re: ASADA issues "Show of Cause" notices
Love of hate Paul Gallen, or any of the players. I think it's a bit of a stretch to think these players, and team officials would try to do this.
The club IMO should be responsible. They have the duty of care as the employer, and they put their trust in someone who was meant to be good at what he did.
I'm still interested to see what proof they actually have, why it's taken this long to get it, and what is going to happen with other clubs associated with Dank?
What about some information on some of the crap that was going around when the investigation started? Private injection sessions with Dank, not condoned by the club. Who was there, all of them?
Also seems strange to me that only 17 are involved. Did the Sharks only have 17 players all year in that year? What about the rest of their 25 man squad?