Golf - Who Plays?

I'd love to get to the range more but it's hard to find the time between work/gym/being a present parent and husband. I could go at like 9pm but by that stage I'm trying to wind down.

Where are you normally based when not FIFO @BruiserMk1 ?
💯 mate, I'm lucky I can go in between school drop off and pick up.

I'm in Perth.
I used to play a few years ago and just about to get back into it full time. I was on plus 2 at my best, but I'll be coming back on 7.7.
I used to play a few years ago and just about to get back into it full time. I was on plus 2 at my best, but I'll be coming back on 7.7.
Legit? I took 12 years off any my handicap was put back to what is was even with new handicap cards.
I used to play a few years ago and just about to get back into it full time. I was on plus 2 at my best, but I'll be coming back on 7.7.
Farck you kman. Plus 2 . Never thought of trying to take it further.

I'm off 10 and just can't get to single figures although I think this current handicap system prob has ppl playing of a couple of shots less than what they should be.
Legit? I took 12 years off any my handicap was put back to what is was even with new handicap cards.
Yea that is what my handicap was when I was playing regularly, but practising constantly especially short game. I stopped practising and started drinking way too much, that's when my handicap shot up.
Yea that is what my handicap was when I was playing regularly, but practising constantly especially short game. I stopped practising and started drinking way too much, that's when my handicap shot up.
I'm not questioning your handicap, more the fact GA allowed you back at 7.7 if you gave it away as a plus marker.

I gave up golf in about 2010/11, and when I came back in 2022 I was required to use my old handicap of 8ish, which was fucked!
I'm not questioning your handicap, more the fact GA allowed you back at 7.7 if you gave it away as a plus marker.

I gave up golf in about 2010/11, and when I came back in 2022 I was required to use my old handicap of 8ish, which was fucked!
My handicap went from plus 2 up to something around 6 that I can last remember, because of not practising and drinking. Lol
ah mate i just get a 50 pack of near new/AAA from mikesgolfballs every 6 months or so. not spending 40-50 bucks a dozen on balls i'm likely to never see again.
Get a ball retriever. You will feel like a goose the first couple times using it but you'll find so many that it pays back the investment ten-fold.

As long as you play a public course every so often you'll never buy balls again.
My handicap went from plus 2 up to something around 6 that I can last remember, because of not practising and drinking. Lol
Shouldn't take you long to get back down near scratch. Key is to drink while practicing.

I went and got lessons from Chris Gibson at Royal QLD and gone through some big swing changes which has taken me from 1.8 to 4.5. So dunno where that money went.
I used to play a few years ago and just about to get back into it full time. I was on plus 2 at my best, but I'll be coming back on 7.7.
Wait! +2 or 2? You’re an animal.

I’m a 3 but should be a 6. I hate trying to play to a 3 but I feel I have a chance in stableford playing to a 6. I know technically you’re only supposed to play to your handicap 25% of the time but playing to a 3 for me takes the fun out of it.
Wait! +2 or 2? You’re an animal.

I’m a 3 but should be a 6. I hate trying to play to a 3 but I feel I have a chance in stableford playing to a 6. I know technically you’re only supposed to play to your handicap 25% of the time but playing to a 3 for me takes the fun out of it.
Where do you play?

I'm a member at Virginia currently.
Where do you play?

I'm a member at Virginia currently.
I was a member at Brisbane many years ago but I’ve since moved to country Victoria. There isn’t any water on my course so you can save a bad tee shot most of the time.

Virginia is a good track