Heartless bastards.
The fact that people are happy to see players go down for something that they most probably thought was fine due to trusting people employed by the club is truly eye opening.
We have no proof that there is anything wrong, we have many rumours that many people are happy to take as truth, and no compassion for the possibility that the players were shafted by the very people employed to make sure this stuff was cleat for sports use.
But that doesn't matter. Grab my pitch fork. **** them. Ban them forever. They know that doping is bad. Its drilled into them.
Forget the fact that it's drilled into them that the club doctor is your only doctor. Forget that the club employed the dr. Forget that the players trusted them because of it.
As for alarm bells. What's a load of ****. Every team, every player, nearly ever professional sports, take legal supliments for body recovery. Alarm bells.... Lol.