Golf - Who Plays?

Mate of mine just got back from there, huge Adam Scott fan. I don't find golf overly interesting to watch, but I'll probably start trying to pay attention to what they do just so I can glean something here or there.

The aforementioned friend, I've a 2 year bet with him that i'll beat him before the end of 2024. He's played all his life, so it'll be a good challenge.
What does he play off? 2 years is a pretty short time in golf terms, especially against someone who has played his whole life. Unless he isn't very good.
I know the feeling @Renegade. I tried golf with a friend a few years back and the people behind us kept wanting to play through because I sucked so much and was taking 10 shots per hole. I never went back, I didn’t even finish the game.
How are you going with the knee and golf?

From memory I think I stopped playing because it was aggravating an occasional bout of arthritis I have in one of my knees.
Mate so far so good, my left (leading) leg was pretty sore on Monday but I suspect that's because i've been largely sedentary this year since my op + it's sorta foreign movement for me. Cleared up by Tues when I went to the range so just teething issues I guess.
That is actually impressive for your first round. I play with blokes who shoot 130 that go to the range 2-3 times a week and have played many rounds of golf. While St Lucia is a relatively easy track, that's not bad.
Thanks brother! I was aiming for under 140 lol. 5 bogeys and 1 par. :D I figure if i can eliminate my 7+ holes I can get under 100, had a 10 and a few 8's and 9's. I guess from there it's a lot of short game work? Might have to stump up the 400 bucks for the chipping and putting green access at DFO.

Friend plays at 19 apparently? I don't really know a great deal about handicaps other than they start at 36 and work down to scratch, so making an (un)educated guess, he's alright without being good? Sure you can expand further. I think he said his best score was a 78 at St Lucia. I figure I'm up against it with the two year bet but I needed something to motivate myself to initially get into it, just about there now.

@tommy yeah mate, my very first shot i hit the ground with my driver with 3 (!!) carts banked up waiting. Total scuff, hit nothing. Was thinking **** me this is going to be savage, but ended up not too bad. Only ended up letting one group past us.
Mate so far so good, my left (leading) leg was pretty sore on Monday but I suspect that's because i've been largely sedentary this year since my op + it's sorta foreign movement for me. Cleared up by Tues when I went to the range so just teething issues I guess.

Thanks brother! I was aiming for under 140 lol. 5 bogeys and 1 par. :D I figure if i can eliminate my 7+ holes I can get under 100, had a 10 and a few 8's and 9's. I guess from there it's a lot of short game work? Might have to stump up the 400 bucks for the chipping and putting green access at DFO.

Friend plays at 19 apparently? I don't really know a great deal about handicaps other than they start at 36 and work down to scratch, so making an (un)educated guess, he's alright without being good? Sure you can expand further. I think he said his best score was a 78 at St Lucia. I figure I'm up against it with the two year bet but I needed something to motivate myself to initially get into it, just about there now.

@tommy yeah mate, my very first shot i hit the ground with my driver with 3 (!!) carts banked up waiting. Total scuff, hit nothing. Was thinking **** me this is going to be savage, but ended up not too bad. Only ended up letting one group past us.
Don't pay the $400. I'm the $79 member there, and I always walk onto the chipping and putting greens and have never been questioned. But yeah it's all about short game, I stopped playing in 2012 but have picked it back up this year, I play off 10 but my short game is putrid, truly horrible chipping and putting. I strongly suggest getting lessons ASAP, the longer you wait for lessons, the harder the bad habits are to break.
I know the feeling @Renegade. I tried golf with a friend a few years back and the people behind us kept wanting to play through because I sucked so much and was taking 10 shots per hole. I never went back, I didn’t even finish the game.
This is pretty standard with golf, it's common when playing behind women and new players. It's not a bad thing, it's standard golf courtesy to let a group through if you can't maintain pace
Don't pay the $400. I'm the $79 member there, and I always walk onto the chipping and putting greens and have never been questioned. But yeah it's all about short game, I stopped playing in 2012 but have picked it back up this year, I play off 10 but my short game is putrid, truly horrible chipping and putting. I strongly suggest getting lessons ASAP, the longer you wait for lessons, the harder the bad habits are to break.
I actually attempted to get lessons before I started to get a good foundation. I got one lesson at Ashgrove. The pro there (Gareth) kept rescheduling on me and then the Ashgrove Club Championship was on 3 weekends running, at that point i was like **** it I just need to go out and start hitting some balls in a real situation.

I'm a 79 member too, interesting... I might just try that next time.
I actually attempted to get lessons before I started to get a good foundation. I got one lesson at Ashgrove. The pro there (Gareth) kept rescheduling on me and then the Ashgrove Club Championship was on 3 weekends running, at that point i was like **** it I just need to go out and start hitting some balls in a real situation.

I'm a 79 member too, interesting... I might just try that next time.
Yeah fair, club lessons could be rough. I've got a short game lesson tomorrow at the airport, will let you know how it goes.

I've used the chipping area easily 10 times. And if I'm ever pulled up on it I'll say I thought my membership covered that area.
Yeah keep me in the loop mate, if it's worthwhile I'll definitely get a lesson or two.
This is pretty standard with golf, it's common when playing behind women and new players. It's not a bad thing, it's standard golf courtesy to let a group through if you can't maintain pace
Yeah I let them all through.
My golf story, fwiw.. I played a lot as a kid and got down to a 5 handicap by about the time I left school.. while it sounds pretty good, I got overtaken by lots of kids who got themselves coached and put in more time practising than I did (big facepalm) .. Anyway, my one claim to fame is that I tied with Adam Scott at the 1995 Gold Coast schoolboys tournament .. Adam and I went to the same school and were in the three-man golf team .. Suffice to say our golfing careers went in different directions from that day 😄

But at least my story about shooting the same score as him has gained more cachet over the years 😂

that's pretty awesome, my neighbour reckons he used to play with greg norman back in the day (he's like 70+ so could be legit), have to quiz him a bit more about that.

do you still play @Bull Shark
that's pretty awesome, my neighbour reckons he used to play with greg norman back in the day (he's like 70+ so could be legit), have to quiz him a bit more about that.

do you still play @Bull Shark
I haven’t played consistently for more than a decade and have been trying to will myself back to it.. If there were 36 hours in a day and 9 days in a week, it would be a cinch !
Haven't played for years but I used to play with a few guys that were pretty decent. Best moments? I've got two that always bring a smile. One at Vic Park back in the day when I chipped out of a bunker into the hole for a birdie. The second was at Nudgee, I can't remember the hole number but someone who's played there a few times might. Anyway, you tee off straight over water, everyone was hitting it too short or hooking it horribly...including the good guys. Harry steps up, taking note of the clubs they'd used and grabbed one with what they all considered too much distance. "You'll hit the clubhouse or something dickhead" Overshot the hole on purpose and hit the hill behind the green and the ball bounced back on. Got a golf clap from the group behind us. I proper fucked up the putt of course.

Anyone got a hole in one? There's a hole at Ashgrove that I got agonisingly close to a bunch of times lol.
Used to do the occasional hack with Dad when i lived at home. we were ok, we used to shoot around high 90s, easily would've gotten better if we played more - I don't think we even played 10 times all up from memory

I was using his old wooden drivers and did alright (13-18yo). My short game was better, might be something i pick up again when I get older and have some money to burn
How'd the lesson go @BooKhaki

also, ashgrove doing their summer membership, 265 for 3 months.