General Ben Barba discussion

Re: Ben Barba stood down

So are you suggesting that Barba isn't telling the truth and this is just an excuse?

Not necessarily him but I am willing to put my house on it that others have used as an excuse when they are actually just idiots who make dumb choices.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

That's more than likely true, but we are talking about Barba here.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Didn't say it wasn't real. They use it as an excuse. Can;t remember the last celebrity type that went off the rails that didn't have depression.

Pretty sure Charlie Sheen didn't have depression, he just really loved crack.

No doubt people will use depression as an excuse, and that sucks. It's bad enough that it's so difficult to seek help in that situation as it's common to fear being ostracized or looked down on for being weak. Now there is a fear of you being labelled as a liar and a fraud also.

This all being said, where has depression come into the fold? I haven't read anything about depression yet? Or is this further unfounded speculation like the domestic abuse reports yesterday?
Re: Ben Barba stood down

I honestly think he's just a deadshit. I still don't think we're being told the whole story.

"Boss, I have depression do I get shit faced every night, spend all my money on gambling, and don't feel I can put 100% into the game at the moment"

And termination was apparently a very real option? And his profile is still removed from the website? Yeah, there is more to it than just depression.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Pretty sure Charlie Sheen didn't have depression, he just really loved crack.

No doubt people will use depression as an excuse, and that sucks. It's bad enough that it's so difficult to seek help in that situation as it's common to fear being ostracized or looked down on for being weak. Now there is a fear of you being labelled as a liar and a fraud also.

This all being said, where has depression come into the fold? I haven't read anything about depression yet? Or is this further unfounded speculation like the domestic abuse reports yesterday?

I think people are seeing it labelled as him being ill and needing help and assuming it's depression.

Tomorrow he'll have bipolar.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

I think people are seeing it labelled as him being ill and needing help and assuming it's depression.

Tomorrow he'll have bipolar.

Maybe. Or maybe he has herpes? If it was bad enough it would probably stop a bloke from wanting to play footy.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

I think people are seeing it labelled as him being ill and needing help and assuming it's depression.

Tomorrow he'll have bipolar.

I have both. lol

But the difference with me is, if I **** up I don't blame it on depression. I admit that I made a mistake etc.

With Barba etc using depression as an excuse, makes people with actual depression some sort of freak that will go off the rails at a drop of a hat. (OK I can go off the rails easily, but that's because I am an angry shit) lol
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Reynolds has come out and said he had no idea Barba had issues

That doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't have issues though.

It's very hard to know the true story without facts and we may never know the facts and really it's no-ones business.

What I think has happened is he has a gambling problem....girlfriend has had enough and said she is leaving him until he gets help....he goes out and gets sloshed to try and cure his problem which really just makes it worse. Either he really did want help or the Dogs cottoned onto his behaviour and now all of this has happened....

Either way like I said before...whether it's depression, alcoholism, gambling addiction etc etc...I hope he gets the help he needs.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

But the difference with me is, if I **** up I don't blame it on depression. I admit that I made a mistake etc.

With Barba etc using depression as an excuse, makes people with actual depression some sort of freak that will go off the rails at a drop of a hat. (OK I can go off the rails easily, but that's because I am an angry ****) lol

where is he using it as an 'excuse'? we're the only ones actually using that term. in his statement he has admitted he's made mistakes and let people down and he's now going to get help. everything else is private and they arent going into details or looking for sympathy.
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Re: Ben Barba stood down

everything else is private and they arent going into details or looking for sympathy.

I think they are/were.

All the Dogs had to say is, Barba is having time off for personal reasons.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Maybe the illness thing was alluding to his gambling problem.

Addiction of any kind is a hard cross to bear .......
Re: Ben Barba stood down

So his parter has said there's definitely no domestic violence, most likely just a gambling/drinking issue.

I hope he gets the help he needs, in the mean time try to bring him to Brisbane :)
Re: Ben Barba stood down

They've been split for months and there has been absolutely nothing to suggest there is any kind of violence related to this. I think it's only fair to not assume otherwise unless you have something with a shred of credibility to suggest there is violence involved.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Was just about to post something similar spwn. Some keep pushing that angle without any real reason other than to gossip and then hide behind the way they phrase it.