And Michael Crocker. He's a massive liability. A massive dickhead. Can't catch, can't tackle, can't run.
Defence up the middle was abysmal, but that was always the risk having lost Civoniceva, Hannant and Myles. Scott and Shillington were adequate, Costigan was ordinary, Crocker woeful (the myth that he is was revealed)...Price carried the pack. Thaiday was solid.
Johnson and Harrison are small, they were never going to have an impact on that.
Inglis and Hodges were outstanding!
Thurston was pretty ordinary - copped a knock early then when the pressure got on in the second half he started overplaying things as he does at the Cowboys...not his best game. Locky was pretty poor too, he was firing bullets at his outside men under pressure, contributing to a lot of lost ball.
Blues were good. Kimmorley was my MOTM to be honest. Watmough and Creagh were outstanding in the back row. Jennings and Hayne were relatively well contained really.