I hate the media!

OXY-351 said:
You'd think the police would have interviwed her workmates and come to the same conclusion too.

I would also have thought a program such as 4 Corners would have interviewed her workmates so that they could present the full story. But that wouldn't have suited their anti-league agenda. Which let's face it was really what this story was about.

I am not for one second condoning what went on in that hotel room that night (that is my view, but I also believe all those involved felt it was OK at the time) and fully believe that she has suffered terrible emotional trauma because of it (when said trauma kicked in, well I don't believe it was during that night). However the ABC could have found similar stories and incidents from just about every sporting code and also from the general public. This type of behavior is unfortunately throughout society and it is time that the media stop targeting Rugby League and blaming society's ills on this one sport. Yes RL does have some very serious issues to address around what is considered acceptable behavior in within the culture of RL (and FTR I think it is a minority of players that actually get themselves involved in unsavory incidents); but so does all aspects of society and it is time everyone looked at the bigger picture and worked together to address it instead of laying blame and pointing the finger at one part of society.

Anyway, I'm done with this thread now.
I agree that there is an anti-league (or at least pro AFL) agenda in the ABC. Apart from the fact that "news radio" carries AFL games nationally and League's coverage doesn't, the presenters at 612 (except obviously Warren Boland) are all AFL fans and make no secret of it.
gUt said:
I agree that there is an anti-league (or at least pro AFL) agenda in the ABC. Apart from the fact that "news radio" carries AFL games nationally and League's coverage doesn't, the presenters at 612 (except obviously Warren Boland) are all AFL fans and make no secret of it.

Guys, though this isn't necessarily RL, it is certainly on topic - a Soccer player has been stood down after being charged and pleading not guilty to engaging in a sexual act with a 13 year old girl. This story has also apparently been around for a while, this seems to be further material that could have been covered by the 4 corners report, but wasn't.

What is it they say about never raining but pouring

Here's the link - http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/st ... 22,00.html
Can I just point out, for those that don't read the article, that he was 18 at the time. Still wrong and illegal, but we're not talking about a 30yo and a 13yo.
schmix said:
Can I just point out, for those that don't read the article, that he was 18 at the time. Still wrong and illegal, but we're not talking about a 30yo and a 13yo.
I just read the article, he was 18, makes a big difference on my view actually. I knew at least two girls in my year 8 class who were 13 going out with year 12 students who were 18 whether they committed "sexual acts" I don't know, but they would be kissing each other at school all the time and teachers hardly gave a shat.
Still very stupid but more importantly illegal so yeah he deserves his punishment.
broncospwn said:
schmix said:
Can I just point out, for those that don't read the article, that he was 18 at the time. Still wrong and illegal, but we're not talking about a 30yo and a 13yo.
I just read the article, he was 18, makes a big difference on my view actually. I knew at least two girls in my year 8 class who were 13 going out with year 12 students who were 18 whether they committed "sexual acts" I don't know, but they would be kissing each other at school all the time and teachers hardly gave a shat.
Still very stupid but more importantly illegal so yeah he deserves his punishment.

While the matter is certainly different from the Matt Johns situation, the point I was trying to make was that this was an issue that had been around long enough for it to be included in the 4 corners report to show that the issue of sexual assault/ lack of respect for women is not simply limited to RL, but permeates other codes as well.

This was more in regard to the 'witch hunt" against RL rather then the particular act itself, which was unacceptable
Yeah I agree with you ddd, I just wanted to point that out before people flew off the handle. I'd say AFL have plenty to hide as well.
OXY-351 said:
You'd think the police would have interviwed her workmates and come to the same conclusion too.

We don't know if they did & it wasn't shown.

Didn't Gus say last night that 4 Corners let Matthew tell his side of the story, yet that wasn't mentioned.
rnabokov said:
I just find it hard to take that, (supposedly) mature, adult males have little compunction in having it off with teenage girls - “groupies†or otherwise, particularly if the men are married, and worse, have daughters themselves.

It's just such a clear case of taking advantage of someone in a weaker position of power - regardless of the moral and ethical skills parents have tried to instill in their children.

(Yeah - it happens, it's been happening and no doubt, it will keep happening. But that doesn't make it right, nor does it absolved the responsible(?) adult males from being accountable for their actions.)

It's one thing to say the girl agreed, but who really, in the interests of a just, fair and decent society, will lay the primary responsibility in these situations on the too often doey-eyed (and/or pissed) teenage girl?

What a nice place the world would be if we all did the right thing by and for each other.

These guys aren't to know the difference between an 18 y/o and a 25 y/o. Shit, I know 15 year old girls who could pass for 20, easily. When you are out on the drink it makes it even harder to tell. The do-gooders on here obviously haven't been out on the town for a few years. Chicks will dress up, look good and flaunt it all with one thing in mind - to get fucked. Guys are going to oblige no doubt, but its crap that you are saying that guys, especially famous ones, should take responsiblity for other peoples actions.

And FTR Coxy, i wasn't implying the majority of under 25's go out and gang bang, just hte easy sex, drugs, alcohol etc etc. In saying that, there are plenty of non-famous guys (and girls) out there engaging in this.
Kaz said:
OXY-351 said:
You'd think the police would have interviwed her workmates and come to the same conclusion too.

We don't know if they did & it wasn't shown.

You'd hope so though. Would seem quite a standard part of any investigation.

Agreed on the Johns comment though. It's like they just phoned him to let him know the story was going to be on. At no time did 4 corners actually say that johns declined to be interviewed (at least from my recollection anyway)
OXY-351 said:
Kaz said:
[quote="OXY-351":1yizocvb]You'd think the police would have interviwed her workmates and come to the same conclusion too.

We don't know if they did & it wasn't shown.

You'd hope so though. Would seem quite a standard part of any investigation.

Agreed on the Johns comment though. It's like they just phoned him to let him know the story was going to be on. At no time did 4 corners actually say that johns declined to be interviewed (at least from my recollection anyway)[/quote:1yizocvb]

I think even if he wanted to, 9 would not have allowed it.

The Catholic Church have made a completely laughable statement for a change. The head of Catholic Schools Association is making threats about their "association" with Rugby League in light of this crap. So obviously it's cool to hide and excuse pedo priests for decades but a private, consensual gang bang amongst adults makes them think they have a right to comment.

What a rotten, irrelevant organisation the Catholic Church is.

Actually now I am pissed off. EVERYONE is talking about Matt Johns' antics like he is the worst person in the world whilst every other day we hear about teachers at private religious schools and/or priests around the world touching kiddies and it's water off a duck's back.
gUt said:

The Catholic Church have made a completely laughable statement for a change. The head of Catholic Schools Association is making threats about their "association" with Rugby League in light of this crap. So obviously it's cool to hide and excuse pedo priests for decades but a private, consensual gang bang amongst adults makes them think they have a right to comment.

What a rotten, irrelevant organisation the Catholic Church is.

Actually now I am pissed off. EVERYONE is talking about Matt Johns' antics like he is the worst person in the world whilst every other day we hear about teachers at private religious schools and/or priests around the world touching kiddies and it's water off a duck's back.

LMAO, honestly who cares if the Church wants to "threaten" their association with the nrl LOL.
I couldn't care less, I watch footy for the footy, not to watch priests run around in short shorts throwing a ball around.
broncospwn said:
LMAO, honestly who cares if the Church wants to "threaten" their association with the nrl LOL.
I couldn't care less, I watch footy for the footy, not to watch priests run around in short shorts throwing a ball around.

I don't think you understand what NRL clubs do at these schools mate.

RE. gUt's comments +12465923729