Ennis For The Exit

SimplyBronco said:
Slide said:
Without a decent hooker, the wingers would probably never see good ball.
It's simple really; Broncos have to let go of Boyd, Michaels, Kemp, Robinson.
In 2009, the Broncos will have two top class centres in Hodges and Folau.
The Broncos also doesn't have a bad fullback by the name of Hunt.
Just watch the Under 20's, there are some real talent in the backs that could easily field the wing spots.

1. Hunt
2. Yow Yeh
3. Folou
4. Hodges
5. Tupou
6. Lockyer
7. Wallace
8. Hannant
9. Ennis
10. Thaiday
11. Parker
12. Sims
13. Moon

You remind me of someone who loves one player too much.. eusa_think Tupou huh?

Then again there was Elia Tuqiri too..

As i understand it Will Tupou has been going great guns in the under 20s
Meat77 said:
Falou > Ennis

Where's the problem?

LOL. Folau might be slightly better than Ennis (very slightly, a lot of people just don't seem to notice his ordinary defense, but Ennis is so much more useful since he'd be getting like 800% more ball than Folau a game. I've always said Ennis was going to be something special, and I think he can get even better in the future.
Also Marsh isn't anywhere near Ennis' quality or potential. Ennis adds great organisation (which the Broncos have been lacking for many years now) which Marsh would have absolutely no idea about.
If this is true I'll shit myself for days and days. Why oh why oh why! :mad: Despite his injuries he has been a damn great signing for us over the years.
Alec said:
Also Marsh isn't anywhere near Ennis' quality or potential. Ennis adds great organisation (which the Broncos have been lacking for many years now) which Marsh would have absolutely no idea about.

Not anywhere near Ennis's quality or potential [icon_lol1. thats a good laugh, the Broncos have played their best football this season when it has been Marsh in control at dummy half and thats no coincidence Marsh has plenty of talent and experience and is a far more consistant and proven performer in first grade, Ennis on the otherhand has struggled at best to be consistant at the Broncos and his best at the Broncos isn't better then what I have seen of Marsh's best during his career.
Nothing was mentioned on the sports show tonight about Ennis signing for the Dogs.
mal said:
Although it would be quite funny if this turned out that the Broncos let him go to make way for a Mr Cam Smith.

You have raised an interesting point and it would an interesting few weeks to come.

If we didn't get anyone to replace Ennis then it would be a real shame. The broncos have a nasty habit of letting good hookers go with no one to fill the void.

When will the broncos learn that hookers are far too important these days, and should not be let go just to get a centre that hasn't really proved his worth?
The Rock said:
If Ennis can keep his form up, he'll prove more valuable to the team over the coming years than Folau will. Hookers, Halfbacks and Fullbacks tend to hold that trait. That's part of my point - It could be a massive risk to just let Ennis go when he could easily become a Cameron Smith or a Robbie Farah - I mean, he's already showed the skills that he can possess and the form that he can produce - So if he keeps it up then he'll be a star player.

I am not saying to throw 300k at him - But to simply Let_him_go would be absolutely outrages. At least offer him a competitive deal, I am sure he'd stay if we did.

I'm sorry Rocky but I have to disagree mate, the chances of Ennis playing consistently at a level Cameron Smith and Robbie Farah play at is unlikely at best, especially considering the inconsistency he has shown at the Broncos during his time at the club and the injuries as well, I'm not going to deny he hasn't played his best football for our club this season but overall I fail to see the consistency as a performer to see him produce that level at a level you expect from those players.

As for staying I'm not convinced he will anyway, a fresh start at another club considering the troubled injuries and inconsistant form could be just as appealing for a player for a player in his position.
broncosil said:
mal said:
Although it would be quite funny if this turned out that the Broncos let him go to make way for a Mr Cam Smith.

You have raised an interesting point and it would an interesting few weeks to come.

If we didn't get anyone to replace Ennis then it would be a real shame. The broncos have a nasty habit of letting good hookers go with no one to fill the void.

When will the broncos learn that hookers are far too important these days, and should not be let go just to get a centre that hasn't really proved his worth?

Ennis has hardly proved himself during his time at the Broncos, not enough to suggest to me we shouldn't do all in our powers to lure a player of Folau's talent and potential to the club to improve a backline that has lacked talent of that quality for years, if it has come down to Ennis leaving then so be it, tough decisions have to be made in the teams best interests and while Ennis's departure might close one door it opens another door for someone like Butterfield or Ben Hunt to make it, thats what the club was made on, being prepared to make tough decisions in the clubs best interests, you may not get them always right but you still have to be prepared to make them or you shouldn't be in the job.
Folks, the conclusion is ennis has shown enough over these past few weeks to warrant him a contract for next season at least. Injuries are part and parcel of the game, so lets not take that into account for the time being as one of our best has been playing with a busted knee all year.
Ennis is the closest player to Cameron Smith I have ever seen. In fact I could even mistake them one for another...even though they look completely different too each other.

I don't think Ennis will ever reach Cam Smith's level, but he still does for us exactly what Cam Smith does for Melbourne...whereas PJ Marsh is just a boring "support" hooker of the past era. You don't see many of them anymore, the last real good one was Buderus. Nowdays you have to pretty much have playmaking/directing hookers like Farah,Payne, Smith, Ennis etc.
Unlikely at best? He reason why he hasn't show than sort of form is because he hasn't had the chance too. He has bene troubled by injuries since he got here, no wonder he has shown nothing but inconsistancy! Now that he's started to string some games together he is really showing what sort of player he is. I have no doubt in my mind that if he stays injury free he'll be able to build on his confidence and become one of our key players.

Sorry mate but it would a deadset joke to suggest he has proven himself at the club and as having the potential to reach the standard Cameron Smith and Robbie Farah produce for their side on a consistant basis, yes his had his share of injuries but when he has been on the field (and his form is rated over all sesaon his played for us not just this season) his struggled for consistency when other players that have joined the club have proven themselves in shorter periods.

And a few very good games doesn't warrant an instant contract for next season, consistency is the key for a player who has had injury problems for a number of seasons and to say its just part and parcel of the game isn't showing an understanding of the importance of injuries can do to your side's chances for the premiership or the future, its very much a factor that needs to be considered particularly when it comes to bidding wars from other clubs and you have a lot of talent off contract too, its not as simple as just saying oh well offer him a contract theres a lot of factors to consider but fans don't want to face that.
I think it will be a terrible loss to us if he goes. He was becoming one of my faves. I really like and rate Ennis very highly
The Rock said:
But we're not talking about any other joe blow who has joined the club and has suffered injuries. Wayne saw something special in Michael Ennis and he's now showing the world what he is capable of. His form in the last month easily matches the form of say a Robbie Farah or a Cameron Smith on any given day. The only thing that seperates these 2 superstars to Michael Ennis is consistancy.

As far as skill, vision, kicking game, defence and tactical nouse goes he matches Farah and Smith with these traits. He shown that he can dominante a game like these 2 players. He's proven that he is capble of peforming well in a big game. The Only thing Ennis needs to prove now is that he can consistantly do this over a pro-longed preiod of time.

I think the latter!

And if you look through the history of the club you will see its been prepared to make tough decisions on some of the best players in the history of the game including THE KING himself for the best interests of the club, compared to the players we have had to make tough decisions on his a player who I have seen plenty of times before, heck even when I don't compare him I don't see a player that hasn't existed before. A lot of fans can't and are unwilling to look outside their at times narrowminded view of the decisionmaking clubs face when it comes to retaining players.

As far as Michael Ennis goes his got a long way to go to have shown he can perform at the level Cameron Smith and Robbie Farah are able to and as far as being able to produce it on any given day goes a couple of very good performances in a number of season of inconsistant form and injuries is far from that and his not shown it against the real forces of the competition nor consistency in the time his been at the club, two areas you must have to be in that area, its what seperates average and good players from the excellent ones and from my perspective its hard to argue that his such a must have player critical to our chances when his time overall (which your choosing to overlook) at the club says otherwise particularly with the consistant performance Wallace is proving to provide and what PJ Marsh can bring to the side as well as future players in Ben Hunt and Tom Butterfield, I'm not suggesting the club shouldn't offer him a contract but rather the club looks at all options available doesn't limit its scope for the sake of the side overall not just for the sake of keeping Ennis at the club. If it takes Ennis's departure to keep the bulk of the side together then thats a price I'm willing to pay, NO ONE is bigger then the club.
It would be unfortunate if we happen to lose Mick [icon_frown

However I believe it will give Tom Butterfield or Ben Hunt a go in first grade next year, or maybe even open the door for Cam Smith to come if he wanted (like others have already stated).

I am also in agreement with Rock on one point he brung up in regards to his contract offer. We should at least offer him something competitive, because I believe he would stay, knowing that we are in the process of what I believe could be a broncos dynasty with himself, Wallace, Hunt and Thaiday leading from the front!

It will be sad to lose him, but we are in the same boat with Locky...one day we are going to be without him, so things around the club will change dramatically in the next couple of years. Very much like it did at the end of last year!
Sometimes hard decisions have to be made.

It is like the time the Fat Controller had to ask me to work with Diesel to fix the Sodor suspension bridge. He knew we would not work well together but the job had to get done.

As it happened I ended up with paint all over my boiler and that made me very cross and started an all out war between the steamies and the diesels.

I hope the same does not happen at the Broncos if Michael Ennis has to go! He is a very useful steamy himself, and I think Israel Folau is a lazy diesel.


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