(Ex-) Cronulla players admitted drug cheats!

re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

It was a media beat up instigated by Buzz Rothfield. Barely taken seriously by anyone.

What? Johns drug addiction? That was legit, johns admitted it.

You can't be serious
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re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

It is shitty journalism, 5 Cronulla players and 12 ex Cronulla players have been named. That would be accurate because 17 Cronulla players is factually incorrect.

The media say, 17 current & former Cronulla players, so they are correct.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

It is shitty journalism, 5 Cronulla players and 12 ex Cronulla players have been named. That would be accurate because 17 Cronulla players is factually incorrect.

SEVENTEEN past and present NRL players at the Cronulla Sharks have been given until Friday to accept deals over possible suspensions relating to the use of banned supplements.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

I meant those few journos too lazy to differentiate. It's shitty if they simply call them Cronulla players. Most I imagine will do the right thing.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

But they were Cronulla players at the time, it would be shitty to label them under their current club and give them bad publicity for something they've had no part in.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

What ever happened to Lsnce? Hope he didn't go the same way as Lamce.....

I'll hold my judgement on the whole thing until the penalties are handed down personally. I will say that I think they need to be very careful here, they could set a rather dangerous precedent. I also don't think WADA would be too impressed with lite suspensions.

Lamce knew the consequences. He dug his own grave, metaphorically and literally.

They rolled out the ex-ASADA dude again, can't remember his name. But yes, he confirmed that the WADA can appeal any punishment that they feel is not in line with the offence. And that ASADA have literally no power. All they can do is recommend to the NRL who should be charged based on their findings.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

But they were Cronulla players at the time, it would be shitty to label them under their current club and give them bad publicity for something they've had no part in.

I would expect a headline much more accurate:

" Seventeen players, five of which are currently still at Cronulla, and others who are currently at various NRL clubs, or overseas, or are now retired or about to be, but were all at Cronulla in 2011 have been blah blah blah". Has a nice ring to it.

Where's Rothfield, let's go poke him with a stick, see if he hasn't over-medicated yet.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Where's Rothfield, let's go poke him with a stick, see if he hasn't over-medicated yet.

I think Rothfield has banned my twitter account.

When he was going on & on about the Broncos salary cap, I asked how the ASADA story about the Cronulla cheats is going & it was deleted & none of my tweets make it on his twitter page.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

They rolled out the ex-ASADA dude again, can't remember his name. But yes, he confirmed that the WADA can appeal any punishment that they feel is not in line with the offence. And that ASADA have literally no power. All they can do is recommend to the NRL who should be charged based on their findings.

Dick Ings is the bloke you're thinking of .. what is this ridiculous talk about sentences for these players being back-dated?? what the fucking ****?! So effectively these guys serve no time out of the game even if they're found guilty of doping ?

I sure hope WADA is ready to sink its teeth into this if that's what happens.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

come on kid, use that little nsw brain of yours lol. the 17 players all played for cronulla when they took the drugs.

When I first heard about the investigation today the article or whatever it was said 5 Cronulla players (it was on facebook and I was taking a quick glance)

And I don't appreciate being called an idiot
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

When I first heard about the investigation today the article or whatever it was said 5 Cronulla players (it was on facebook and I was taking a quick glance)

And I don't appreciate being called an idiot

FFS from the start it said 17 current & former Cronulla players.

And where has someone called you an idiot in posts.

PM's aren't counted. opps, I have given away what I have said in PM's. :tape: :redface:
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re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

FFS from the start it said 17 current & former Cronulla players.

And where has someone called you an idiot in posts.

PM's aren't counted. opps, I have given away what I have said in PM's. :tape: :redface:

He said use your little brain
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Act like adults please kids. Take your arguments to PM.

I can't believe the flak Huge is copping for how harsh it is on the players. List or no list, it isn't unresonable to expect that a medical professional is above board.

Rules are rules. But **** it's harsh.

**** Paul Gallen though. I could not give two ***** about that grub ****.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Act like adults please kids. Take your arguments to PM.

I can't believe the flak Huge is copping for how harsh it is on the players. List or no list, it isn't unresonable to expect that a medical professional is above board.

Rules are rules. But **** it's harsh.

**** Paul Gallen though. I could not give two ***** about that grub ****.

It's not harsh at all. You want to ruin the fabric of what professional sport is all about, you go soft on things like performance-enhancing drugs, illegal betting, etc. They know the rules, they should be fucking shit-scared that they can lose their careers with one error of judgement, that way they'll really want to check to make sure that the shit in that needle is legit.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

I can't believe the flak Huge is copping for how harsh it is on the players. List or no list, it isn't unresonable to expect that a medical professional is above board.n

Rules are rules. But **** it's harsh.

Stephen Dank was just a sports scientist, who gave players animal drugs.

I for one don't believe the senior players didn't know what they were taking.

Gallen is going to try the poor woe is me story, like he always does.

I think the players should all be banned for 2 years, no reductions for taking the early guilty plea.
re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices

Love of hate Paul Gallen, or any of the players. I think it's a bit of a stretch to think these players, and team officials would try to do this.

The club IMO should be responsible. They have the duty of care as the employer, and they put their trust in someone who was meant to be good at what he did.

I'm still interested to see what proof they actually have, why it's taken this long to get it, and what is going to happen with other clubs associated with Dank?

What about some information on some of the crap that was going around when the investigation started? Private injection sessions with Dank, not condoned by the club. Who was there, all of them?

Also seems strange to me that only 17 are involved. Did the Sharks only have 17 players all year in that year? What about the rest of their 25 man squad?