Finals Week 3 Discussion

Quite a few dud decisions going against the Knights so far.
LOL at getting the penalty your way when you take out the tackler.
Feel sorry for Danny leaving the game like this I have really admired the man. The Roosters are absolutely on top and the Knights are barely hanging.
Hilder is one of the best bench hookers in the game, but it's still a massive blow.
It ain't fair for any player to go out like that.

Let's hope he tells the medicos to get stuffed and comes back out second half.
How do you defend that?

Wait for him to catch it and bundle him into touch with support FFS.
On his way to the Hospital unfortunately, so unlikely
Forward pass!! Refs doing everything they can to ensure the Roosters make it.

On a side point, how horrible is Uate!! Can score a try sure but lets in about there or four more.

Haha Gus choosing to ignore the forward pass. Unbiased Gus?
Missed tackles, Roosters running with vigor.

Knights aren't coming back like Manly did.