General Ben Barba discussion

Re: Ben Barba stood down

Reading into the report he approached the club asking for help. I'm guessing he's got some mental health issues mixed in with alcohol and gambling as well as a break up.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Bipolar seems to be the going condition for fuckwits with big names isn't it?
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Bipolar seems to be the going condition for ****wits with big names isn't it?

I hate how people are making excuses for him already. Oh he shot to stardom so fast and all that blah blah blah. Take some responsibility for your actions FFS.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

hmmm i think we should all lay off any accusations and rumour mill.

sounds like he's doing it tough. turned to booze. headspace isnt right. i think greenburg handled this well. they specifically said "this is not a police matter". he also stated that over the past 48 hours he has talked alot with ben 'who is normally a very reserved person' which has led him to make the decision to remove him from football.

i've seen people go through very similar things. it doesnt mean he's committing any crimes. its very easy for your average joe to say 'eh sounds like he needs to harden up then' but when you're going through depression its just not that simple.
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Re: Ben Barba stood down

Agreed that rumours are just rumours. But there is no doubt something has happened.

He's not doing it tough. Why do we have to sympathise with these players? They're not doing it tough, they're footballers, most of them aren't the brightest on the planet, but they are getting paid some decent money. They have all the support and help around them they could possibly ask for. But instead, the ones who are in a bad mental state, all turn to alcohol, drugs, and violence.

And fans of the game keep giving them a reason to do it, by giving them all the sympathy that they think they deserve.

Wanna be a sporting hero to thousands of people and children? Man the **** up, grow a pair, and go to your free club Dr. and get a free club shrink to help. Or be a pathetic douche bag and hit the bottle and possibly your girlfriend.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Agreed that rumours are just rumours. But there is no doubt something has happened.

He's not doing it tough. Why do we have to sympathise with these players? They're not doing it tough, they're footballers, most of them aren't the brightest on the planet, but they are getting paid some decent money. They have all the support and help around them they could possibly ask for. But instead, the ones who are in a bad mental state, all turn to alcohol, drugs, and violence.

And fans of the game keep giving them a reason to do it, by giving them all the sympathy that they think they deserve.

Wanna be a sporting hero to thousands of people and children? Man the **** up, grow a pair, and go to your free club Dr. and get a free club shrink to help. Or be a pathetic douche bag and hit the bottle and possibly your girlfriend.

Yes! agree 100%
Re: Ben Barba stood down

I can understand if he's going through hard times in his personal life. But clubs don't suspend you because you're going through a hard time in your personal life...
Re: Ben Barba stood down

I can understand if he's going through hard times in his personal life. But clubs don't suspend you because you're going through a hard time in your personal life...

Exactly. They do it because you're a jackass generally.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

lets be honest here....

1. its ben barba, dally m player of the year.
2. its the nrl.

those 2 facts right there mean that he wont miss more than a few games because of a suspension, if any. the NRL higher-ups are gutless unless its a no-name player.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

he said barba came to him for help. if that is the action taken - to remove him from football, then so be it.

lots of money doesnt equal a happy home life.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

they specifically said "this is not a police matter".

Which means, charges aren't being laid, which = we sorted it out in our own way.
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Re: Ben Barba stood down

‘‘By terminating his contract it doesn’t help him,’’ Greenberg said. ‘‘What we are trying to do is put support services around him and people around him to help him individually off the field.

... this quote really does suggest that whatever he's done is red-lining it on the serious odometer ....
Re: Ben Barba stood down

... this quote really does suggest that whatever he's done is red-lining it on the serious odometer ....

at the end of the day the bulldogs are an organisation that barba has a contract with. as in any job if you don't perform to the required ability then the natural reaction is to get fired. depression issues are going to degrade his perforamcne and they've seen it as something that is only getting worse unless they step in now. his personal health issues could even go down the path of self harm- not really an area we need to speculate in though, just like we shouldn't be suggesting he has beaten up his ex, based on absoultely nothing.

greenberg stated there was no specific 'incident' that has led to this decision but rather the result of extended conversations with barba directly over the last 48 hours which stemmed from barba coming to him for help.
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Re: Ben Barba stood down

he said barba came to him for help. if that is the action taken - to remove him from football, then so be it.

lots of money doesnt equal a happy home life.

No one is saying that's what money means. He's young, he's got more support services at his disposal than people who actually need it, and he's still a twat apparently.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

No one is saying that's what money means. He's young, he's got more support services at his disposal than people who actually need it, and he's still a **** apparently.

You're a mackay boy right nashy? I have relatives up there who know barba's family well and have nothing but bad things to say about them. You heard / know much about it? Maybe he couldnt escape his past