Denan Kemp Dropped

Don't say that to MattO. He'll delete you from facebook! LOL
Coxy said:
Don't say that to MattO. He'll delete you from facebook! LOL
and I would cry into my pillow every night :roll: [icon_lol1.
He's a better man then you :)
This is Hazem's list; Ambassador for Premiers Reading Challenge, Ambassador for Anti-Discrimination Board Postcards Programme, Ambassador for NSW Government's Stop Violence Against Women campaign, NRL Ken Stephen Medal Winner 2002, Named as one of Sydney's 100 Most Influential People Sydney Magazine 2009, Role Model of the Year Lebanese Association of NSW 2009, Women in League Favourite Son Award 2009.
What do you or have you done for the community? [icon_wink
I don't recall saying anything about all the kiss ass stuff he's done.

I simply called him a dick. And anyone who uses the religion card to not give evidence in a police investigation to clear themselves will always be a dick.
Nashy said:
I don't recall saying anything about all the kiss ass stuff he's done.

I simply called him a dick. And anyone who uses the religion card to not give evidence in a police investigation to clear themselves will always be a dick.
You mean anyone who uses their legal rights is a dick? [eusa_eh
He refused to cooperate with a police investigation because of his religion. He's a dick.
Nashy said:
He refused to cooperate with a police investigation because of his religion. He's a dick.
Which was his legal right and if people who refuse to do something which is their legal right makes them dicks then I guess most people are dicks [icon_wink
That's pretty backwards really. Someone could be guilty but get away with murder because of their outdated primitive beliefs? Fail.
"No sir, I couldn't possibly have murdered that person because my religion says it's wrong, and I'm very religious".
"Oh, in that case, no worries."
Nashy said:
He refused to cooperate with a police investigation because of his religion. He's a dick.

Since when.

Star player Hazem El Masri yesterday told officers he would not cooperate with their investigations because he was insulted that he was being dragged into the sex scandal. ... 14906.html

No mention of his religion & the media would have reported about it if he used his religion.
The Rock said:
ROFL @ Scotty and Nashy.

So you're saying it's not right for Hazem to say, "I'm not assisting with police investigation because of my religion" but it must be OK for someone else to say, "I'm not giving evidence because I just don't want to."

So if Willie Mason said, "Nah, it's my legal right. I choose not to assist Police with their investigation." Then it would be ok right Nashy? But just because Hazem used religion as an excuse, it's not right?

Ummm no? I'm saying whether it's against your religion or not, if you're a suspect then you SHOULD be legally obliged to co-operate with police. It could potentially be obstructing justice otherwise. I say this because according to broncospwn it is El-masri's legal right to not co-operate cause it's against his religion. I don't know if it's true one way or the other, I'm just saying that if you can get out of an investigation that easily then it's pretty dodgy.
No you shouldn't. If it's your legal right not to then he shouldn't be forced to regardless of what Police say, it's his right to exercise his legal rights according to laws and if a court said he had too and he refused than that's a different story, he did nothing illegal. Anyway where does he say that he refused because of his religion? Is there any quotes from him?

And Scotty, SHOULD be legally obliged? he had the right to refuse by LAW so he should not be legally obliged to do anything when he has the right not to. Hazem had a 100% right to refuse I would of done the exact same thing, he was not with them when the incident happened yet the police dragged him into because he was a part of the team, he had a right to be offended. If my mates at work were suspected of"rape" and the police said I had to get a DNA test because I'm a suspect when I wasn't even there I would of said get fucked as well ;)

Hazem is a top person and anyone who has spoke to him before or knows him would know what a great person he is, the amount of work he has done for the community, going out of his way to help sick kids, stays back at training long after others are gone to sign autographs and speak to fans.

A few months ago 24 hours before a game he was sent a letter by a lukemia suffers' parents whose sick girl had a dying wish to see Hazem, when he saw that letter he Immediately booked a plane ticket to see her, he went to hospital and visited the girl who was in immeasurable pain and the girl was the happiest person alive upon seeing him, the next day the girl died. He is a brilliant person who does everything he can to help others and very humble and thankful for his position, anyone who thinks he's a dick doesn't know him because if they did would know he was a top person.
I haven't once taken a swipe at El-masri in this thread in case you guys hadn't noticed (well there was a jab at religion in general, but that wasn't aimed at him). I'm not criticising him exercising his rights, I'm criticising the fact that people have that right at all. If you're a suspect to a case there should be no exceptions as to why you can't co-operate with the police.

Coxy said:
"No sir, I couldn't possibly have murdered that person because my religion says it's wrong, and I'm very religious".
"Oh, in that case, no worries."

[icon_lol1. I just noticed this
broncospwn said:
No you shouldn't. If it's your legal right not to then he shouldn't be forced to regardless of what Police say, it's his right to exercise his legal rights according to laws and if a court said he had too and he refused than that's a different story, he did nothing illegal. Anyway where does he say that he refused because of his religion? Is there any quotes from him?

And Scotty, SHOULD be legally obliged? he had the right to refuse by LAW so he should not be legally obliged to do anything when he has the right not to. Hazem had a 100% right to refuse I would of done the exact same thing, he was not with them when the incident happened yet the police dragged him into because he was a part of the team, he had a right to be offended. If my mates at work were suspected of"rape" and the police said I had to get a DNA test because I'm a suspect when I wasn't even there I would of said get **** as well ;)

Hazem is a top person and anyone who has spoke to him before or knows him would know what a great person he is, the amount of work he has done for the community, going out of his way to help sick kids, stays back at training long after others are gone to sign autographs and speak to fans.

A few months ago 24 hours before a game he was sent a letter by a lukemia suffers' parents whose sick girl had a dying wish to see Hazem, when he saw that letter he Immediately booked a plane ticket to see her, he went to hospital and visited the girl who was in immeasurable pain and the girl was the happiest person alive upon seeing him, the next day the girl died. He is a brilliant person who does everything he can to help others and very humble and thankful for his position, anyone who thinks he's a dick doesn't know him because if they did would know he was a top person.

Take your agendas elsewhere, would you?

We get it. You get a stiffy for Hazem. Let's move on.
Kaz said:
Star player Hazem El Masri yesterday told officers he would not cooperate with their investigations because he was insulted that he was being dragged into the sex scandal. ... 14906.html

No mention of his religion & the media would have reported about it if he used his religion.

That's even worse than playing the religion card. Not co-operating with the police because your pride is hurt makes you a dick.