Mate so far so good, my left (leading) leg was pretty sore on Monday but I suspect that's because i've been largely sedentary this year since my op + it's sorta foreign movement for me. Cleared up by Tues when I went to the range so just teething issues I guess.
Thanks brother! I was aiming for under 140 lol. 5 bogeys and 1 par. :D I figure if i can eliminate my 7+ holes I can get under 100, had a 10 and a few 8's and 9's. I guess from there it's a lot of short game work? Might have to stump up the 400 bucks for the chipping and putting green access at DFO.
Friend plays at 19 apparently? I don't really know a great deal about handicaps other than they start at 36 and work down to scratch, so making an (un)educated guess, he's alright without being good? Sure you can expand further. I think he said his best score was a 78 at St Lucia. I figure I'm up against it with the two year bet but I needed something to motivate myself to initially get into it, just about there now.
@tommy yeah mate, my very first shot i hit the ground with my driver with 3 (!!) carts banked up waiting. Total scuff, hit nothing. Was thinking **** me this is going to be savage, but ended up not too bad. Only ended up letting one group past us.