smashing the lessons atm, first one focused on proper hiip rotation which I still struggle with a fair bit, all feels very clunky and not natural, it's many moving parts instead of one fluid motion. also learning to hit down properly so i can take divots instead of picking clean - not an issue when you're on a great lie but if you end up in super short grass or dirt, pretty much impossible to hit it cleanly without skinning it
second lesson was on short chipping, 40ish yards out. this one actually made sense and i spent a good 4 hours or so at the range after the lesson trying to nail it down, have gone a few times since and focused on either your typical short lower chips and rollouts and your quick up and downs by opening the clubface and using the bounce to get it high quickly, good for your green shots with a bunker in front of you.
have another lesson tonight, supposed to be focusing on 40-100 yard chipping and putting but tbh i'll probably redirect to the hip rotation stuff again for general iron play. need to make it feel natural so i'm not having 100 thoughts in my swing.