the Sydney media if you think any coach that is alive (jack Gibson could challenge Bennett for the title) if you people think any different!
However, In the last few years he has lost Cyril Connell and Ron Massey, his 2 most trusted advisors... this would affect his coaching but doesn't mean he has suddenly become worse then ANY other coach that is alive..
He knows and has seen more in the game then every journalist and fan put together probably, and he has something no fan seems to have... patience.......
"If you start listening to the fans, it wont be long till you're sitting with them in the stands"