None of the Bulldogs have come out and said what REALLY happened in Coffs Harbour.
There's numerous other incidents that have never been made public that a lot of ex-players know about.
Players stick together. They protect eachother. That's why Johns hasn't named anyone else. he's protecting them, they won't contradict him.
Ari said:
My understanding is that she willingly engaged in group sex and never said no when more invited themselves in? If true it's disgusting behaviour by the players and shows a complete lack of morals, but if you're not going to say no when you feel uncomfortable and you don't want to be traumatized then maybe consenting to a threesome with some NRL players isn't the smartest of ideas to begin with.
Go back and read some earlier stuff from me. There are documented cases, lots of them, when being sexually assaulted or otherwise traumatised people lose the ability to speak, move, etc. It's called shock. That would support the diagnosis of trauma too.
broncospwn said:
She was a willing participant in all events that occurred and even encouraged the guys in the room saying come on, who's next. Yet because she was traumatised by the incident the players should be punished?
If she was a willing participant in all events and encouraged guys in the room (Johns's claim) then she wouldn't be traumatised would she? Great logic.