(Ex-) Cronulla players admitted drug cheats!

re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Buzz comes off as the biggest asshole.

Because he is. Buzz is now butthurt that his club is being manhandled, and wants to take out his anger.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Unfortunately for your argument, we aren't the ones who need the proof. ASADA don't need to tell us **** and can go on their merry way, suspending whomever they please for taking illegal drugs with their own proof. I can't believe some people actually believe ASADA has no proof. That's kinda ridiculous.

ASADA don't suspend anyone, they make recommendations to the governing body based on their findings.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Heartless bastards.

The fact that people are happy to see players go down for something that they most probably thought was fine due to trusting people employed by the club is truly eye opening.

We have no proof that there is anything wrong, we have many rumours that many people are happy to take as truth, and no compassion for the possibility that the players were shafted by the very people employed to make sure this stuff was cleat for sports use.

But that doesn't matter. Grab my pitch fork. **** them. Ban them forever. They know that doping is bad. Its drilled into them.

Forget the fact that it's drilled into them that the club doctor is your only doctor. Forget that the club employed the dr. Forget that the players trusted them because of it.

As for alarm bells. What's a load of ****. Every team, every player, nearly ever professional sports, take legal supliments for body recovery. Alarm bells.... Lol.

Every Olympic Athelete banned for drugs was given it by a coach or doctor do you weep for all of them?
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Every single medicine you take prior to driving, do you check every ingredient to make sure there is nothing in there that is going to affect your driving capability?

No. Of course you don't. You put your trust in a doctor, or the lack of drowsy effects warnings.

I'm in no way saying that the players shouldn't be banned. There is a clear rule, and that rule could well have been broken. If it does turn out that it was a Dr. trust type situation that caused this, then blaming the players is ridiculous.

Who else are they meant to ask? They had a sports scientist endorsed by the club, who had a profession medial doctor in it's staff who was apparently overlooking this program.

If I knew I could be tested at anytime, if It was my living, if it was the result of my hard work to be playing NRL or going to the Olympics, If I was told every year not to take anything, if I had a book that listed things.

Then yep I wouldn't just take anything that was given to me.

Bit more personally on line than your GP giving you something and me going to work a bit tired.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Every Olympic Athelete banned for drugs was given it by a coach or doctor do you weep for all of them?

If they didn't know. Absolutely I do.

Is that a problem for you buddy?
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

If I knew I could be tested at anytime, if It was my living, if it was the result of my hard work to be playing NRL or going to the Olympics, If I was told every year not to take anything, if I had a book that listed things.

Then yep I wouldn't just take anything that was given to me.

Bit more personally on line than your GP giving you something and me going to work a bit tired.

Is it? Because they could be suspended from their job, like many people who could take something and be suspended from work due to a failed roadside drug test.

The drug wasn't listed in their book from what I have read, so your book would have been useless, even if you had learned to read it.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

If the club doctors or Dank lie to the players about what they were being injected with, then they should call the authorities and have those people charged ... because injecting someone with a substance against their will is a CRIME

if as has been suggested that the players were told to keep quiet about it and/or the injections happened of club premises (most likely to try and give the club deniability, in the event they were caught), the alarm bells should have being ringing for even the stupidest professional athlete around
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

If the club doctors or Dank lie to the players about what they were being injected with, then they should call the authorities and have those people charged ... because injecting someone with a substance against their will is a CRIME

if as has been suggested that the players were told to keep quiet about it and/or the injections happened of club premises (most likely to try and give the club deniability, in the event they were caught), the alarm bells should have being ringing for even the stupidest professional athlete around

They definitely weren't held down and injected. If they were so serious about their innocence they would have helped ASADA when this first began, they didn't and now it's more suspicious. They knew they had something to hide.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Also seems strange to me that only 17 are involved. Did the Sharks only have 17 players all year in that year? What about the rest of their 25 man squad?

.....most likely realised that something was dodgy and declined the offer to join in with the other 17 cheating shit *****.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

They definitely weren't held down and injected. If they were so serious about their innocence they would have helped ASADA when this first began, they didn't and now it's more suspicious. They knew they had something to hide.

Who said they didn't help?
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Who said they didn't help?


If they helped they wouldn't have gotten a show cause letter & the proof ASADA have on them.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

If they didn't know. Absolutely I do.

Is that a problem for you buddy?

Please I am yet to ever hear one person say poor Lance or poor Ben Johnson, given those drugs. People are more understanding for one reason it is an Australian.

Sam Riley was the same- if she was Chinese tell me how many hearts would have broken?

What about Warne- he trusted his mum.
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re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Is it? Because they could be suspended from their job, like many people who could take something and be suspended from work due to a failed roadside drug test.

The drug wasn't listed in their book from what I have read, so your book would have been useless, even if you had learned to read it.

What perscription drug is a road side test picking up?

The drug may not be in the book but drugs involved can be.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

What perscription drug is a road side test picking up?

The drug may not be in the book but drugs involved can be.

The names are far too long. Maybe ask some of the players you deal with, if they are drug tested, they should be able to tell you with all the time they have to check that sort of thing.

I was reading a study from England last night. There are plenty that can return a false negative. Luckily for drivers, the tests are getting better, and the false negatives can usually be sorted out easily after the fact.

It's a shame they aren't given a book to read and keep on them at all times so they don't have to rely on what the trained medical professional tells them.

How does your club Dr. feel knowing that you don't trust him?
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Please I am yet to ever hear one person say poor Lance or poor Ben Johnson, given those drugs. People are more understanding for one reason it is an Australian.

Sam Riley was the same- if she was Chinese tell me how many hearts would have broken?

What about Warne- he trusted his mum.

So my argument, since you don't seem to be understanding it, is simple. IF the players took the drugs based purely on what they were told to take from their doctors, and they were non the wiser, this is a harsh situation.

I've made that incredibly clear. I suggest you read the posts again if you can't comprehend what I'm saying.

Then you go ahead and bring up four people who simply strengthen my thought that you lack the understanding of my argument to even respond to me.

Lance Armstrong. Knew he was doping.
Ben Johnson. Knew he was doping.
Sam Riley. Coach was not a doctor.
Shane Warne. Mother was not a doctor.

Seriously. If you're not going to read what people say on here, why bother replying to those people?
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

In injection form? Really? Please tell me more!

Might I recommend Google. It's an Internet serach engine where everyone can look this stuff up and find a hive of information to allow you to make judgements based on facts.

Error Page

There is plenty on Google for you though.

Because remember guys. If it's in a syringe, it's illegal....
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Harsh or not Nashy, they had drugs injected in them. Said drugs were banned. They are not abiding by the rules, hence they are cheating.

Drug. Cheats.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Might I recommend Google. It's an Internet serach engine where everyone can look this stuff up and find a hive of information to allow you to make judgements based on facts.

Error Page

There is plenty on Google for you though.

Because remember guys. If it's in a syringe, it's illegal....
So you're just reinforcing my point.

If it's in a syringe and you're not ill or injured, it's actually a red flag. That is something which is actually told to any professional sports person in those seminars they must attend.

Why do you keep ignoring these guide-lines? Another important one, is that unless unable to, the players should always source the medication/supplements themselves. Guess what, there isn't much chance of you getting dodgy substances from your local chemist... and if the substance is not available from your local chemist, it's another red flag!

Are you actually telling me that if you were a player, not sick or injured, and the club doctor told you to go outside club premises to get injections administered on a regular basis with stuff you have no clue about, you'd just do it...?