Darius Boyd, where art thou?

It's no different to Klemmer lifting his knees and sticking his elbows out when running. If you're not gutsy enough to take the legal hits, don't play the game.
Actually that's also illegal. Remember Hurrell getting suspended for shattering Tupous jaw?

They aren't legal hits. Trying to paint otherwise is disingenuous at best, at worst it's condoning thuggery which I thought we were all trying to move away from?
Actually that's also illegal. Remember Hurrell getting suspended for shattering Tupous jaw?

They aren't legal hits. Trying to paint otherwise is disingenuous at best, at worst it's condoning thuggery which I thought we were all trying to move away from?

I know it's illegal. That's my point. I'm on the "Slater is a grub" train, toot toot.

If you have to turn to foul play, "protecting" yourself by making the opposition risk a serious injury simply when attempting to legally tackle you, you're a cat.
I know it's illegal. That's my point. I'm on the "Slater is a grub" train, toot toot.

If you have to turn to foul play, "protecting" yourself by making the opposition risk a serious injury simply when attempting to legally tackle you, you're a cat.
Sorry, thought you were being dismissive about it. TOOT TOOT
@Mitchell_Broncos Touche, but notice the distance between him and the chasers as opposed to slater?

And the kid is about 4 foot tall. Billy gets his legs up to their head, not their thighs.

*Record Scratch*
*Freeze frame*
"Soooo yeah, this is me. You must be wondering how I got here, huh?"
I hate to use this line but I'm going to anyway.

If you don't think his leading with the feet action is premeditated, you haven't played sport at any serious level. You KNOW what you're doing in those instances, but you know you'll get away with it for the most part. It's a dark art and it's designed to ensure they don't come steaming in at you, ie, giving an advantage - but you can't allow someone to flykick someone in the head for simply doing their job. They may come steaming in but unless they actually put their arms on him, they're not doing anything wrong.

Riddle me this - out of all the fullbacks in the league, why is it only slater that seems to lead with the legs?
I'll put my first grade career up against yours any day of the week. admittedly it was AFL.
Why does he lead with his legs, that's the style that works for him. further more you think someone can attempt to secure the ball while thinking about kicking someone in the head? genuine question.
Why does he lead with his legs, that's the style that works for him.
Of course it works for him, he gets to either kick people in the head or deter them from getting close to smash him.

No one else does it though....
Why does he lead with his legs, that's the style that works for him.

It doesn't matter if that's the style that works for him, It is illegal to lead with your feet/legs on the NRL.

If SBW came back to rugby league, he wouldn't be able to shoulder charge people just because "That's the style that works for him"
You're looking at it from a defensive pressure perspective but what about guys coming in trying to compete for the ball?? He's effectively preventing them from going for the ball by kicking them in the head
effectively tackling an airbourne player when he hits the ground can be easily done with dog shotting a player with no defences.
effectively tackling an airbourne player when he hits the ground can be easily done with dog shotting a player with no defences.

I'm talking about him using his foot to prevent an attacking playing from competing for the ball... because there's a foot in their face.

What the **** does that have to do with dog shots
I'll put my first grade career up against yours any day of the week. admittedly it was AFL.
Why does he lead with his legs, that's the style that works for him. further more you think someone can attempt to secure the ball while thinking about kicking someone in the head? genuine question.

Are you seriously ok with him jumping up, lifting his leg to head height, and coming down in a forward motion towards a players head with the bottom of his boot.

Look at the GIF again. He nails him directly in the head.

It is his technique, he's admitted as such. Which tells me that it is 100% produced on purpose. Billy isn't an idiot, even if the bullshit dodgy coaching staff at the Storm have taught him that shit, he is man enough to know that what he does is dangerous to anyone coming in to tackle him.

He is a grub.
It doesn't matter if that's the style that works for him, It is illegal to lead with your feet/legs on the NRL.

If SBW came back to rugby league, he wouldn't be able to shoulder charge people just because "That's the style that works for him"
If its illegal, why isn't he penalised?

I'm talking about him using his foot to prevent an attacking playing from competing for the ball... because there's a foot in their face.

What the **** does that have to do with dog shots
its pretty simple. every chaser wants to belt him into next week when he is vulnerable, he's found a way to protect himself. good luck to him.
If its illegal, why isn't he penalised?
Because he hasn't broken someones jaw/taken someones eyes out yet.

Edit: second sentence made no sense whatsoever, so removed.
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its pretty simple. every chaser wants to belt him into next week when he is vulnerable, he's found a way to protect himself. good luck to him.
lol ok. this is where the discussion ends with you because you're saying it's ok to fly kick people in the face because he doesn't want to get laid out. ridiculous.


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