I hate the media!

Coxyz said:
she was on the bed calling players forward to have sex with her; even at one point saying to one of them "no not you, him" and then pointed to Johns. He reckons he declined (he had already had sex with her) and left the room; that he did come back into the room to check everything was OK and that the situation was all OK and everyone there was into it.

LOLZIPOPS! Yeah, that's believable. Good responsible Johns had his turn, then let others have their go, left and came back to make sure kiddies were playing nice.


If you think that's "more believable" Je$ter there's something seriously wrong with you!

See my previous comment. You don't beleive it because it's not what the majoirty of society would expect. They wouldn't expect a chick to want to be nailed by so many guys, so of course the players are the bad guys here and the girl is the victim.

Not saying Johns is telling the truth, maybe the girl is, but without any proof people are simply making assumptions based on what THEY would think they would do in the situation. The fact that this chick was even considering getting nailed by 2 guys certainly puts her in the vast minoirty to begin with, so she's not making the same decisions the majoirty of the other women in this would would.

The point is, I don't think Johns should be punished purely by people making assumptions without any hard evidence.
Coxyz said:
As i keep **** saying and people keep **** ignoring, if she is this traumatised by the incident then she wasn't "all into it".

If anyone's opinion i trust it's her doctor/psychologist.

Post Traumatic Stress would suggest to me it happens POST the event...

She could have been well into it and loving it, but on later reflection after thinking about what she did and how it is "morally wrong" and generally remembering the incident in a bad light has worked herself into this state.

It took her five days to go to the police initially. A little bit of time reflecting on it perhaps? And now 7 years later she has had a good opportunity to work herself into a state over it.

Soldiers that come back from warzones have post traumatic stress issues come on gradually over time....
Yeah, fair point. What I find laughable is the suggestion that any drunk football yobbo would be coordinating a nice, friendly group root. That's incredibly funny.

I'm not denying this girl must've had odd thinking to agree to rooting Johns and Firman (hell, rooting that slime bag, unfunny, grotesque moron Johns is bad enough) but what I'm saying is that I can understand how the situation escalating - 2 blokes, then maybe 6, then suddenly 12 in the room - and all the while guys are on top of her, holding her down (maybe not forcefully but if they're on top doing shit then the result is she's pinned) dicks in her face etc...I can see how it'd get to the stage where she'd be thinking enough's enough but have no means to get them off her.

That's when the "play dead" type reaction schmix has talked about earlier comes in - lie there, get it over and done with so she can get out.

There would be where the trauma kicked in.

Why didn't she say anything? Well, why didn't they stop long enough to check if she was "still into it"? (I don't believe Johns when he says he did...no way). did she stop her proactive involvement at some point (ie, stop saying "now you" if that's what she was doing)? Did she suddenly lie there still? Did they notice?

We won't know for sure.

But as I keep saying, for her to be this traumatised things MUST have escalated to a level far beyond what she was comfortable with. You simply DON'T suffer that level of trauma for this length of time if you were "all in" at the time. It just doesn't happen.

And as I've also kept saying, Johns was the one who hooked up with her. Johns was the one predominantly responsible for her welfare. That he admits to leaving the room and leaving her to the other guys says a hell of a lot about him.

Zero sympathy for him. Absolutely none.
The interview on ACA with Johns made me feel sick! Having watched both interviews, can't believe people think his version was more believable than hers. He dodged most questions, and the answers he gave were disappointing. I do think its unfair that he is the only one copping the crap but he is a representative of 9/NRL and has the most to lose. Agree with pretty much everything Coxy has said!
mjc said:
Coxyz said:
As i keep **** saying and people keep **** ignoring, if she is this traumatised by the incident then she wasn't "all into it".

If anyone's opinion i trust it's her doctor/psychologist.

Post Traumatic Stress would suggest to me it happens POST the event...

She could have been well into it and loving it, but on later reflection after thinking about what she did and how it is "morally wrong" and generally remembering the incident in a bad light has worked herself into this state.

It took her five days to go to the police initially. A little bit of time reflecting on it perhaps? And now 7 years later she has had a good opportunity to work herself into a state over it.

Soldiers that come back from warzones have post traumatic stress issues come on gradually over time....

It's not uncommon for rape cases not to be reported for days, even weeks after the fact. Doesn't mean they haven't been "traumatised" from the start.

Post TRAUMATIC stress disorder - ie, stress suffered chronically after a TRAUMATIC event. The trauma and pain happens at the time, it just worsens and becomes chronic and leads to further distress - suicide, alcoholism, drug taking etc - AFTER the fact.

It DOESN'T suggest that at the time they felt nothing was wrong. FFS
The way Grimshaw was talking it was if she was suggesting that women hold no responsibility over their actions whatsoever when it comes to sleeping with footballers. What a load of BS.
Scotty said:
The way Grimshaw was talking it was if she was suggesting that women hold no responsibility over their actions whatsoever when it comes to sleeping with footballers. What a load of BS.

Yep. It's always the woman's fault isn't it Scotty?
Coxyz said:
Scotty said:
The way Grimshaw was talking it was if she was suggesting that women hold no responsibility over their actions whatsoever when it comes to sleeping with footballers. What a load of BS.

Yep. It's always the woman's fault isn't it Scotty?

Don't put words in my mouth to try and put me down. That is in no way what I meant and I am offended that you are making me out to be sexist. Typical from you Coxy.

There is a part of the interview where Grimshaw more or less insinuates that rugby league players are always the instigators when it comes to sex.
Coxyz said:
Scotty said:
The way Grimshaw was talking it was if she was suggesting that women hold no responsibility over their actions whatsoever when it comes to sleeping with footballers. What a load of BS.

Yep. It's always the woman's fault isn't it Scotty?

:roll: :roll:

He never said that. In fact, I don't think anyone who has commented on here has implied that. It takes two to tango, and I don't think for a second what Johns and the boys did was morally right, but I cannot believe that at any stage when she felt uncomfortable she didn't say stop, push someone away etc, POST-traumatic stress or not.

Everyone has had their two bobs worth and at the end of the day Matty Johns is copping all of it, not the girl not the 11 other guys, just Matt Johns, which is really, really shit imo.

FACT: the police did a thorough investigation into the incident and no wrong doing was found. This leads me to believe that the police think that everything that happened in that room was in a legal sense right and no further action needed to be taken.

And I find it laughable that people can come on here, bash Matt Johns and then stick up for the Broncos Ménage à trois. Neither situation was morally right, but legally it was, so where is the difference?
I haven't stuck up for the Broncos incident at all.

And you and everyone else need to learn the difference between insufficient evidence to justify charges and no wrong doing/innocence.
Je$ter said:
Coxyz said:
Scotty said:
The way Grimshaw was talking it was if she was suggesting that women hold no responsibility over their actions whatsoever when it comes to sleeping with footballers. What a load of BS.

Yep. It's always the woman's fault isn't it Scotty?

:roll: :roll:

He never said that. In fact, I don't think anyone who has commented on here has implied that. It takes two to tango, and I don't think for a second what Johns and the boys did was morally right, but I cannot believe that at any stage when she felt uncomfortable she didn't say stop, push someone away etc, POST-traumatic stress or not.

Everyone has had their two bobs worth and at the end of the day Matty Johns is copping all of it, not the girl not the 11 other guys, just Matt Johns, which is really, really shit imo.

FACT: the police did a thorough investigation into the incident and no wrong doing was found. This leads me to believe that the police think that everything that happened in that room was in a legal sense right and no further action needed to be taken.

And I find it laughable that people can come on here, bash Matt Johns and then stick up for the Broncos Ménage à trois. Neither situation was morally right, but legally it was, so where is the difference?
icon_thumbs_u Exactly my thoughts.
Coxyz said:
I haven't stuck up for the Broncos incident at all.

So should they be sacked too?

Coxyz said:
And you and everyone else need to learn the difference between insufficient evidence to justify charges and no wrong doing/innocence.

But you're happy to taint Johns and Co as being guilty, even though there isn't a shred of evidence to suggest so?

Let me guess, the broncos were cleared of any wrong doing, but the sharks players were only found to have no case to answer because of lack of evidence?
I don't think anyone's stuck up for the Broncos. I pointed out the incidents were different, but I also said I would have preferred if they were punished more severely. I also don't think it's fair that Johns has lost so much, and the other guys are off scot-free, but that's just the way it has worked out. As a very public figure, he has more to lose. Those in power or wealthy people have a great life, but if they stuff up then yes, they'll cop it harder.

Agreed on Channel 9, but how are they any different to the Broncos/NRL. They both run businesses based on "bums on seats", "eyes on the box" etc. The public wasn't too happy with the Broncos players back in November either, but I didn't see too many people on here calling for them to be sacked.

The difference is that results also play a huge part in "bums on seats", and they were three very important players. It's not right or fair, but I can understand why the Broncos did what they did and why channel 9 did what they did. I never called for Johns' sacking, I just said it was always going to happen.
OXY-351 said:
Coxyz said:
I haven't stuck up for the Broncos incident at all.

So should they be sacked too?

If the woman in question is as psychologically traumatised as Clare, absolutely. Should be deregistered permanently too.

Somehow I doubt that's the case.
mjc said:
Post Traumatic Stress would suggest to me it happens POST the event...

She could have been well into it and loving it, but on later reflection after thinking about what she did and how it is "morally wrong" and generally remembering the incident in a bad light has worked herself into this state.

It took her five days to go to the police initially. A little bit of time reflecting on it perhaps? And now 7 years later she has had a good opportunity to work herself into a state over it.

Soldiers that come back from warzones have post traumatic stress issues come on gradually over time....

Yes, POST the event. POST the TRAUMA. Sometimes it comes on immediately, sometimes it takes weeks or months or years to be recognised, but the common thread with all forms is that the person lived through or witnessed a traumatic event. Being "well into it and loving it" does not suggest a traumatic event to me.
Coxyz said:
I haven't stuck up for the Broncos incident at all.

And you and everyone else need to learn the difference between insufficient evidence to justify charges and no wrong doing/innocence.

I wasn't referring to you re: Broncos incident.

The police haven't said whether or not there was insufficient evidence or whether there was actually no wrong doing.

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