Game 2 ********SPOILERS*********

Astroboy said:
Twiztid said:
Well NSW need to pick a team and stick with it for the whole series (besides injuries). Qld win because of the mateship the players have and how much experience they have playing together as a team and then there is the QLD spirit they are known for.

NSW are a team of individuals playing in a team. QLD are individuals who play as a team.

Yes, you know that, and I know that. But it continues to amaze me how those in NSW who make the decisions have never got it. But don't say it too loudly. The longer they keep doing the same stupid things, the happier I'll be icon_thumbs_u

Imo QLD are in their own league atm they have most of the australian side so its alittle hard to compete with them as NSW dont have tooo many set position players that are anywhere near the same league as the QLD side!
The only NSW back who would make the Qld side is Hayne... no one likes the grubby little cheat but you must admit he has heart and talent.

Farah continues to prove they should have picked Ennis. Take Farah out of the carefully constructed Tigers environment and he's pisspoor. Ennis has the X factor that NSW needs to kick start them.

Gidley, as good as he is, is no rep-level fullback. He's a great bench player. I daresay Hayne or even Preston Campbell should have had a go at the back.

I don't think Wallace was as bad as people here are making out. Behind a beaten, inept and mistake-ridden pack, with pisspoor Farah passes being flung at him all night, he did his best. I truly think NSW should stick with him.
yeah wallace wasnt bad... we dont really have anyone better to put in that position atm. it was definatley as gould said a one man show with jarred hayne tonight ..Ben creag made a few good line breaks,but also coffed up the ball
It might hurt me to say it but Noddy needs a nod here or Orford (goes against my young gun idea). It is just they do nothing wrong week in week out for the Bulldogs and Manly but miss out everytime. Wallace has never really shined at all in SOO and has really only shined for the Bronco's when the rest of the team shine. He survived game 1 somehow as Campese was made the scapegoat for the loss and again did nothing in game 2.

Farrah is the weak link though, his passing game has been terrible all series and his running game was pretty poor in game one and if it wasn't for Wing the score in game 1 would have been worse for NSW. For game two I don't think he made a break from dummy half at all and made a lot of stupid passes back across the play the ball to players who pretty much had a QLD player sitting in their face.

As a NSW fan we can make excuses all day. We were shit, we played with no passion and that is it in a nutshell.
Blondie said:
we werent shit...We tried we just couldnt compair to QLD
With over 20 mins to go they had no bench or close to no bench. They were out on their feet and yet they scored a try before we did. Our forwards looked more tired and soft really with their hit ups. Weyman should have been the one resting instead of Kite, at least he hits up with some balls.

They scored or made a huge play off every error in the first half mostly cause every error was in our own 20. I call that shit. We dug deep and tried pretty hard but at this level of football these errors can't be in your game and if they are in the game you need to have players ready to backup and save some ass. Look at any of QLD's errors, there were always players ready to wrap up the ball or the player who got the ball.
Blondie said:
we were shit...and just couldnt compair to QLD

I fixed your typos for you [icon_razz1
Haven't read the thread so sorry if I am saying what others have already.

Outstanding win and tonight I am more proud than I have ever been to be a Queenslander.

Lockyer was outstanding and IMO unlucky not to get MOTM. Defensively he didn't make any mistakes and his composure in that second half and the way he organised the team was fantastic. Kicking game was great. Absolute legend.

Thaiday very good but lucky to get MOTM, but hopefully that will open the eyes of the Broncos and get him running wide.

Boyd IMO was also very good. His touches with the ball were nothing outstanding but I honestly don't think I've seen a cooler head in defence. He knows when to come in, when to stay out, anticipates any kicks, and does ****loads of cleanup work as well. Geez I wish he was still at the Broncos!!!!!

And I know that when I read this thread I will see plenty from Coxy saying how shit Crocker was [icon_wink Tonight he didn't have his best game but I just love what he brings to the team. Plenty of intensity and someone to really unsettle the opposition. He did that beautifully and despite some mistakes I thought he had a big game icon_thumbs_u
Twiztid said:
Blondie said:
we werent shit...We tried we just couldnt compair to QLD
Weyman should have been the one resting instead of Kite, at least he hits up with some balls.


Agreed Kite was soft tonight..Hayne was good , odonell i thought was pretty solid not as solid as usually but still. Wallace wasnt tooo bad farrah wasnt the same without wing.I think Gidley did good. The team needed him there tonight... Alot of changes could be made.I mean why would you keep a team if they are not doing what they are ment to???????????
It's funny being at the game and thinking one thing, then coming home and finding out all these things you had no idea about.

I knew they looked exhausted quite early in that second half, and was a bit disappointed they let the Blues get so close, but on watching the game again and learning about all those injuries - what a win! A classic Queensland effort. I couldn't be prouder, particularly of Locky. No-one reacts to criticism quite like he does.
Also, Karmichael Hunt > Billy Slater at Origin level. Billy Slater's speed ends up being pretty useless, and his awful passing and dropping bombs cost us 2 tries.
Also, bag Fatty out all you like, but when it comes to origin there is NO prouder Queenslander. He was almost in tears tonight.
I can take Fatty's rants and passion about QLD over any of his Manly ones.
Just got back from the game, nice and warm in my hotel room now and must say, this has been the fucking most fun i have ever had! Walking around sydney absolutely letting nsw fans have it. Thought i was going to get punched tonight on at least 3 separate occasions lol.

First of all, our seats were right next to what i assume is farahs family. About 40 ppl all with farah on their jerseys. Boy, did we let em have it. They hated us haha. Got nervous in that 2nd half, but as good qlders do, we kept dishing it out.

Onto the game, well, how fucking good are we?! 2 of origins worst decisions within 5 mins of each other. If hayne can throw it forward without knocking on in game 1, why cant tonga? **** wits! Then, has there ever been a more obvious shepherd? How the hell was that let go?

Barret is a weak ****. Only way they could stop inglis was to cheat. Wouldnt be surprised if they were told to do that.

Crocker had his worst game ever, and slater went close as well. 4 drops in a row by crocker, i was wondering why he wasnt replaced, then realised we had no subs left. Now that is guts!

Locky was amazing. He tackled everything that came his way with ease. Thaiday, well i dont rate him but **** he was orsm tonight as was harrison. Boyd was safe as a house as usual. God only knows what the score wouldve been if inglis was there all game but tonga did a brilliant job once he switched to the left side. He should keep his spot regardless of hodges. Cant say enough about thurston. Kicking game wasnt as good as game 1 but he got the job done when all looked lost.

I was sure we were going to lose with 20 mins left. We were making 5m a run while they were easily making 10. They shouldve run over us with all our injuries but somehow we made it thru. Best win ever? Hard to say. Most gutsy performance with injuries AND bad calls? For sure.

Get that up all u blue supporters. Your sadness has made my night. Also, thanks for not beating me up lol.

I didnt say fights were on the cards lol. There was just a few nervous moments when yelling queenslander at nsw fans then one of them would walk over, only to shake my hand or express his sorrow. I wasnt abusing just sharing some origin banter :)

Edit. Twisted removed his post?
Oh and I reckon just a solid game from Ashley Harrison in game 3 should assure him the Wally Lewis medal.
I was going to re-word my original post but seeing as you replied to it I'll put it up in quotes.

You giving it too NSW supporters pretty much makes you no better then a Doggies supporter. Take a win and enjoy it but don't abuse fans (which I am assuming you probably did if fights were almost on the cards).

Well that is alright then I guess. I have just seen where that line has been crossed before and it just ruins the game. Dickheads that get in your face to try and start something.

I guess it is different for me as well when it comes to SOO as I just see SOO as another game win or loss, I am not going to loss sleep over the Blues losing or losing 4 series in a row. I will support them, but Rabbitohs will always come first for me. Plus if you can remember or did up old posts of mine when we did win, I have never took pot shots as many do.

I will also not do what plenty of other NSWelshman (some on here) and follow their support for the Broncos over state barries to support QLD and or follow the winning team. That pisses me off and ruins the aspect of what SOO is about. I have had that rant before and won't go into it again. Anyways glad you enjoyed the game out there. Shirt probably stayed on this game?