Finals Week 2 Discussion

Cowboys robbed by the refs, makes me want to quit supporting league when shit like this goes on.

Already there. I switched over to the afl. Great game tonight!

Won't watch another nrl match this year. Won't attend a game again
I'm the same - put me down as a 100% official part-time fan. I've been pretty lethargic as far as watching games goes this year anyway, but that was a bridge too far for me. Im out.
Yeah, I'm out too...

Canberra is too much of a long shot for me to expect anything from them and I can't suffer any of the remaining teams!

Glad the NFL and European Soccer seasons started, because you won't catch me dead following the guys who keep fumbling the ball... :001_rolleyes:
I thought that the Taufua try was fair but gee that 2nd try was absolute rubbish. If Foran said he didn't touch it he is a liar he clearly touched it even Blind Freddy would've dissalowed that. Mr Harrigan you have some explaining to do. NQL still could've won the game if they didn't try to be heroes at the end. In my opinion though despite those controversial rubbish calls the quality of the game was quite good.
I honestly wonder how much longer I'll be watching and supporting this game if this standard of refereeing keeps up. We've got players who train and work so hard every week to try and be successful, and we've got fans who spend what is not a small amount of money on tickets, merchandise, pay TV etc to try and enjoy watching it. Yet we get two muppets in an air-conditioned box who get unlimited looks at a replay and they can't come up with an obviously correct decision.

NRL referees can go **** themselves.
There were TWO refs in the box? How they **** do they BOTH come up with a terrible decision like that?
There were TWO refs in the box? How they **** do they BOTH come up with a terrible decision like that?

Agenda perhaps ?? :001_rolleyes:

I agree that they really need to get the refs up to standard very quickly. The quality of officiating lately has been terrible, and isn't at the same standard as the product that is 'the game'

Harrigan needs to go and the broom through the existing refs.

I hope the new commision makes this their #1 priority now.
Are you allowed to roll the ball forward on the ground?

No you cannot. That is where the Tafua try should have finished, ball clearly deliberately grounded hand on the tackled player = tackled. Common sense is not being used at all instead they pull the rip chord on their second chute and go benefit of the doubt.

My common sense decision would have been to let Manly play the ball, Tafua didn't promote himself forward he was turned over so no penalty but the tackle is complete short of the line so Manly play the ball.

On another note I can't say I've seen a greedier play than what Tate did last night. The Cows were desperate for points 11 min to go the best goal kickier in the game in their side and he dummies with his teams season on the line. That was as bad as any decision made by the refs.
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Given the rule book I can understand why both tries were awarded last night. Benefit of the doubt to the attacking team is a flawed principle, last night was evidence toward that.

BOTD should go to the defending team. Tries shouldn't be handed out with any doubt still remaining - it is just too big a call in the modern game to concede a dodgy 4 points and then have to give the ball back to the attacking team for a repeat set from the kick-off.

Benefit of the doubt to the defensive team, attacking team takes the play the ball back 10m and get on with their set.
We changed from that because it wasn't working either.