Enough is Enough - Time to Make Our Voices Heard

Not really. This is just another baying mob with pitchforks wanting blood. You don't even have the penalties yet. You don't even know what the police found on the cameras. This happens every time there's an incident. Can't you see you're part of the problem?

Obviously I'm part of the problem. Me and fellow 15k+ posters on here are responsible for (and I have this on good authority):

- Hyped up kids failing
- The Broncos winning the wooden spoon
- The inconsistency and incompetence of the NRL itself
- The poorly written journalism by you and your fellow gossip columnists
- Braith Anasta being a host of NRL360
- Cancel Culture
- Men competing as women at the Olympics

and of course
- The descent into insanity of @broncsgoat
Obviously I'm part of the problem. Me and fellow 15k+ posters on here are responsible for (and I have this on good authority):

- Hyped up kids failing
- The Broncos winning the wooden spoon
- The inconsistency and incompetence of the NRL itself
- The poorly written journalism by you and your fellow gossip columnists
- Braith Anasta being a host of NRL360
- Cancel Culture
- Men competing as women at the Olympics

and of course
- The decent into insanity of @broncsgoat
I get being a fan of a failing club has made you cranky - we're all the same boat - but you're just going off half cocked here. Wait until the verdict is brought down. Listen to the reasoning behind it. Ask why the penalty differs from other cases. And then do your little tantrum if you can't understand the reasoning or don't agree with it.

The way it stands, the easiest way to shut down the hysterical broncos fans is to give them the blood they crave. Every time one of our own ***** up in even the smallest way, half the crowd in here wants him strung by the neck. That's not to say you don't want to do something equally sadistic to players from other clubs, but those clubs don't really give a **** what Broncos fans think. The Broncos just need to hand you your corpse to piss on.
How do you guys know how the club is reacting to this?

Of course they're not going to let rip in the media, that would be pointless.
Not really. This is just another baying mob with pitchforks wanting blood. You don't even have the penalties yet. You don't even know what the police found on the cameras. This happens every time there's an incident. Can't you see you're part of the problem?
Are you not reading what people are saying? take your blinders off.
No one is baying for blood, people are wanting consistency.

I dont understand how you are missing this?

We have the information available, Haas and Kelly have not been arrested, May was arrested.
Haas and Kelly are staring at bans, May is not.

Its simple dude.
Are you not reading what people are saying? take your blinders off.
No one is baying for blood, people are wanting consistency.

I dont understand how you are missing this?

We have the information available, Haas and Kelly have not been arrested, May was arrested.
Haas and Kelly are staring at bans, May is not.

Its simple dude.

Do what I'm doing and let it go. He's a journalist or journalist wannabe, he doesn't know how to read for meaning.
One thing that does appear to be overlooked by many here is repeated infringements. Allegedly Haas was sat down and read the riot act - by the NRL, not the Broncos, though probably the club too - about his repeated off-field indiscretions. Now, rightly or wrongly, he finds himself in the headlines - again. Perhaps he was warned that his next off-field incident would result in an automatic suspension?

Now, I'm not in any way defending the corrupt ***** that are the NSWR....sorry, NRL administration. This is absolute bullshit and no different to guys getting in each others' faces at training. We consistently get the pointy end of the stick and I'm as fucking sick of it as the next one of you/us in here. Poor Flegler had the book thrown at him for a number of legal tackles on the weekend and it was fucking garbage, the bloke would have been a superstar as recently as the 1990's. But that was also just the latest in a very, very long list of what appear to be pretty obvious injustices against this club by the admin of the game.

This is a total nothingburger from what is public knowledge, and the punishments being bandied about are a fucking farce in the face of the May incident (among others).
Do what I'm doing and let it go. He's a journalist or journalist wannabe, he doesn't know how to read for meaning.
Isn't he a Broncos supporter as well though?
I just don't understand his agenda here?
It is perfectly understandable that people are frustrated.

You have repeat violent offenders like Dylan Walker Sam Burgess getting off with a slap on the wrist, you have sporting role models doing cocaine and getting a slap on the wrist, then you have Broncos players getting into the least trouble out of all of them, and being hit with the harshest penalties.

How can you be a supporter and not be frustrated with this situation, and the fact that this May incident is happening side by side to the Broncos incident with such dramatically different outcomes should be all you need to see to realize that this shit is far from balanced.

Like seriously Mchunt, whats the go with taking shots at Broncos fans for rightfully being miffed at this situation?
Isn't he a Broncos supporter as well though?
I just don't understand his agenda here?
It is perfectly understandable that people are frustrated.

You have repeat violent offenders like Dylan Walker Sam Burgess getting off with a slap on the wrist, you have sporting role models doing cocaine and getting a slap on the wrist, then you have Broncos players getting into the least trouble out of all of them, and being hit with the harshest penalties.

How can you be a supporter and not be frustrated with this situation, and the fact that this May incident is happening side by side to the Broncos incident with such dramatically different outcomes should be all you need to see to realize that this shit is far from balanced.

Like seriously Mchunt, whats the go with taking shots at Broncos fans for rightfully being miffed at this situation?
You're all blowing piss and wind. You don't even know what happened and the penalty yet.
Do what I'm doing and let it go. He's a journalist or journalist wannabe, he doesn't know how to read for meaning.
I merely suggested you wait for the findings and penalty before spam calling the club. Is that really too much to ask of you?
Not really. This is just another baying mob with pitchforks wanting blood. You don't even have the penalties yet. You don't even know what the police found on the cameras. This happens every time there's an incident. Can't you see you're part of the problem?
You're all blowing piss and wind. You don't even know what happened and the penalty yet.
**** off mate.

It's obvious you work for some gutter news outlet.

The fans don't want a bar of your shit anymore.
You're all blowing piss and wind. You don't even know what happened and the penalty yet.
We know this

and we know this

What the hell more do you need to know Mchunt?

You say we dont know the details but we know for a certainty that May was charged by police and is missing no games.
We also know for a certainty that neither Haas nor Kelly were charged by police and they are going to be suspended.
**** off mate.

It's obvious you work for some gutter news outlet.

The fans don't want a bar of your shit anymore.
I'm saying exactly the opposite of the media. I've been telling you guys to stop jumping the gun and carrying on every time a player farts. You need to support them, not demand they be punished. And then cry like babies when they are.

Go read my posts in these threads, and see which of us have supported our players. Me, every time.
We know this

and we know this

What the hell more do you need to know Mchunt?
The Haas suspension is still a rumour. I don't know anything about the May case but it was when he was on leave and it's in front of the courts, where it should be.
I'm saying exactly the opposite of the media. I've been telling you guys to stop jumping the gun and carrying on every time a player farts. You need to support them, not demand they be punished. And then cry like babies when they are.

Go read my posts in these threads, and see which of us have supported our players. Me, every time.
You don't seem to realize we are supporting them, a stink is being kicked up because they are being penalized far more harshly for far less.

Think about it, if we were not supporters, or fans, we wouldnt give a shit and you wouldnt hear a peep out of us.
You don't seem to realize we are supporting them, a stink is being kicked up because they are being penalized far more harshly for far less.

Think about it, if we were not supporters, or fans, we wouldnt give a shit and you wouldnt hear a peep out of us.
Look at what I posted, and look at some of the ripe comments before it. Why are you surprised the club would penalize our players to keep you lot happy?

You told me to shut up. That's your take. So get fucked with your indignation now.

I'm not pooh-poohing this, but it might be a little premature to charge at the club half-cocked. All we know so far is what we've seen on that blurry video. We've been further told it was Albert's 31st birthday bash and that Payne wasn't drunk. That's all we know. The rest is rumour. Including all talk of suspension.

I would wait until the NRL Integrity Unit has delivered its findings, the penalties are made official, and we know who exactly is imposing them.

The process so far - that I can deduce - is the club has got ahead a viral scandal by flicking it onto the NRL. The NRL has got the police involved, I presume so they can access CCTV footage of the night and get a better picture of what else happened.

At this point we don't know whether the video we've seen is the entire incident or the tip of the iceberg. We also don't know what else has been brewing with these players. Maybe there's more to it. Maybe there's nothing.

Furthermore, decide what you want: do you want all employees of the NRL punished over and above the laws of the land? Are you mad because you want to see more blood, from more clubs? Or less blood?

Should the organization act like a school, and send these grown men to detention for misdemeanors? Or should they be subject to the same employment conditions as the rest of us?

And now, moving up a level, do you expect your club to uphold an even higher standard than the managing body of the code itself, and impose a further set of penalties?

I'm not clear in this challenge whether the point is to demand a brutal enforcement of some ad-hoc ethical code right across the league, like the Saudi Religious Police, or whether you want to leave criminal matters to the police and misdemeanors to the judgement of the general public.

Whenever one of our players makes the news the first reaction in here is to gather a lynch mob and try him before a kangaroo court based on very little information. Careful what you wish for. You're the ones the NRL is trying to appease.
I'll be honest, I've always been on the side of, I really don't care about off field shit, they're NRL players, I don't care if my local servo owner got into a tiff last weekend or snorted a line, as long as they offer a good price. I don't care about what certain actors do in their free time, as long as they're entertaining to watch.

I'm actually okay with May not being suspended, I just don't think Haas/Kelly deserve to be either. It's a joke.

Serious offences like rape, GBH, fair enough, no fault standown makes sense. Everything else should be left up to the club and the NRL should stay out of it. The game has went too far in trying to appease 4WDriving soccer mums because their darling son might be scarred if he looks at Twitter.

But that's besides the point, if we are going to appease the Karens, do it consistently, lay out a suspension system that is applied consistently, hand out suspensions and explains how they arrived at that point.

Right now it's just pick a penalty out of a hat system and apply a 2x multiplier if it's certain clubs.
Act better from the outset.

Look at what I posted, and look at some of the ripe comments before it. Why are you surprised the club would penalize our players to keep you lot happy?

No one is condoning his past behavior.

What most are unhappy about in this instance is the severity of the penalty on our players vs that of other teams players who are doing worse.
You are trying to manipulate this conversation into some faux outrage that doesn't exist.

No one here is baying for blood, no one here is taking shots at the players, from what i can see, is people are contacting the club to be more proactive in defending players when there is an apparent injustice at play.

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