One thing I'd instruct our fullback to do is after taking a high ball is to slow down the play the ball, even feign a slight injury every now and then ! My reasoning is quite simple and it comes from noticing the metres gained from the first 3-4 tackles after the kick down field.
Having a fast play the ball actually favours the defence in a huge way. They have a straight line and we invariably only have one player to pass the ball to so it is a truly simple job for the defence to contain. We barely make more than 5 metres a hitup and after 3 or 4 of them we finally have enough players onside to have options and big bodies running hard. That means we get one tackle to gain some field position.
When you compare that to say a tap start our guys, like most hitups makes 9- 10 metres a tackle. We should take our time with the first kick return and the second one too with an instruction to the forwards to sprint back onside instead of ambling down the field waiting for ineffectual hitups to put them onside. It would be new and a novel approach but I have absolutely no doubt it would be a great gain and instead of kicking on the fifth from behind our 40 we'd be kicking from theirs and winning a territorial battle we would otherwise be losing .