Here's something for you,
I don't like Johns and I'm glad I won't have to put up with his ugly mug on tv, but I don't think this is right. Looking at the interview tonight...
why would he lie???
If he does lie and there was 10 - 15 people in the room, there is every chance he would get caught out and suffer even greater from it. The media world is already against him, so lies would only make it far far worse; if he tells the truth and it's the same as his story 7 years ago, and same as the other people in the room, then the hole gets no deeper.
This woman already has the bleeding heart vote, so truth or lies her story can't hurt her, where Johns's can because it can come unstuck, where as hers has already been excepted as fact... therefore she can say whatever she wants.
As I say, I am not pro johns and I am most certainly not pro men treating woman badly, but I also don't think that applies at the moment with this case. From what Johns said and even from the way she explained a few parts, I think there is every chance she was up for every bit of it and got off on the idea of all these blokes wanting her; some time down the track she has grown remorseful over the matter and instead of taking responsibilty for it and trying to get on with her life, she's looking for someone to blame... and as many others have said, there need not be any blame and there is often no one to blame more than the other.