General Ben Barba discussion

Re: Ben Barba stood down

Doesn't he have kids with this girl....?

I know if my family was breaking apart I'd find it hard to concentrate on my work.

They have 2 young kids together.. *For all we know she has told him he can't see them and attacked his parenting or something. That would be enough to send anyone into depression, He is just dealing with it the wrong way which hopefully the Dogs can help him with.*

*speculation, Not fact.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

A lot of people are being unfairly judgemental in this thread. Without even knowing the full facts.

It seems people just want to look at the worst possible scenario and run with it. I personally hope it's something that can be fixed and he is back to his best as soon as possible, Both as a footballer and as a man.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

when he's struggling and everyone wants to know what's going on, it's an injustice.

Suck it up or get out, Ben.

whats an injustice? he's "gotten out" to get help. he's not asking you for help. whats he owe you? what do you know of the full story?

dont see any evidence he's blaming anyone else. so what if he's always been a bit of a toss. people again acting like because he's a good footy player everything else should be fine and dandy. he's just another kid like the rest of em.
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Re: Ben Barba stood down

My point is there's thousands of kids who go through tough times. They don't all get outpourings of sympathy. Many handle it way better than this guy, who has all the money and support he could want.

I have no sympathy for him, and think those who are upset for him should get a life.

I hope he sorts his shit out, but ultimately I don't really care.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

why do you expect he should handle it better than anyone else? because he's a good footballer? this is nothing to do with football. oh he has all this money, he must handle it better than everyone. nah. he is getting support now. what are you banging on about.

what has sympathy got to do with anything? he needs help, he's going to rehab, he'll be back. or maybe not.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

You, among others, making excuses for him. "Ermegherd, he's a 23 year old with a whole country who knows him, how hard would that be to go through personal shit". Pffft. Whatevs.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

i'm not excusing anything. he's fucked up. he's admitted it or the club has stepped in (who really knows). and now he is getting help. all im saying he's the same as any other kid with problems. being a good footy player doesnt change whether or not he has issues. end of story.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

I can no longer tell if you're disagreeing or agreeing.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

why do you expect he should handle it better than anyone else? because he's a good footballer? this is nothing to do with football. oh he has all this money, he must handle it better than everyone. nah. he is getting support now. what are you banging on about.

what has sympathy got to do with anything? he needs help, he's going to rehab, he'll be back. or maybe not.

Exactly... there are people out there who wouldn't have half the opportunities to get the help that's available to Ben who would handle this much better but then there are also people who would handle it far worse. We don't know what contributes to someone breaking down like this, it may be a lot of little things adding up over time or it may just be one major event, either way it's ridiculous for other people to judge that person until they know the full story.
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Re: Ben Barba stood down

Well it looks like Barba has been hanging around with the wrong crowd.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

I don't feel sorry for the amount of money he has. I don't feel sorry for the fame he has. I don't feel sorry for the pressure he has as a high profile footballer. He has worked hard to get all those things.

He obviously isn't coping with some personal issues and has made some bad choices in trying to deal with them. I don't think it's a case of "get over it Ben, everyone goes through problems". It's great that he is LUCKY enough to have the support system around him to help him get through these issues. Yes a lot of kids his age or younger go through the same things and don't have the same type of support that he has but so what?!? Some people live in big mansions....some people live in pub housing...some people have private health insurance...some people can't afford to go to the dentist. Life isn't always fair.

I just hope the kid sorts out his problems and gets back to playing footy. Preferably after Easter would be good.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Man this is a tough crowd. Depression is real and no amount of money or having good support close by can prevent it or fix it quickly, it takes time.

It's obvious the guy needs medical attention. I'm taking this on face value and believe what's been stated publicly is true.

One of the perks ppl keep bringing up is how lucky he is to be a pro footballer and get all the help he needs, well the downside to that is he has to have the world know his personal troubles and everything gets played out in the public eye.

Plenty on here speculated he had physically abused his GF which right at this point seems to be wrong, but nobody who suggested it has had the balls to come and say they were wrong.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

It doesn't need to play out like this at all. He could have asked for help well before his gambling, drinking and spending got out of control.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Bit like the frog in boiling water Nashy.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Depression is real but no doubt it all started by making bad choices all the time. Sure things go wrong in your life and you can make any excuse. Some people just make the wrong choice time after time. If any celebrity type person goes off the rails these days it all comes back to depression and I am sick of it.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Just because you are sick of it Beads doesn't make it less real.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

Just because you are sick of it Beads doesn't make it less real.

Didn't say it wasn't real. They use it as an excuse. Can;t remember the last celebrity type that went off the rails that didn't have depression.
Re: Ben Barba stood down

So are you suggesting that Barba isn't telling the truth and this is just an excuse?