OFFICIAL David Fifita signs with the Titans

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Just so everyone is aware, smokin joe liked my joke comment about the broncos already having Fifita’s signature and just not announcing yet. Make of that what you will.

I reckon Joe is doubting his own info at this stage. Sounds like people close to the club are being fed one thing and then something completely different is being decided at the top of the chain. Like the drastic changes that were supposedly happening last week, 1910, Joe, multiple journos were all told that Boyd was being dropped and one of Milf/Croft. That turned out to be completely untrue.

Maybe it was a tactic from Seibs to figure out who the rat is in the club 🤔
So the latest rumour doing the rounds - supposedly coming from within the player ranks - is that Fifita will stay if Seibold goes.
The latest BS from Badel

"David Fifita walked into Broncos training last Thursday with steam coming out of his ears.
Fifita, stressed and confused, wanted answers. He wanted to know how the media discovered he told Anthony Seibold he was quitting the Broncos to join the Titans, only to backflip. It was serious, private dialogue that, in Fifita‘s mind, should never have reached the public domain."

I mean Badel would have no inside knowledge and spews constant bullshit but this quite frankly has pissed me off. I understand that there is no integrity in journalism but at least don't treat us like halfwits and have the decency to get your made up timelines right.

So Thursday morning he is apparently so pissed off that he won't talk to the Broncos (despite obviously being at training and the game on the weekend) yet they tell us the night before that he was happy enough to commit to the Broncos despite this apparent leak?

Timeline according to Badel and co-fuckwits.

  • Tuesday night Fifita verbally agrees to go to the Titans and informs the club
  • Wednesday morning this is reported to have happened but then he backflips
  • Wednesday night he commits to the Broncos verbally and advises Titans but then they offer 1.25M
  • Thursday morning Fifita is apparently pissed about the leak despite that being reported a whole 24 hours earlier
So Badel wants us to believe that Fifita was aware of the reporting that he had agreed to the Titans assumingly through the Broncos leaking it but is still happy enough to stay after this, but then a whole 24 hours later he is all of a sudden pissed?

So the latest rumour doing the rounds - supposedly coming from within the player ranks - is that Fifita will stay if Seibold goes.
You're not Badel ... don't start making shit up ...

Although now I fully expect this to end up in one if his articles
While I know which of the two is rather remain at the club, I don’t like the idea of a player dictating coaching staff. It didn’t work for parramatta and it won’t end well for us.

Yeah but if this is true (which of course it isn't), losing this coach wouldn't be a bad thing, the team plays better without him seemingly.
While I know which of the two is rather remain at the club, I don’t like the idea of a player dictating coaching staff. It didn’t work for parramatta and it won’t end well for us.
I'd err on the side of presuming it's not true, for exactly that reason.
You're not Badel
Are you sure about that?
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Alright, enough is enough.
Surely a Badel ban is warranted on this site.
I’m actually surprised the Broncos haven’t banned him from arriving on their property.
My god I've just realised I could be Badel! I debated someone on here the other day about Pies leaking info to the press about Fifita and said it was pretty stupid. In that conversation it turned out I had got the timeline mixed up exactly like Badel!
There can exist no good or evil, only Badel.
re the rumour of fifita v seibold: I'm all for the idea of Fifita staying if it meant Seibold going as I think he sucks, but we have to be wary of giving players too much power. What happens the next time one of our important players comes off contract and dislikes the coach, are we going to be held to ransom everytime?
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Interesting part of Badel's new article regarding the factors Fifita needs to consider.


IT’S easy for many to say money doesn’t buy happiness but when you crunch the numbers, the financial differential for Fifita is enormous – and rather irresistible.

The Broncos have tabled a one-year deal at $700,000. NRL players are paid monthly. At that rate, Fifita would earn a gross amount of $58,333 per month next season if he stays loyal to the Broncos.

After tax, his monthly take-home pay would be $33,156, or $7651 per week.

If he opts for the Titans’ $1.25 million offer, Fifita would earn a gross amount of $104,166 per month in 2021.

After tax, his take-home monthly wage would be $57,444, or $13,256 per week.

That’s an after-tax differential of $291,456 for the financial year. Ask any person in the street today if they would sacrifice almost $300,000 for doing the same job?

That's a lot of money to give up. But I guess one thing Fifita needs to consider is does he want to win premierships? Broncos are a much higher chance of doing so than the Titans. The bonuses players get, along with rep bonuses and third party deals as he becomes a bigger name would go a long way towards that closing that gap. Plus not only that, but he would get a bigger deal in the long run at the Broncos.
re the rumour of fifita v seibold: I'm all for the idea of Fifita staying if it meant Seibold going as I think he sucks, but we have to be wary of giving players too much power. What happens the next time one of our important players comes off contract and dislikes the coach, are we going to be held to ransom everytime?
Look how well it turned out when the Tits sacked their coach for Hayne.
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