Grand Final

**** the Sharks, but good on them for bringing it home for their fans.
Yep, I am wearing my tin foil hat.


So put your money on Parramatta to win the GF in 2018
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Dragons have gone two rookie coaches now and come unstuck they will go experienced now. Like Brisbane they won't do it again.

JD was also Dragons' attacking coach that they were terrible. That might go against him.

He only joined in January, didn't have a say on selections or recruitment either which was a major downfall for the Dragons.

The issue with Price, McGregor, Henjak and Griffin is that they all came up through the same system. It's difficult to implement change when you're so familiar with the club. Demetriou hasn't even been at the club for a year and only added to his resume.

Sadly too many folks in Rugby League take stock in facets that really don't matter at the end of the day and continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Either McGregor will keep his job and remind everybody how limited he is at coaching, or they'll bring in a John Cartwright, David Furner or Geoff Toovey and continue to spin their wheels.
I thought the Melbourne defence was the highlight of the game. When the game was close, and Melbourne got on top, the refs controlled the speed of the ruck for Melbourne much differently, then gave those 2 penalties that would barely get a look in, in another finals game, giving the Sharks the field position they needed to win the game.

I said last week when this game was known that the Sharks would win. The NRL needed their fairy tale win.

Oh so you went into this game with prejudice and decided that a swinging arm shouldn't be penalised?


It wasn't like Melbourne didn't benefit from a leg up penalty either - the 'came up with his boot' penalty was as innocuous as any of the Sharks penalties and they scored right on the back of that.

There was no conspiracy, Cronulla just happened to be the best team of 2016.

Get a clue and deal with it.
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If ever there was a better demonstration of confirmation bias than what is evident on this forum I am yet to see orvread about it. I'm sure there would be ,somewhere. It was an nrl conspiracy, the refs got them the win, it's the fairytale the nrl arranged. Jesus fucking christ some people, I just think life must be such a challenge for those so ill equipped to think and easily duped. The gullible gang .
I thought the Melbourne defence was the highlight of the game. When the game was close, and Melbourne got on top, the refs controlled the speed of the ruck for Melbourne much differently, then gave those 2 penalties that would barely get a look in, in another finals game, giving the Sharks the field position they needed to win the game.

I said last week when this game was known that the Sharks would win. The NRL needed their fairy tale win.

Have you seriously listened to what you're saying.

Are you saying before the game the referees and the NRL authorities got together and said 'No matter what happens today Cronulla are going to win, let's completely ruin our careers and reputations just to piss off the Storm and get a story out of it'

Get a grip
It's time for the good guys (broncos) to win a premiership next year. But maybe the nrl want all clubs to win one so probably a warriors win next year.

I'm not sure if this is how we want to approach this phenomenon. What is the fucking point of a sport if you know the result beforehand? This isn't wrestling. Premierships are not and absolutely should not be pre-ordained.
Have you seriously listened to what you're saying.

Are you saying before the game the referees and the NRL authorities got together and said 'No matter what happens today Cronulla are going to win, let's completely ruin our careers and reputations just to piss off the Storm and get a story out of it'

Get a grip
It's weird how you and [MENTION=1992]Huge[/MENTION] show up at the same time. How do you both use the family computer at the exact same time?
Cronulla won fair and square. They were the better team on the night, there was no shenanigans from the ref.
I mean, if you wanted to go down the tin-foil hat path, last night's game wasn't it.

There's nothing there, you're grasping at straws...

However if you were to go back and remember the Round 26 Melbourne v Cronulla clash and the shoulder charge incident from Ennis and the farce surrounding that...

...there's your conspiracy.
It's weird how you and @Huge show up at the same time. How do you both use the family computer at the exact same time?

They also have been sharing the same angry pills lately.
Thought Cronullas first penalty could have very easily been called a dropped ball and another time one of them run behind their own player to get out of the in-goal. Both in the first half, only things I can remember. Certainly no conspiracy. Cronulla definitely the better team overall too.
The best team on the night won as far as I'm concerned.

As I have posted previously I thought the refs policing of the 10 was atrocious. It took the players about 5 mins to work it out. The Storm were advantaged as much as the Sharks though but it didn't allow the game to open up as much as it could have.

I do question the head knock rules though. The Sharks lay down every time they could and IMO if you get hit in the head and cannot get to your feet to play the ball then it should be assessed by a doctor. That's simple enough and will stop the silly buggers from milking.

The whole head knock thing is as much about cumulative knocks afaik and Chad lay down 3 times from head knocks but was assessed on field by someone I would assume not qualified to do it. Lewis was prone and didn't move but the magic sponge worked a treat. Like some other things in the game until the NRL get serious and put measures in place it will continue.

Another anomaly in the game IMO came from the match winning try. Let me say I am not disputing the correctness of the call but to me it is hard to see why they haven't tweaked the interpretation of that type of try.

He wasn't over the line therefore not fighting to ground it. IMO a player should not get 2 chances to place the ball over the line. In Fifitas try he is on his back and tries to put it down then rolls over and has another go because his arm doesn't contact the groundl but it was hardly one motion.

The test for me is if he had passed that to another player from the exact position it would have been penalised as passed off the ground and tackle complete.
My concern with the head knock rule, is it's basically a free interchange.

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