(Ex-) Cronulla players admitted drug cheats!

re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

It's not harsh at all. You want to ruin the fabric of what professional sport is all about, you go soft on things like performance-enhancing drugs, illegal betting, etc. They know the rules, they should be fucking shit-scared that they can lose their careers with one error of judgement, that way they'll really want to check to make sure that the shit in that needle is legit.

Every single medicine you take prior to driving, do you check every ingredient to make sure there is nothing in there that is going to affect your driving capability?

No. Of course you don't. You put your trust in a doctor, or the lack of drowsy effects warnings.

I'm in no way saying that the players shouldn't be banned. There is a clear rule, and that rule could well have been broken. If it does turn out that it was a Dr. trust type situation that caused this, then blaming the players is ridiculous.

Who else are they meant to ask? They had a sports scientist endorsed by the club, who had a profession medial doctor in it's staff who was apparently overlooking this program.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

It's one thing to trust your doctor to give you the proper medication for an ailment.

It's a different thing entirely to accept injections of "supplements" because the club doctor tells you it's okay.

The rules and guide-lines are very clear about it. This stuff is peppered into sports professionals and their management, at personal as well as club level. It's really not rocket science...

The most important guide-line is to source the medication/supplements yourself, especially if there is no obvious reason for you to take them, like an injury or illness, and if you're asked to take injections without being injured/sick, alarm bells should immediately start ringing!

If you have any doubts, ask your chemist or your personal physician.

Remember, this isn't an isolated incident. This was systematically done with many players at the time, often outside club premises.

Yeah right, doesn't sound dodgy at all.

Throw the fucking book at the lot of them!
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re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Every single medicine you take prior to driving, do you check every ingredient to make sure there is nothing in there that is going to affect your driving capability?

No. Of course you don't. You put your trust in a doctor, or the lack of drowsy effects warnings.

I'm in no way saying that the players shouldn't be banned. There is a clear rule, and that rule could well have been broken. If it does turn out that it was a Dr. trust type situation that caused this, then blaming the players is ridiculous.

Who else are they meant to ask? They had a sports scientist endorsed by the club, who had a profession medial doctor in it's staff who was apparently overlooking this program.

No I don't check every ingredient, but I sure as hell google it for potential side effects and to make sure it doesn't say NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION FFS
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Heartless bastards.

The fact that people are happy to see players go down for something that they most probably thought was fine due to trusting people employed by the club is truly eye opening.

We have no proof that there is anything wrong, we have many rumours that many people are happy to take as truth, and no compassion for the possibility that the players were shafted by the very people employed to make sure this stuff was cleat for sports use.

But that doesn't matter. Grab my pitch fork. **** them. Ban them forever. They know that doping is bad. Its drilled into them.

Forget the fact that it's drilled into them that the club doctor is your only doctor. Forget that the club employed the dr. Forget that the players trusted them because of it.

As for alarm bells. What's a load of shit. Every team, every player, nearly ever professional sports, take legal supliments for body recovery. Alarm bells.... Lol.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Lol, players like Gallen and Jeremy Smith were veteran players at the time. They would have easily spotted that something was changing in their sports medicine routine. Fair enough they might have been given a believable spiel by the Doctor but these guys were the leaders of the club with a NRL network that included players as well as sports scientists at other clubs, including representative teams.

It would have taken players 5 mins to make a few phone calls to some people they trust outside the Sharks organisation to do a quick checkup on what they were taking. Hell, they didn't even have to admit they were/had taken it, just a quick "someones mentioned theis peptide to me, what do you know about it?"

I just cant buy that seasoned professionals with a network of information resources just blindly follow whoever the club hires in regards to sticking a different substance into their bodies.

Most people aren't saying ban them forever but I guess its fun to exaggerate, the common theme is that the punishment should not be backdated otherwise basically, there is no punishment.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

I would just cop the 6 month suspension to be honest with you. It would still mean I could play the next year and hopefully a full season and also get all this behind me.

I personally feel sorry for the Sharks and their players that have been victimised by scummy club doctors and officials. If they willingly took these substances and knew what they were then it would be a different story but it seems like they had no idea what they were and took them in trust that those giving them knew what they were doing and were legal. There should still be a suspension but only a short one as they weren't aware.

Message to Queenslanders who will bring Paul Gallen into this; you guys aren't clean skinned yourselves.

It was a media beat up instigated by Buzz Rothfield. Barely taken seriously by anyone.

He said use your little brain

**** me dead, you are honestly that shit. Anasta avatar, blues supporting, semen stained dragon jersey wank.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

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re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

It just shows you doesn't it....people like Kaz, totally incapable of thinking for themselves. I may be wrong but so far I haven't heard anyone saying the drugs were not for human consumption and while I don't think rugby league players are intellectual giants I find it almost impossible to believe that any of them would willingly allow someone to withdraw fluid from a container marked 'Not for human consumption' and then inject them with same.

On last nights NRL ON FOX Paul Kent said that a lot of people believe ASADA has little evidence of wrong doing and that all of the players have been given all the evidence collected. The reduced sentences are a desperate attempt to gather evidence by having players squeal on their mates but that may be hard to do if very little happened. It would be difficult if it turns out that none of them know much.
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re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Once again, the truth is somewhere between the two extremes

Yes the players know not to take illegal drugs, but I can totally understand players putting their trust in the team doctor/s and being ignorant of the substance

But still, even if you think it is harsh, the players have to receive a penalty otherwise everybody can cheat and claim ignorance

A 6 month ban, able to be taken in the off season doesn't constitute a penalty either

A 6 month ban has to be 6 months of playing time otherwise it's a just a joke
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Heartless bastards.

The fact that people are happy to see players go down for something that they most probably thought was fine due to trusting people employed by the club is truly eye opening.

We have no proof that there is anything wrong, we have many rumours that many people are happy to take as truth, and no compassion for the possibility that the players were shafted by the very people employed to make sure this stuff was cleat for sports use.

But that doesn't matter. Grab my pitch fork. **** them. Ban them forever. They know that doping is bad. Its drilled into them.

Forget the fact that it's drilled into them that the club doctor is your only doctor. Forget that the club employed the dr. Forget that the players trusted them because of it.

As for alarm bells. What's a load of shit. Every team, every player, nearly ever professional sports, take legal supliments for body recovery. Alarm bells.... Lol.

Unfortunately for your argument, we aren't the ones who need the proof. ASADA don't need to tell us shit and can go on their merry way, suspending whomever they please for taking illegal drugs with their own proof. I can't believe some people actually believe ASADA has no proof. That's kinda ridiculous.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

The fact that people are happy to see players go down for something that they most probably thought was fine due to trusting people employed by the club is truly eye opening.

We have no proof that there is anything wrong, we have many rumours that many people are happy to take as truth, and no compassion for the possibility that the players were shafted by the very people employed to make sure this stuff was cleat for sports use.

But that doesn't matter. Grab my pitch fork. **** them. Ban them forever. They know that doping is bad. Its drilled into them.

Forget the fact that it's drilled into them that the club doctor is your only doctor. Forget that the club employed the dr. Forget that the players trusted them because of it.

As for alarm bells. What's a load of shit. Every team, every player, nearly ever professional sports, take legal supliments for body recovery. Alarm bells.

The players are responsible for what goes into their bodies.

If players aren't checking the supplements they are given, they are halfwits

re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

If I'm honest, I just don't care and want the headlines to be over with. Remember the SPORTS DARKEST DAY hysteria when the case first broke, and it's been whittled down to a small bunch of players still active at the sharks and that's about it?

There's not really going to be any punishment if they're backdating it to november 2013, so if they cop the suspension, miss, what, 3 games? and are able to play next year, then **** me who gives a shit, the punishment and crime don't really align anyway in the grand scheme.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

The players are responsible for what goes into their bodies.

If players aren't checking the supplements they are given, they are halfwits


They did check. Because the people they check with are those who gave them to them. What don't you get?

As for ringing their mates. Maybe they weren't told exactly what was in the viles. A lot of people here must have trust issues if they don't trust more than one doctor.

I'm not arguing the rule of the game, I'm not even arguing the suspension. I'm just absolutely mystified that people can feel so good about putting the blame on the players, when it is looking more and more likely that they had no idea and put their trust into those who are employed to do it.

They shouldn't have to ring all of their mates at other clubs and ask about it. That's what the fucking club doctors are for.

The fact that the club doctor raised his concerns with the club is only one part of it. He should have put an immediate stop to it if he was concerned, and he most certainly should have told the players that they need to look further into what is being put into them.

There are so many more people at the club who should be held accountable but will not.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

They did check. Because the people they check with are those who gave them to them. What don't you get?

As for ringing their mates. Maybe they weren't told exactly what was in the viles. A lot of people here must have trust issues if they don't trust more than one doctor.

I'm not arguing the rule of the game, I'm not even arguing the suspension. I'm just absolutely mystified that people can feel so good about putting the blame on the players, when it is looking more and more likely that they had no idea and put their trust into those who are employed to do it.

They shouldn't have to ring all of their mates at other clubs and ask about it. That's what the fucking club doctors are for.

The fact that the club doctor raised his concerns with the club is only one part of it. He should have put an immediate stop to it if he was concerned, and he most certainly should have told the players that they need to look further into what is being put into them.

There are so many more people at the club who should be held accountable but will not.

If all of these players were so innocent then why didn't they work with ASADA two years ago instead of keeping everything so tight lipped? Everything is too suspicious for us to actually think they had no idea.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Heartless bastards.

The fact that people are happy to see players go down for something that they most probably thought was fine due to trusting people employed by the club is truly eye opening.

We have no proof that there is anything wrong, we have many rumours that many people are happy to take as truth, and no compassion for the possibility that the players were shafted by the very people employed to make sure this stuff was cleat for sports use.

But that doesn't matter. Grab my pitch fork. **** them. Ban them forever. They know that doping is bad. Its drilled into them.

Forget the fact that it's drilled into them that the club doctor is your only doctor. Forget that the club employed the dr. Forget that the players trusted them because of it.

As for alarm bells. What's a load of shit. Every team, every player, nearly ever professional sports, take legal supliments for body recovery. Alarm bells.... Lol.
In injection form? Really? Please tell me more!
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

If the players willingly took these drugs and knew that they were than give them the maximum penalty. If they were unknowingly injected with these without having any idea whatsoever what they were and trusted the doctor was doing the right thing and took his word then only give them the minimum suspension. The players should get a fair say and always should no matter what the situation is.